***Holiday Planning, 2019***

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Re: ***Holiday Planning, 2019***

Postby Nancy » Sun Oct 27, 2019 10:17 pm

Made a pie to pratice before the holidays sort if a bucket list thing for me. :mrgreen:
Learning how to do rolls or not do them but even the flops are quite good & now I know how much yeast pizza takes LOL!

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Re: ***Holiday Planning, 2019***

Postby Nancy » Tue Oct 29, 2019 10:30 am

Talked w h. About turkey, need to get one.
Not sure if we will cook it for turkey day or Christmas yet but I am trying to prep. In case.
That is good.
We had snow last nite just a skiff so makes one think about winter.

Cleared shelf off for the pies and turkey this holiday season.

We will get a turkey h & I will eat one this season not sure if we will host tbis tr. After last year's fiasco oven went out & dd split before it was
done & I cried, h. Has suggested a buffet.
Last edited by Nancy on Mon Nov 04, 2019 1:22 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: ***Holiday Planning, 2019***

Postby Harmony » Sun Nov 03, 2019 11:14 pm

I am starting to panic, thinking about all this. House is in bad condition with coolers sitting around. 2 chairs gone from the front porch, it looks bad out there. So much to do.

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Re: ***Holiday Planning, 2019***

Postby Nancy » Thu Nov 07, 2019 4:53 pm

H. Suggested the buffet for Turkey day, I said he needed to talk to dson in case he wants to host it.
In any case I am off the hook. But I got the fixins any way, may use em for Christmas we like the left overs.
Got a wooden bread bowl.

With just 2 week s till thanksgiving we still do not kniw what is going on fo r thanksgiving.
I taljed to h. About it an he did not seem to understand the importance of having p,ans set up like now!
I must admit I am a bit miffed at the lack of planning.

Got a table top size tree today & some fabric to ctaft with..

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Re: ***Holiday Planning, 2019***

Postby Harmony » Fri Nov 08, 2019 10:04 pm

Sometimes people don't plan, don't say anything about the holiday because they're waiting for someone else to step up and offer. It took over a month and 1/2 for my family to come up with something. I've told everyone however it worked out, I'm willing to have them if they want. It ended up I'm having half the family, the other family is doing their own thing. That's ok, they'll probably be having Christmas. One family shouldn't be stuck doing all the holiday entertaining unless it's their "thing".

Nancy, I think the buffet thing is a great idea!

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Re: ***Holiday Planning, 2019***

Postby Nancy » Fri Nov 08, 2019 10:38 pm

Ty harmony for saying that. I reached out to dson again this week with the Buffet suggestion.

Dson just let me know he is not doing anything at his house going to his daughters boyfriends.

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Re: ***Holiday Planning, 2019***

Postby BookSaver » Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:32 pm

Christmas gifts for coworkers: There are 7 of us now working at the library -- 2 full time, 5 part time.
Yesterday the boss used a computer program to randomly assign who would gift for whom. There is never a time when all 7 of us are working together at the same time so we couldn't draw names from a hat. She thought it was important that no one should get the same name as we did last year. That's why she used the computer to eliminate that possibility.

I will be finding a gift for one of the new people. I've only worked with her twice and all I know of her is that she's married with 2 or 3 children and her full-time job is special ed teacher at the middle school.

She's really nice, but this is going to be a challenge.

Maybe one of the Japanese knot bags that I made for the older coworkers a few years ago?

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Re: ***Holiday Planning, 2019***

Postby Harmony » Wed Nov 13, 2019 2:17 am

I'm going to make a little tote bag for part of the present we made for 2 of the grandsons. I got my material out and have it laid out on the table to figure out the size. I bought parachute string for the drawstring, I think it will be strong enough. I'm thinking a round base and sides with drawstring at the top, maybe some extra handles. I found some stiffer material in my stash with cute teddy bear print...but it's not a juvenile print if that makes any sense. It's more like a blue & white picnic scene with bears. Yep, I have time for this...

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Re: ***Holiday Planning, 2019***

Postby Nancy » Wed Nov 20, 2019 8:56 am

Big sigh it appears I decluttered or gave away my holiday card box, and Christmas cups, so I need to get those on the list.
I need to track down my festive clothes.
I think they are in a suitcase some were one still missing may have been decluttered.


Found mark down Pumpkin Pies & ham yea!
Got holiday print for fun projects.
Got my PJ bottoms in fleece fabric, and a shirt will need to hem both.

Have let it snow & snow flake stencils for fun projects.
Got paint for the stencils yea!
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Re: ***Holiday Planning, 2019***

Postby Harriet » Thu Nov 21, 2019 7:56 pm

Nancy, the holiday print and the stencils sound like fun.

Harmony, how will you make the base? Like cardboard for a purse?

BookSaver, that was probably a wise use of the computer by your boss! Find out a favorite small thing like candy and put inside and voila, it's a personal gift.

Wonder of wonders. My children have agreed on a time for Christmas gathering and all can be here except dd's young man, which is okay. I wish he could but he'll be traveling and for long enough that other dates wouldn't have worked either. They did this without me, but I must admit that I had to be firm to say it's not fair to ask me to make call after call and carry messages one at a time and worry about it. So dd39 and dstepson talked while she was home, texted ds and they had it settled in minutes. :roll: Why they always made it my problem before I don't know.

So I guess that made me hurry. Also the fact that I don't have a lot of time "off" from classes, so it's time to get a move on. I ordered the artificial tree today. I read a lot of reviews and decided on one that had no complaints about being sparse or "see-through". Also, no review mentioned bad off-gassing odor like other brands (which would be bad since my point in changing from real is that the odor of the real ones bothers HRH with headachy sniffles, and now he's stuck in the house more than before). We've chosen one big gift for dd39's 4 boys, so that takes care of 4 decisions in one.

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