Wacky Wednesday - Sweet Memories

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Re: Wacky Wednesday - Sweet Memories

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Sep 04, 2019 11:55 am

I still don't know any short stories

Bookie - I enjoyed reading every word.

Dee - Wow! I wonder if you have met more SHE's IRL than anyone. Although, I suspect Kathryn might be the winner of that award.

I miss Kathryn posting and hope she is doing okay.

Homeschool is proceeding okay. Not fantastic but we have had worse days too. DS11 seems to go through phases when he makes the ODD diagnose seem real, but thankfully they are short-lived. DS11 has completed 12 assignments, is currently working on one and has 2 assignments that have been moved to homework status.

SHE card status -
** 26 Finished today
** 17 Due today
** 10 overdue
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Re: Wacky Wednesday - Sweet Memories

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Sep 04, 2019 12:12 pm

hi d nancy
hi d dee
hi d lady
hi d all - waving at all. I wish I had more time to type. heading to pick up d mom at 1:30 pm, eye dr. recheck, visit d aunt (hour away), 3 errands (small)

Morning routine is done - now for home blessing the bedrooms bc I missed them Monday.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Wacky Wednesday - Sweet Memories

Postby Norma » Wed Sep 04, 2019 12:23 pm

So, going way way back.......Windforest, Cathie in Eugene and Desert Donna. We were the second SHE FEST to get together and it was fun. We met in a park in Sparks, Nevada where I lived and then we went to my home. We all saw each other again for awhile, but you know how that goes. We grew apart and went our own ways. I know Cathie is on Facebook and maybe Windy is also. I'm not so don't know how many of the old timers are on there. It was fun while it lasted. When dh and I went to visit friends in Indianapolis some years back, Indy and I had talked of getting together while we were back there, but then she passed on and that didn't happen. How sad. I know we all really liked her. (and her wonderful little dog!) When DH bought his hot rod in North Carolina I was looking forward to a get together with Harriet and then DH decided to have it delivered here so that didn't happen. Really wanted to meet her and HRH.

Kathryn! Let us hear from you! You are missed.

Twin's Mom. Tell us what all you got to see in Seattle and Victoria. Two of the most beautiful cities ever. (Along with Vancouver, B.C.)
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Re: Wacky Wednesday - Sweet Memories

Postby DeeClutter » Wed Sep 04, 2019 2:09 pm

I miss Kathryn posting and hope she is doing okay.
Ditto here. Trusting she'll be back when she's ready. Think you're right though, Lady M: Kathryn is probably our champion in meeting other SHEs. Keeps feeling like I'm forgetting somebody but can't imagine who.
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Re: Wacky Wednesday - Sweet Memories

Postby lucylee » Wed Sep 04, 2019 2:51 pm

Thinking so much of Harriet's area now, as the storms move north. Hoping your dd & family will be spared any damage, Harriet -- I believe you have mentioned before that they are closer to the coast than you are?

So... once again I have lived to regret my failure to s2s FIRST thing -- and it was a very conscious decision today. I wanted to finish the vacuuming and THEN s2s... but I let myself go on to the post office with dh, wearing yesterday's jeans and the shirt I slept in... didn't even brush my teeth...
and while we were out, neighbor who wants to buy a couple acres behind us called to say the surveyor was there, if we wanted to come make sure we approved of the spot where he staked it off.
* sigh * And of course, neighbor shook hands with dh but gave me one of those one-arm/side hugs.
So... back home, I did finish vacuuming all but the master bath and bedroom, and then s2s. I'll just have to do those two rooms tonight after church meeting. (That was why I was putting off showering early, so I wouldn't get all sweaty before meeting.)
Can't do it now because I am about to accompany dh to the doctor, just for moral support. I think it helps him relax (a tiny bit) if I'm along to talk to him and keep him from dwelling on the doctor and all the "what if it's... what if he wants to..." while he waits.

I hope some of you moderators are in touch with Kathryn. It is not the same here without her.

I have always been to paranoid to even think about meeting a SHE in person -- sooo afraid I might schedule something and then have an anxiety attack and not be able to go through with it. I am also still a bit paranoid about opening up about y'all totally to ddil -- afraid SHE would want to join our group and then I couldn't speak as freely as I do now, perhaps? (That's kind of ridiculous; when I send her a link to a youtube video one of you has shared, I think she mostly just politely ignores it, LOL. With nursing school, she has all she can handle and is certainly not in the mood to "learn" a new household routine. I think they are basically in survival mode over there...)

Off to the doctor! wish us luck!
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Re: Wacky Wednesday - Sweet Memories

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Sep 04, 2019 3:07 pm

Norma - Love reading your SHE friend memories!

I'm baking Pumpkin Cookies. I had a large can of pumpkin that needed to be used. I don't have chocolate chips in the house (because I will eat them!) so I'll add some icing on top of the cookies that isn't called for in this recipe. I'll send half of the cookies with DH to our church potluck and send the other half of the cookies with the kids to their local church potluck. No cookies will remain in the house to tempt me. Win-Win-Win-Win!

<<<editing to add
The cookies turned out very good. They made too many to fit into two disposable cake pans so I used 3 pans. They were all 3 filled to the top. I'll send the 3rd pan with DGS22. He can eat them or take them to work tomorrow. DGS22 is coming over after he gets off work tonight to help move the refrigerators.
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Re: Wacky Wednesday - Sweet Memories

Postby Ramblinrose » Wed Sep 04, 2019 3:54 pm

Taking a much needed Break...

Wanted to work on the house after getting my planned walking, but my back wasn't happy through the night so I had a slow going first part of the morning.

However I decided just sitting around wouldn't help my back so I got up and moving and started working on deep cleaning my kitchen including my pantry. That went well so from there i moved to my master bedroom and thats when my ADD kicked in...but in a good way.

Usually I stay in the area I'm working with a very thought out cleaning plan. But I noticed that my home is in need of some much needed TLC. Ended up sweeping my entire house, including my outside front area. That meant I had piles of dirt around the floors of my home. Got out the vacuum and took care of those so that Sweetie and Willis could move about.

Also have one load of throw rugs in the dryer and another in the wash. The movement of sweeping and vacuuming sort of set my back into muscle spasms which I sort of expected so I took some ibuprofen and worked a bit more. Then to change the movement of my body I came into my office to declutter a bit and give my back a chance to relax.

Long time ago when I was in a car accident my lower back was strained. I spent 6 months babying it and going to a chiropractor which really didn't help much. That when I decided to get off my fanny and start walking. That did the trick. Feel like I'm sort of in the same place so I am gonna keep moving.

I remember most mentioned from the old boards and Nancy being Air and Peel too. Course here at the village is where I finally met Norma and that's turned into a wonderful friendship not only for us, but our husbands as well. Who Knew!!!

What I loved about the old boards were playing all the daily games except for the life of me I can't remember them at the moment. The old board had a site for Working She's and I spent alot of time there as well.

Time to start my dusting...easy on the back...and since Sweetie put in super duper filters and plugged a hole in our roof which allowed in fresh air...we think it was a code thing when the house was built...I rarely see my camels peeking over the hills any more, but I do sort of miss those guys :lol:
Last edited by Ramblinrose on Wed Sep 04, 2019 4:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wacky Wednesday - Sweet Memories

Postby lucylee » Wed Sep 04, 2019 4:06 pm

Dh is getting a chest X-ray. Doctor does think pleurisy and gave him a steroid shot and two prescriptions. I think a z-pack and prednisone. ?
Always afraid something like that will mess up his heart condition, but we discussed that and family doctor says he doesn’t see any reason to avoid the steroids, now that a-fib is not a problem and echo was good.
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Re: Wacky Wednesday - Sweet Memories

Postby DeeClutter » Wed Sep 04, 2019 5:28 pm

Praying for your dh to get relief real soon. (And just between us -hope it makes him more willing to go to a Dr a bit sooner -every little nudge helps). Pleurisy is definitely not fun. I had it very many years ago and the meds available today weren't around then.
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Re: Wacky Wednesday - Sweet Memories

Postby DeeClutter » Wed Sep 04, 2019 6:14 pm

Just took a brisk walk (for me) around our larger loop. Was gone 21 minutes or 2,400 steps. Had been waiting for Dr's office but decided it was getting too late for them to call today -they close at 4:30 on Wednesdays. So think I'll use the foot bicycle to get some more "steps" in. My fitbit will count them as such. That'll give me more 'active minutes' for the day I think.

Dh just came back from doing the winterization he had to do after work today. Sure he'll take a shower and then we'll eat.
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