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Postby DeeClutter » Sun Jul 14, 2019 9:45 am

What would it take to be able to say this day was 'successful'? For me it will be getting the next job done on my clean out/declutter list. Going to go do that very soon. I'm making great headway on my schedule. Completed my dresser & the top yesterday.

Dh and dd went to a flea market this morning. They're leaving here around 11:45 to meet DS-R, ddil, and dgs14 in Spencerport to go to Rochester Red Wings (baseball) game. It's First Responders day and the owner of a car dealership bought lots of tickets and gave them to any responders -police, sheriff, fire, ambulance, etc. That reminds me to get out one of dh's fire department shirts.

Love the new rockers we have for our deck. Sat out there for a little while this morning with my breakfast and coffee. At the far end of our deck we have a round table and chairs. At the front we've put these 2 rockers and nice storage box between them. Nice to just sit there (and rock), watching our world go by. Makes it easier to say hi to passers by too. Dneighbor brought us the second rocker yesterday. Dh had bought mine for our anniversary & I could see he was really liking it so we gave dneighbor $$ to pick one up for dh. They're a bit pricey but definitely worth it.

So I'm finding myself with most of the day free and to myself. Think I'll get our bed stripped, sheets washed etc. Then I can have dh help me remake the bed when he gets back from the ball game. Doubting they'll stay for the whole thing. It's a beautiful day for it. Sunshine but not too hot.
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Postby DeeClutter » Sun Jul 14, 2019 9:53 am

I goofed this morning when I was taking the lid off my coffee mug. Was holding it in front of me and trying to get the lid up and accidently hit my lifeline button. There was nothing to do at that point but wait for the operator to come on the other end. Sure it often happens but it was the first for me. :? Had to assure her I was alright. They then reset the alert from their end. At least I know it works. Actually have to 'test' it on the 24th of each month to make sure it's working okay. They picked the 24th as it's the date of my birthday & hopefully an easy one to remember each month.
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Postby blessedw2 » Sun Jul 14, 2019 10:13 am

try the watch band for the system. it's great. my d mom has that and it doesn't get pushed (lol - as often :D ).

I love the question you posed for yourself and us today!!!

What would it take to be able to say this day was 'successful'?

Actually I will be gone today but I am looking toward the week and asking the same question.
I really tried to do home zones - I really really did but the Garden needs so much work this summer; I am falling behind and can see the work won't get done this summer if I don't just work the rest of the summer and fall outside.

I have to be okay with doing only the garden zone - as I am tired of trying to both the zones and yard. I can't possibly balance things. It's a good thing that I came up with that answer 8-) :D

have a good day
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Postby DeeClutter » Sun Jul 14, 2019 10:45 am

Good answer, Blessed! I've already been successful at doing my 'focus' job for the day. We have a tall drawer 'thing' beside our TV on our dresser. It was called a 'candle dresser/drawer' way back when I bought it. Have to show dh the bottom drawer. It's full to the top with pens & pencils. One of these days I'll make it a project to go back through them & quite likely throw out a bunch. We should NEVER have to buy pens again -but I'm betting we will -at least some special ones. :? Found I had a boat load of the black clips. Know there's a name for them but it escapes me at the moment. (binder clips)

oops! This sat here for a while.
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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Jul 14, 2019 11:02 am

I woke up very early this morning so although I've been drifting along, I've got a fair bit done considering it is 11. I'm s2s although I still have to dry my hair. And I should do stretches. I've eaten and tidied a bit.

Mostly it was planning and evaluating how last week went. Now I have a list of things to do. I'll start with laundry and then move onto data entry (highest priority.)

To make today successful, I guess that would be completing 10 items on my long, unrealistic, list.

But what I'm really curious about is if Booksaver's purse dying project was successful. For some reason that's caught my attention!

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Postby Twins' Mom » Sun Jul 14, 2019 12:17 pm

I just finished (finally) cutting back those poor azaleas in our front yard. I am sweaty, or uh, "glowing..." I hope I don't kill the poor babies, of course, they do get plenty of water and sunlight and surely they will recover. I took too much off in a few areas...Dh says I took off more than he would have. :shock:

Dh has been to Costco for his every other week run with ds. I have two rotisserie chickens to take the meat off and bag in portions and freeze. Dh and ds also took dmom's tall chest of drawers upstairs to the guest bedroom and brought down the small chest that was there. It isn't great construction, probably 50s or 60s? and I painted it for the dkids nursery. We're letting it go now, however. I'm still using one that is slightly taller in my master bath as a "Linen closet."

I need to do planning for this week, I started to title a page in my planner for today and realized that is already past noon, and I've done a big job already so I'll keep track of anything else here. Tomorrow I have an appt for a haircut, and I need to see about my glasses...

Yesterday I did manage to get in the course I want to take at SLC in Jan, and made the hotel reservation, and found a roommate too. Hoping now that the trigeminal neuralgia doesn't flare up this winter.
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Postby Harriet » Sun Jul 14, 2019 2:27 pm

Dd worked with the young man's family on harvesting their garden largess yesterday, and on making sauerkraut. We expected the young man to bring her home, but he began to feel unwell. Long story short, his mother brought dd home! She was also going to pick up some pepto for the young man so didn't come in. Thankfully, I think the house looked good from a distance, lol! In the dark! I didn't realize until dd told me, that this is the first time his mother's ever come to (toward?) our house. I thought it was she who dropped dd off once before but it was an aunt.

We now have a mess of green beans, already snapped, and three LARGE bags of shredded cabbage for our 3 households, ours and dd's two brothers'. Very nice gifts. But I certainly hope the young man feels better and that it's not catching... .. hmmm.

Great job getting the course you want, Twins'. Hey, maybe by then you'll be able to tell if there is ANY seasonal/weather component to the T neuralgia at all, and that will give you another piece of the puzzle.

Still hoping about my course. Got a reassurance that there's no reason to worry about it, they go through the applications in batches.

Dstepson and dstepdil took us out to eat after church today. They are always so much fun. I counseled with her informally as she faces a particularly daunting mathematics final. She has kept a 3.9 grade point average very close to the finish line of her schooling (for paralegal), and this is her last truly difficult class, so she's worried about losing the honors status that would mean so much.

Got compliments on the singing today, which has become rare after so many years, so that was nice. Again, we are not soloists but song leaders who don't sing without the congregation. But we do have microphones and in our current attendance lapse, sometimes it can seem as though we are performing - not the intention. Next week, a guest minister, a covered-dish luncheon, and a kind of a big deal of presents/hoopla, so maybe things will be different.

If I can get my act together :roll: I have an idea for a creative present to give our minister's wife. I have promised no one, because I could mess it up and don't want the pressure. I know the lady who is preparing her gift basket would like to know, but more than anything else, I really-really don't want to let anyone down. :?

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Postby lucylee » Sun Jul 14, 2019 2:34 pm

Yes, following my routines will make for a successful day!
Specifically today (top three)
— Sunday Card (8-10 small tasks)
— Wmart, grocery put-away
— Exercise

Talked to dmom, she is making bday cake for ddil Tuesday. That’s one thing off my mind (and my wallet!)

Dee — I’m sure they get false alarms every day! I know dmom’s has called them a few times when it was nothing. Good to know they are there!

Waving to all!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Postby Nancy » Sun Jul 14, 2019 2:51 pm

I have successfully watered the back yard grass and weeded some by the deck. Now I have water going in the shade in front yard last spot in the grass to water. I got eggs boiled and peeled for lunches. H. Had to take care of some farm business there. He was in better spirits today.

I am taking it easy do not have to cook meals we are having sandwiches today for meals h. Made his to go with him. And his lunch for tomorrow.
He has an early shift Mon.

I am watching a how to paint old looking
Furnature diy video.

Got the beans picked and frozen last nite. Got most of my painting projects current yesterday.
Last edited by Nancy on Sun Jul 14, 2019 6:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby DeeClutter » Sun Jul 14, 2019 3:24 pm

Blessed, is it a watch band for the particular system or would I have to get another whole 'button'? I've been taking mine off during the night as it gets so twisted around my neck. Keep thinking about a way to put it on my wrist for the night. I try to remember to put it back on when I get up to go to the bathroom 2-4 times a night. Last night I did manage to sleep until about 4am but then was awake from that point on.

It's beautiful outside and fairly breezy. I'm thinking about going to Geneseo just to check to see if they have the storage bin at the A ldi's there. Also need a few things from there.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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