Father's Day and Menfolk Memories Sunday

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Re: Father's Day and Menfolk Memories Sunday

Postby DeeClutter » Sun Jun 16, 2019 11:32 am

We had a lovely breakfast at dd's RV, along with DS-R, DDIL & DGS14. Lots of reminiscing. I'd printed out a picture this morning that ddil took of DS-R & DGS14 yesterday before they went to referee lacrosse games (together) in Canandaigua. What a special bonding experience that was for father & son. DS-A called dh while we were there. That certainly made dh's day complete.

Dh's call last night (at 9:15pm) from our cardiologist certainly made his day yesterday. He got me up and I made notes of what the Dr had told him to do as far as changes in meds. Dr reiterated a couple of times how happy he was that dh talked with his PA Thursday. Dh had gone to DGS's races last night but came home around 8pm after being rained out. He was very glad he happened to be home when the Dr called. Saturday night even and after 9pm at that -we were very impressed. But dr. wanted to be sure that dh changed a couple of meds immediately. So I proceeded to make those changes last night so they'd be right for him this morning. The combination dh was taking really was pretty dangerous it turns out. Don't know why his primary didn't catch it. Hated to 2nd guess him, but sure glad we did.

Dh has gone up to the store to get his Father's Day donut & coffee (tea). It's a really nasty day to be camping. Our heat is on for sure. Dh has been keeping close track of our propane because a 30# tank is only $11.87 on Saturdays. The rest of the week it's $18.?? Think it was nearly $22 a tank last year so don't feel so bad about running it when we need to. Dh for sure doesn't want me cold.

I just sorted out lots of socks belonging to dh. Threw some out & will put some in 'storage' -if he ever uses them! Somehow he ended up with lots & lots. That will make that shelf a whole lot lighter!
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Re: Father's Day and Menfolk Memories Sunday

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Jun 16, 2019 11:59 am

hello again

hi d dee such happy news about your dh's meds being fixed!
I am glad you had a lovely time at your dd's. Breakfast together is always lovely

hello d cathy.. I am sorry you and your dh had lived through that! Truly sorry - even if your relatives don't acknowledge your fathers behaviour (probably bc they can't deal with the truth and they didn't do anything to help you), YOU know it happened! I am so happy you have been given a wonderful husband who loves you! You created a new life for yourself and THAT is awesome!

We are having burgers as well - I made bacon this morning and I never make breakfast meats.
i bought turkey burgers/a chicken burger and for dh and d mom I am buying hamburger meat. I still have to get a couple of roles.

Mom never comes to my house to eat but is today. She was an amazing hostess and I know this will be simple and I am not going to worry about it. (well lol of course I will but I will let it go as best as I can 8-) ;) :D

big breakfast is done and now it is time for dishes, kitchen routine
laundry routine
floor routine
bathroom routine

I normally don't do any of these things, on Sundays, but I will today.
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Re: Father's Day and Menfolk Memories Sunday

Postby DeeClutter » Sun Jun 16, 2019 12:19 pm

such happy news about your dh's meds being fixed!
At least let's hope so, Blessed! So many things worked together for good where this is concerned. We might be able to tell better when he returns to the cardiologist's office on Thursday. He was supposed to go in a week or so later for an echo cardiogram, but PA wanted to get him earlier so they can have a good check on his weight & BP. I'm rather glad the echo is being done sooner as chances are pretty good that he may have to go in for another heart catherization (angiogram). They had decided last year not to put in what the Dr deemed as needed stent(s). Some added test they did while he was in the Cath Lab showed that the 'narrowing' didn't need a stent yet. So we'll see.

I just cleaned off the side shelves in dh's closet. Got rid of a few things and put some things with like things -for instance a whole bunch of pocket knives I found in various places. Now they're all in one spot & he has lots of 'spares'.
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Re: Father's Day and Menfolk Memories Sunday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada-DH » Sun Jun 16, 2019 1:07 pm

Good evening, ladies! It is 8:00pm here in Tanzania and I'm headed to bed as usual. There is a mosque nearby that broadcasts a call to prayers each and every morning at 5:05am, so I don't even bother trying to fall asleep after that and I just get my day started then. That compels an early bed time.

I'm popping in to let you know that I've posted more pictures in my travelogue for those who have been waiting ... weekdays are just too busy to pull them all together, so I've just added the ones since last weekend. And next weekend may be too busy which would mean the next two weeks of shots won't be posted until I'm home. But life has become so routine here there won't be much to post that is new from last year's travelogue and this year's travelogue.

You can find the travelogue here: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/june-201 ... ken-holman

I hope everyone has a wonderful day! Thank you for the warm comments posted last week when I started the day in Swahili.

Safari njema! (Safe travels!)

. . . . . Ken

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Re: Father's Day and Menfolk Memories Sunday

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Jun 16, 2019 2:34 pm

wonderful ken!!!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Father's Day and Menfolk Memories Sunday

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Jun 16, 2019 3:07 pm

Ken - Thank you for writing and sharing your travelogue!

((((CathyS)))) I get emotional just thinking about what you and your DH had to live through as children.

DGD8 said today that she doesn't have a father so she crossed off the word father on her paper and wrote Papa. DGD8 gave her father's day gift made in church to DH.

DD wrote an emotional post (nice) to DH and posted it on FB. I marvel how their relationship has improved and continues to heal. DD came to church today to spend time with DH. Although they really didn't spend time together because DH never sits down at church. But DD gave DH a hug when she arrived at church and later DD went to the class that DH was teaching to give him another hug before she left.

Dee - I am thankful for the PA that alerted the doctor to the problem. I'm grateful you have a good medical team in place.

Next up -
** Clean up the pieces of flowers & broken pots destroyed in last night storm. They were so beautiful....but now they are shattered and smashed to pieces. I might be able to salvage some pieces of the plants to start clones.
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Re: Father's Day and Menfolk Memories Sunday

Postby DeeClutter » Sun Jun 16, 2019 3:14 pm

Yes, LadyM, I'm grateful too that we do have a good team. And as far as I know my cardiologist here (same as dh's) still doesn't have my records from my stays in the hospital in FL. Going to talk with the Care Manager at my Primary Dr's tomorrow to see if she'll look to see if this Dr has all my records from there and if so, hopefully she can forward them over to the cardiologist. As of Friday afternoon they still hadn't received anything & I know they had contacted FL while I was still there on Tuesday. Grrr!

Hoping you did well cleaning up from the storm BTW.
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Re: Father's Day and Menfolk Memories Sunday

Postby Twins' Mom » Sun Jun 16, 2019 3:17 pm

I really feel crappy today. I ate a big brunch because I was so hungry and it was so good and I haven't been eating well anyway. (This was comfort food too.) I am coughing, sneezing and my nose is running and an ear hurts and my throat hurts. I tried to nap but didn't sleep well because I was so stuffy.

I just called and they are taking care of mother - someone fed her at lunch and she ate soup and peach cobbler they said. OTOH I think this nurse gives very optimistic updates because they want family to be happy. She's back in bed however, and the nurse said they would make sure she ate something this evening. I hope all is well. I'm not sure that she is going to get to where she can feed herself, tho. Do I try to wait until I get back from upcoming trip? That would put me forward two weeks now to probably 29 or 30 June and give her more time to improve. Where is that crystal ball when you need one? Or is it better to move this week into unfamiliar surroundings but then I'd know she was being attended to while I was away? I need to leave here this Saturday.

What would my mother want if she could express herself? To be in a familiar place (as familiar as any is these days) with people who love on her, but maybe not get the very best care out there? At this stage of her life, what is more important to her? She was always so independent and didn't want to be a burden on anyone and I don't know how she would feel about being fed. I feel she does want to eat still.
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Re: Father's Day and Menfolk Memories Sunday

Postby CathyS » Sun Jun 16, 2019 6:35 pm

I hope Kathryn has been enjoying that large yellow thing in the sky today. It's very bright here right now.

Hamburgers and leftover sausages from last night have been enjoyed.

Dh and I went to a large box store with an orange sign and bought some lattice wood fencing stuff and the other wood that has a track in the middle of one side and we finally finished the fence. NOW I finally have a bit of privacy from cars and trucks at the intersection and I no longer see the sign from the winery!!

I need to get up and switch the washing over to the dryer.
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Re: Father's Day and Menfolk Memories Sunday

Postby Harriet » Sun Jun 16, 2019 8:50 pm

We had a good lunch with dstepson and dstepdil, who feels a lot more like her old self. Dd had a great time with them as always and we were back in plenty of time for dd to get to work on time.

Another relative who is not exactly a favorite for them to see also came before they left. It's not that they can't get along, and it was ultimately fine, but gave a less welcome "feel" to their Father's Day visit with HRH. This relative's visits with HRH seem to be "what can you do for me" visits, even when HRH doesn't feel well, and dstepson is irritated by it.

Later I had a much-needed nap since I'd gotten up so early. Let the hens out this evening and read in my chair while they hunted. Took a phone with me and sure enough a phone call from a friend at church let me know who collected monies so I'd feel confident about that. Hoping for a normal night and a good start to the week.

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