Saturday PWYC

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Re: Saturday PWYC

Postby CathyS » Sat Nov 16, 2019 3:13 pm

Kathryn you could call and ask if you can get in for a flat repair.

Still sitting and waiting for our "furnace" repair. I have called now that our window has expired. Our repairman is still on his previous call. which is at least 15 minutes driving distance or more from here.
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Re: Saturday PWYC

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Nov 16, 2019 3:17 pm

Signs are made, I'll put them up on my way out. Emails won't get done until tomorrow (I'll write them tonight but I'm not sure I can send through the hotel WiFi.)

I'm mostly packed. Will shut down my computer now and pack my computer bag.

Dh thinks the re-inflation is holding. We'll find out when we go back down to the car. Our tire shop is 30 minutes in the opposite direction and their store along the way closed at noon. So it will have to be a random place if we need a flat repair. At least we have time and there are three towns along the way with chain garages plus a truck stop. I don't really have to be there until tomorrow at 10 a.m.

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Re: Saturday PWYC

Postby Harmony » Sat Nov 16, 2019 3:32 pm

Hello! I'm here to take a rest and see what everybody is doing today. Kathryn I hope your tire holds. We fix our own flats most of the time, plugging holes where we've picked up a screw or a nail, but that's a tough job.. and happens way too often. I'm so glad we don't have to do snow tires.

Cathy, I'm sorry you are cold too. I wonder how Sunny is doing with no heat yet? I'm thinking with all those electric heaters going the electric meter must be really spinning.

It is beautiful today. A nice breeze and about 70° outside. I've been going in and out with my chore for today and I've enjoyed the weather.

One nagging thing out of my brain. I pulled all the pots and pans out of their 3 places, I have 7 all stainless steel. Sprayed the bottoms outside and left them to soak. Scrubbed with sos and cleansers, resprayed and rescrubbed. Some of them I had to do 3 times, the 2 fry pans I did 4. I used to do these every so often, but last year was just so busy I didn't get them done and boy were some of them bad. Got them all sparkley and new looking.

Washed and rinsed the rubber mats I keep in those drawers and wiped out the drawers. I'm waiting for the mats to dry outside so I can put everything back together.

Going to see if DH wants to work on the fireplace next. I've offered to repoint the firebrick on the back wall that needs done. He would have to actually crawl into the fireplace to reach it with his arms... and I don't know how to do this, but how hard could it actually be? I'm sure he'll give me a tutorial.

Lucylee, don't you get sick too. Hope DGS is ok. Does the medicine DGD takes affect her immune system? I wanted to tell you all that the pharmacist was trying to talk me into getting a flu shot the other day. She said they are reporting that this season is expected to be long and bad one. She started to tell me how they determine that, but we got to talking about something else and I didn't hear the explanation. I'm seriously thinking about getting one this year, but not before Thanksgiving. I just can't be down not feeling well before then.

Ok, break is over I better get back to work.

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Re: Saturday PWYC

Postby Nancy » Sat Nov 16, 2019 4:52 pm

I have raked leaves in the front yard.
I had some lunch walked the dog around the block.
Sun is trying to peek through the fog / clouds.
Did 30 min. on the stat bike.

Worked a round on the table.
Pupa after dinner.
Last edited by Nancy on Sat Nov 16, 2019 10:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Saturday PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Sat Nov 16, 2019 5:04 pm

Home from a shopping trip to get DGD8 an orange shirt for Monday. I tried ordering a shirt online but couldn't get it delivered in time.

We have checked on DMIL and DMom. They are both doing well.

DS11 is taking advantage of the bright sunshine and warmer weather (65F) to ride bikes with his friends.

I have stayed busy today but can't think of what I have done. I have completed 41 SHE cards today so I guess that explains what I have been doing.
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Re: Saturday PWYC

Postby Harmony » Sat Nov 16, 2019 5:50 pm

I asked DH did he want to work on the fireplace and he was up out of his chair like a flash to get stuff. We had to go up 3 courses on 2 sides and 4 on the back. I cleaned out all the crumbly mortar and pieces, we vacuumed that up and then he made the special fire brick mortar. He was able to do one joint closest to him to show me and I did the rest. Sure won't break any speed records, but it's all done now and looking good. Not the easiest job and awkward positions to be in. Another "skill" to add to my list.

Now I'm making dinner.

LadyM, I'm surprised there wasn't a lot of orange shirts around since Halloween just passed.

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Re: Saturday PWYC

Postby DeeClutter » Sat Nov 16, 2019 6:50 pm

You're awesome, Harmony! You know that?
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Re: Saturday PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Sat Nov 16, 2019 6:59 pm

We didn't know an orange shirt was needed until this week. We found one in the boys clothing section. I thought DGD8 would object to wearing a boy shirt but I don't think she realized what section of the store we were in ....and I didn't tell her. It was a long sleeve t-shirt type so I don't think anyone can tell if it is a boy or girl shirt.

The Hawaiian shirts I ordered online came in today. I'm not happy. They sent the wrong sizes for both shirts. I do not believe this double mistake was unintentional. The shirts weren't even close to the right size. I ordered DGD8 an XS shirt and they sent a Medium (2 sizes bigger). We are going to make this shirt work because it is the only option we have. DS11 shirt will be returned because it was five sizes smaller than I ordered.

Harmony - The amount of things you and DH know how to do is amazing. I had to look up repointing bricks because I had no clue. BWTG!

I've swept & mopped the kitchen and living room. It stayed clean for about 3 minutes. Ohs well.

I sat down with DGD8 and went through her stack of papers the teacher graded and sent home. It took a while because she drew a detailed storyboard for her spelling words and wanted to explain each of the pictures.
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Re: Saturday PWYC

Postby Ramblinrose » Sat Nov 16, 2019 8:06 pm

Ditto what Dee Said Harmony...

Today Sweetie and I went to the Good Guy Car Show with more than 4K cars up Year 1972. We have friends we meet there that bring their cars to the show. Temps climbed to 84 but there was good cloud coverage off and on. I got in 10K+’steps in, but behind in water.

We ate off site that is next to the show and waited an hour for our hamburgers. They lost our order and then when they came my meat was mostly raw, but I was starving. I ate the edges, lettuce, tomato, pickles and onions. The order came with fries...I ate three and pushed the rest away. Took the bun off too, but ended up eating half the top of my bun cause I was so hungry. I kept visualizing my scale and how close I am to my goal so I didn’t eat more than I should.

Took the remainder of my raw!!!!! Burger to the manager and she refunded me my $11. Came home and made myself some cinnamon/mocha coffee and am now waiting for my second wind.

However I am doing a happy dance...I wear, almost every day, a gold bracelet that was my grandmothers, for many many years. It is a link type with each piece a six point star on top of another six point star, and every other star has a blue topaz beveled in it. When it was given to me my gmother also gave me a pair of earrings with the same star. I never wear them because they have a screw on back

I wanted to take them to my jewelry guy to have them made with French wires instead. The other weekend I searched and searched for them going through every place I could think of, but couldn’t find them. This morning I went through a container of my rings look for one today and to my amazement, one of my earrings fell out of the bag! Tomorrow I plan to take them to my jewelry guy and I am one happy girl.
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Re: Saturday PWYC

Postby CathyS » Sat Nov 16, 2019 8:12 pm

Furnace guy showed up more than an hour late. Someone called from their dispatch office to tell me he was on his way and I made sure that they knew I wasn't happy with not being informed any earlier, so they had 2 discussions from me letting them know that (first phone call) they didn't get here within their window and (second phone call) I still wasn't happy even with the phone call saying he was on the way shortly. I rarely get irked, but I literally sat around and did nothing on a day that I had plans to do numerous things. Everything I wanted to go to had to be missed and not by my choosing.

Dh and I didn't go for Vietnamese because there was a road closure between here and the restaurant. We went for BBQ. I ate most of my burger and most of my salad. I even ordered a slice of Key Lime pie to go.

Oh, yeah... almost forgot. The problem with the boiler is a faulty pressure valve. Replacement (including labour) will be over $1,000. when we decide to get it done. The repair guy showed dh how to override the problem, but of course he recommends getting a new valve. IF it lasts the winter, we can get it done in the spring or summer when we won't have to keep a huge fire going for hours on end just to stay almost warm. Dh and I were both dressed in layers and dh kept his socks on all day which he never does.

To top all of this off, I cried on the way home from supper and now dh is upset because he thinks it's his fault even thought I told him it was just me being weepy.
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