Hopeful Signs on Thursday

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Hopeful Signs on Thursday

Postby Harriet » Thu Aug 29, 2019 7:59 am

We can't help it - sometimes we get downright optimistic! ;) P and P suggested the word "optimistic" for the "o" in their turn-about description of a "SLOB",
optimistic and

It's always uplifting to notice some hopeful signs as we face our projects and plans. They can look daunting! What are the hopeful signs you've encountered lately? Is someone pitching in to help? Have you set up a schedule for tackling a project bit by bit? Have you suddenly become optimistic for no good reason except that it's about time? :D Hey, you may change things!

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Re: Hopeful Signs on Thursday

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Aug 29, 2019 9:27 am

optimistic and

Love this!
Harriet - Thank you for this reminder.

I am undecided what to spend my time on today. I'm not used to having this much free time and choices. Should I work or play? I'm leaning toward doing a combination of both.

My SHE card stat's -
** 21 Finished today
** 11 Due today
** 1 over due
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Re: Hopeful Signs on Thursday

Postby CathyS » Thu Aug 29, 2019 10:01 am

First of all, belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Harmony and LucyLee and Sherinjoy!!

Now to the less important stuff...

Yesterday was horrid at accountants. Yes, the numbers I took all the time to find and put down in chronological order were fine and everything balanced. I need to do some follow up on some other stuff today. I wish I was done with all this. I really am not enjoying having to do most of it as far as the bookkeeping goes. I've never been good with that or numbers or math or balancing a budget or anything like that. This is truly making me miserable and the sooner we get the books in order, the happier I will be. I feel like I really dropped the ball in the beginning and that keeps coming back to bite me on the bottom time after time.

As far as suppers... last night I went to a local grocery store and bout a lot of produce and sliced meat. Dh was very happy to see the celery, radishes and avocados last night. I made a huge green salad that we had the leftover chicken with. There is more for today. Tonight we will have that one can of salmon that I brought back from Alaska. Dh just popped in and grabbed 2 massive tomatoes because he was "starving". I also know that he got into the bread overnight but I'm not going to chastise him for that. That particular loaf of bread is very close to being finished and I will only buy whole wheat/"brown" bread for him from now on.

Dh says he has done this low carb "diet" before, but not because his doctor told him to. He just wanted to see if he could do it a couple of years before we got back together and he said that at the time it was quite easy because it was summertime and he was harvesting stuff from his garden all of the time. He has always planted a garden wherever he has lived because he enjoys playing in the dirt so much.

I am going through my pantry today and trying to remove some of the stuff I never use. I'm looking at labels to see if what I am keeping is low in carbs as well. Some things are surprising while others are scary.
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Re: Hopeful Signs on Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Aug 29, 2019 10:03 am

oh my gosh I forgot that! thank you d Harriet!
I loved your post!
What a joy you are!

hello d Harriet and hello d Lady (yay on already getting 21 cards done).

hello d cathy I am so sorry it was so horrible at accountants!!!

hiding sheepishly - I just woke up. 8-)
I had to take a benedryl yesterday night and it let me sleep all night. wonderful. I don't want to get used to it
I am driving dh to a surgery meet and greet with a new dr. to remove his port.

I am home this morning (knock on wood) :D always hopeful!!! :D :D :D

have a really wonderful day everyone!!!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Hopeful Signs on Thursday

Postby Nancy » Thu Aug 29, 2019 10:05 am

Waving. I have been up a while, walked the dog at sunrise.
Thinking what I want for our meals and menus for the next week and what needs to go on the list.

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Re: Hopeful Signs on Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Aug 29, 2019 11:10 am

waving at you d nancy.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Hopeful Signs on Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Aug 29, 2019 11:11 am

Guess who fell behind already?!!!!
well lets put it this way - Guess who has sat on her bahookey all morning and hasn't started... hand up and waving. 8-)
I can't find my timer. ;)
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Hopeful Signs on Thursday

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Aug 29, 2019 11:57 am

"Work hard, Play hard" is my motto for the day

Play = I went to a lifelong DFriend estate sale at her parents home. I tried to find something to buy to support her but came away with nothing. Most of it was big furniture items that I didn't need. Then we went to Pioneer Day at our little town. Lots of visiting with DFriends.

Work - At the Pioneer Day celebration I came upon the 4H concession stand with about 100 kids standing in line. There were only 3 people working. I asked the 4H leader if she needed some help and she welcomed it. So DS11 and I worked in the concession stand for about 1.5 hours until the rush was over. We were in the shade but there wasn't much of a breeze. It is only 85 degrees outside this morning but rushing around working nonstop made it seem hotter.
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Re: Hopeful Signs on Thursday

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Aug 29, 2019 1:03 pm

How nice of you and ds to step up and help, LadyM!

Bw2, I'm just getting here also, but was up and out of the door earlier for body work. Afterward I went by the temple to pick up the sweater I left there last night :roll: and then by a drugstore. I stocked up on Dramamine and a couple of other things I needed.

Now I need to buckle down and finish some things and get packed...
-take care of basil
-cut up fruit in refrigerator
-take annuals down to M's house and plant in her planters, and get rid of the dead flowers
-thank you notes
-what else?
-info for dog sitter etc.
-note for dcleaning lady
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Hopeful Signs on Thursday

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Aug 29, 2019 2:02 pm

I just finished making two 13"x9" pans of goulash. I like to cook so I consider it play. But I was also productive so it has a bit of work in my effort. ANYway, I now have plenty of food to feed whoever shows up the next couple of days.

DMIL is back in the hospital as of about 5am this morning. DH has been with her. I'm in support mode. I've canceled DH chiro appt he had for this morning and also let the clothes closet volunteers know that he won't be bringing them lunch today. I've been text with DMIL's sister that lives in Detroit to keep her up to date.

Another combination of work & play. Windows 10 on my laptop is ready to do a semiannual update (1903). I delayed until I could research the changes. Now I'm excited about several of the changes and ready to get 'er done. I consider it Play because I love new technology abilities. I consider it Work because this is the type of thing that I used to do at payroll job.
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