Friday PWYC - Make it Yours

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Friday PWYC - Make it Yours

Postby Twins' Mom » Fri Jul 05, 2019 8:29 am

What do you want on Friday?

Still in holiday mode? Party on!

Things to do to end the week well? Get on it!

Conga Friday through the house, fruit on head in place! Let's go!

Make today whatever it is you need to end the week and get on with the weekend!
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Friday PWYC - Make it Yours

Postby Twins' Mom » Fri Jul 05, 2019 8:35 am

You know, I realized yesterday that I'm still feeling pretty blah. I'm not on my game. I don't feel so overwhelmingly sad but I'm not getting much done either. I'm usually pretty motivated and together in the summer.

I need to do some catching up for a week not well spent in many ways but I'm not sure I can pull it together.

Somethings on my list, although I need to prioritize:
-ck bp - I haven't done this since doc added the bp meds in May :shock:
-call re refrigerator - need to do that now - and ask if they want to fix it or if I should call someone else...this is ridiculous
-Thank you notes, for flowers, help at shiva, memorial contributions, etc.
-CPAP supplies
-ck w dcousin re: lunch next week
---Recycle glass
---grocery store - said I'd make lasagne for dkids this weekend for their 2 July birthday
-what else?

Right now need to call re: refrigerator and straighten up for dcleaning lady.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Friday PWYC - Make it Yours

Postby Harriet » Fri Jul 05, 2019 8:48 am

I have errands in 2 directions, unfortunately. One lends itself to going ahead and getting at least some groceries at a store I don't get to often.

Otherwise, I want to keep up with the vacuuming, which is lagging behind while HRH has been napping so much. A girlfriend of dd's is coming by today and will need to go through the house especially to dd's room, so it would be nice if we didn't look like a confetti parade had been along the hall carpet.

I've figured out today's laundry and can head into that now. Then breakfast.

Nancy, did you and dh decide on an anniversary celebration day? I probably missed hearing.

Glad to hear from Sunny yesterday.

About fireworks - will these continue this weekend in some places? I think I remember that last year. I'm sure it's different depending upon which day of the week the 4th falls. We saw a possum traveling through our yard last evening at the height of the fireworks. Haven't seen one of those anywhere near a building in years. Wondered if the noises were affecting behavior.

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Re: Friday PWYC - Make it Yours

Postby CathyS » Fri Jul 05, 2019 8:49 am


I had a burst of energy when I first got up. Emptied the dishwasher and refilled it. Emptied the sink and filled it with hot soapy water. Large bowls are now ready to be washed.

Took rhubarb out of the freezer. I have to make a strawberry rhubarb pie this morning. I had to buy some strawberries and they are very expensive this year. I do have some strawberries from our garden but it wasn't anywhere nearly enough to put in a pie.

Ran the dryer on the wrinkle-free setting and took the clothes out as soon as the dryer buzzed.

Sat down to look at recipe for pie and got sucked into FBook.

We are having pizza for supper tonight. When I go out to pick up the challah I ordered for dh, I will stop at the pizza place and order the pizza and pre pay.
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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Re: Friday PWYC - Make it Yours

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Jul 05, 2019 9:09 am

I skipped stretches this morning to catch up with my new schedule, bed around 9 (lights out around 9:30) and then out of bed between 6:30 and 7. I wake up earlier so have a cuddle time with dh. So this has only happened 2 days this week (1st and 2nd) but they were glorious!

Last night we were at the theatre so rushed home and managed lights out around 10:30. So not too bad but it meant I was slower waking up this morning. I'm obviously catching up on the sleep deficit I built up in the last 2 weeks.

I'm s2s, bedroom is tidy, kitchen is tidy (but the floor needs washing) and I'm having my tea and chocolate.

I want to move to the new computer but I have stuff to do on my computer which means the backup isn't possible. So today will be focusing on paperwork (with some movement thrown in to keep my step count up) and then I'll backup overnight and do the data transfer tomorrow morning.

One task is an email purge to get my inbox down again (it is currently over 600 messages needing deleting or filing.) I'm half-considering an email 'bankruptcy' (literally start over with a new email program with nothing in it.) I'm going to read about the Win10 email client and the Gmail Desktop client and see if either are good replacements for Thunderbird which I've been using for years. I have saved emails going back 2000 and occasionally I like to look at them, especially those from family who have passed.

I was talking with my music friend who is in a lawsuit suing for damages from when she was hit with a car. In discovery, she was asked who she had talked to about this and she gave my name. If I was put under full discovery it gets awkward since I have emails from her talking about her pain level from long before the accident. She was upset when they asked for her emails just because she was worried about what she had said about the doctors, insurance people, her lawyer (she's a complainer) but because she keeps changing programs, so she didn't realize if they are looking to deny her claim for the problems caused by the concussion, her emails talk about pain going back decades.

It isn't that she didn't have pain, she has a multitude of health issues. But that's the reason why any lawyer defending the other guy's insurance company will argue the level of care she needs now would have been needed even if there wasn't an accident.

I can testify in good conscience that mentally she is worse than she was before. I also know that I kept suggesting CBD for her pain years ago and now that she is willing to consider it, the psychiatrist insists she needs to avoid all cannabis products because of the effect they can have on her injured brain. So those are two helpful items.

In all honestly, she's the one never remembers anything so when her daughter was diagnosed with epilepsy in her young adulthood, I said I wasn't surprised and she couldn't believe I would say something like that. She didn't remember taking her to our children's hospital to be evaluated for epilepsy when she was 4 (I remember because I pulled dd out of school for the day so she would have a friend to play with while waiting at the hospital) and she didn't draw the connection between her father's epilepsy and her daughter's. (That was why the child was tested at 4.) If I can remember stuff like that, then I'll be a bad witness for her at a trial. And it is one good reason for me to start a fresh email program.

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Re: Friday PWYC - Make it Yours

Postby DeeClutter » Fri Jul 05, 2019 9:23 am

Our big celebration here is Saturday, Harriet. I'm always so glad when this weekend is over. Though this year the crowds here don't seem as large as before. I know on Tuesday dcampowner had said they were $4,000 behind in the sale of wrist bands (visitors have to sport wrist bands all of Saturday). The fireworks here are generally the largest anywhere near here and thus there's usually a lot of people visiting. The roads around are in about a 4 mile square and those roads are often parked full. As for me, 10:30pm or so Saturday night can't come soon enough.

Have to remember to move our car up close to our RV tomorrow and put our golf cart on the lawn. Told our dneighbors yesterday to have their family park here. Should give them plenty of room.

DD has a friend coming later tomorrow -one that we both have a hard time being around too many hours. She told dd she'd just park outside the park. Not happening. The parking lot out front is off limits for this weekend. Not that there's a lot of space out there.

I slept horribly (or more NOT). Was after 4am before I fell asleep & I was up about 5 for a potty break. Dh had a fire call in the middle of the night. Knew I recognized the address. Came out to tell him who it was (the 20-something year old son of a dear old friend who was barely breathing & they were taking him in on a medical 500 -that's an extreme emergency). Keep wondering if he's made it. Sure we'll hear soon enough.

I kept lying in bed this morning, snuggling away from the AC. (It's now turned off in the bedroom). When I finally got up I figured it was nearing 10 but it was really 8:30. Still late for me.

I somehow missed wishing Mr. & Mrs. Nancy a Happy Anniversary on the first. So a belated wish for you!
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Friday PWYC - Make it Yours

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Jul 05, 2019 10:27 am

hello! party on everyone!
ready to go - how awesome d twins that you started us so wonderfully! thank you!

hello d twins just be kind to you... it will take a bit of time.
wishing you a lovely day.

hello d harriet
praying for your sweet dh (may the rest give him energy)
cheering you on through your work and errands

hello d cathy
burst of energy - yay!

hello d kathryn
how wonderful you went to the theatre... always fun
yay on your work

hello d dee yay for you to have a celebration on Saturday.
I hope tonights sleep is restful! sending the nice deep and energy renewing sleep to you tonight.

d nancy Happy anniversary to both of you!

Wonderful day to all of you!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Friday PWYC - Make it Yours

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Jul 05, 2019 10:35 am

I woke at 4 and said to myself - no way and went back to sleep - I slept to 8:40 - oh my gosh I don't like getting up that late.
dd younger had fun at the fireworks. Weather was beautiful (even if it was hot and no breeze). The lake front is usually cooler but not yesterday.
the manager of the sailing centre said last week with all the sudden wind etc was extremely dangerous - lots of rescues and people having to tie up boats along the break walls because the wind and lightening (sudden) meant they couldn't get their boats in. extremely dangerous for staff. No one got hurt - thank goodness. All were saved - boats survived but that is nothing compared to everyone being safe. boats can be replaced :D

My kitchen - I left the kitchen in a horrible mess yesterday and was exhausted last night (nothing done)
so this morning - get my cleaning shorts and a yucky top on and hit the kitchen and the pool.
call d mom

dd stayed home yesterday and she loved every minute of resting. It was some week but she has 4 days off! Hope no one contacts her. ;)

trying to balance happiness and busy-ness of dh and d mom and d aunt. I just have to be okay that I can't pull myself into too many directions. just be happy for the time together. I do need a bit of summer fun. I will add that in this week - it will have to be a must :D even if my week is already busy.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Friday PWYC - Make it Yours

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Jul 05, 2019 10:51 am

Breakfast is done. I'm out of yogurt so had an egg and egg-white omelet with veggies. Along with 2 slices of crisp bacon. That's more calories than usual so I'm hoping to cut back on snacks today. We'll see.

I've backed up my photos to our diskstation. I'll still have to move them to my new computer but I wanted an additional backup.

I still have to make an email decision. Bankruptcy would be freeing.

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Re: Friday PWYC - Make it Yours

Postby helia » Fri Jul 05, 2019 11:03 am

Stopping by to say "HI!" to you wonderful women!!
Sounds like you're being pulled different directions by different family members, blessed. Yes, I hope you can work in some fun!
Sorry about the poor sleep, Dee. I hope the man is OK. And good luck with Dd's friend tomorrow.
Your new schedule sounds good, Kathryn. I have developed the habit of taking very slow mornings when I'm working in the afternoons. I need to change that. Sometimes, my mornings are too slow. This is when I lose time in my day. Sorry to hear about your music friend's accident. It all sounds complicated and time-consuming and potentially expensive with the insurance company and the lawsuit. I hope you're not dragged into the thick of it. .
I love strawberry rhubarb pie, CathyS!
I hope your errands are quick and easy, Harriet! The vacuuming too!
((Twins)) Maybe it's OK to just write the week off and give yourself some space. Or maybe it's helpful for you to focus on some tasks. I'm not sure how you work and which is more helpful to you, but I think you'll do just that.

I have no idea when I was here last. Have I stopped by since our trip to S. Korea and Japan? It was a fantastic trip, which we built around dh's annual conference in Kyoto/Honolulu (Kyoto year this year), but dealing with the jetlag was a bear. We were gone for 2.5 weeks and got back 3 weeks ago, so we're fine now. Ds and dd21 joined us, and since we don't get to see them much anymore (ds is still in the Seattle area and dd21 is interning in NYC this summer), that's was part of what made it a wonderful trip!! Dd23 didn't come b/c of her celiac + travels for her job. --Sorry if I'm repeating myself.

Last weekend, we went on our annual camping trip with our small group to Pinery Prov. Park in Ontario. It's only a 2.5 hour drive from here, and it's a great place for all the kids!!

I'm not going to work today b/c dfriends' dd's wedding is today! This is the L family's dd, the family with which we went on several camping and later backpacking trips up north. We always took our dogs on those trips. This is also the family with whom we trade dog care. Tori was their first dog and now they have Anna. Anyhow, the wedding and later the dinner + dance will take up most of our day. I'm hoping to get to some yard work beforehand. I'm a little stressed out by our yard; we're looking for professional help. We have a small lawn company come and mow it, so that's getting done -- but that's it. The garden areas are weedy and bushes need trimming. If I can even make a tiny start on that today, I'll feel better about it.

I've made a good start on my a.m. routine. Now that it's 11 a.m., I need to get moving again!!

- s2s
- do my back exercises
- make the bed
- work on the gardens at the foot of the driveway

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