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Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Jul 14, 2019 10:00 pm

DS10 anxiety went up when I had him go pack his suitcase. He was in tears by the time he finished the simple task of packing clothes for 2 days and wanted to cancel the trip and stay home. I went over the itinerary in detail with him again explaining each thing we will do and he calmed down. I am hopeful he will enjoy the trip once it happens.

DH will be taking care of DGD8 while we are gone. I've gathered several things that are easy to fix that I know DGD8 likes to eat. DH has a doctor appt in the morning so DGD8 will go with him and sit in the waiting room while DH is with the doctor. It should be a short visit and DGD8 will be okay with her tablet to keep her busy. DH will take DGD8 with him on other errands and to be with DMIL. Now, who is getting anxious? I'm overthinking this. DH is totally capable of caring for DGD8.

spelunking tomorrow (Monday)
Water park on Tuesday
River Cruise on Friday
This is TOTALLY out of my normal week. :)
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Postby Nancy » Sun Jul 14, 2019 10:27 pm

I have been successful at resting today, watched a couple of movies.
Remake of star thack with the guy that played Sherlock Holmes in it.
I did my exercise time on stat bike.
Watered the front beds this evening.
Coffee is ready to start in the morning.
Last edited by Nancy on Mon Jul 15, 2019 12:04 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby lucylee » Sun Jul 14, 2019 11:44 pm

CI for my successful Sunday! :D
[x] Sunday Card (8-10 small tasks)
[x] Wmart, grocery put-away
[ ] Exercise -- will do that in just a moment while I watch Big Little Lies.

Oh, LadyM, I hope you two have a wonderful time!!! (((BIG HUGS))) for ds, because I know sooo well that pre-trip anxiety!
I also hope you and dh have a great trip later, just the two of you! You certainly deserve it.

I haven't fully cuop so I'm kinda lost on exactly what brought about the trips, but I'm about to cuop now.
(((HUGS))) and prayers for Dee & Mr. Dee, that all goes well with the cardiologist.

Harmony, dh much prefers the mountains to the sand, LOL! We have been to the beach a few times -- actually twice, that I recall -- in our 40 year marriage. My parents went quite often, and my paternal grandparents went EVERY year. (Although my dmom laughed and said she thought all they did was sit on their balcony and drink coffee.) Dmom also loves the mountains -- so I also can't plan a trip to Gatlinburg, etc, without feeling guilty if I don't take her. And... see travel-anxiety above... * sigh *
However, a bus trip with a friend sounds like a PERFECT solution for some of your recent trouble, Harmony! Go for it! There are all kinds of trips offered all the time -- you don't have to go to Branson!

I'd be nervous on a boat, too, but a riverboat cruise down the Mississippi does sorta tempt me. I'd NEVER go on an ocean cruise, but you know... Scarlett and Rhett went on a riverboat cruise on their honeymoon, so that makes it kinda appealing to me, too, LOL!

Waving to ALL!!! And sending wishes for the success to continue into Monday!
Tomorrow is another day.

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