Basic Weekly Plans

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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Nov 22, 2019 4:14 pm

again I need to stay here. I am happy but my ADHD is something (lol unfocused)

I found out part of the problem - getting up and watching ladies I follow on YouTube - that needs to stop.
If I am working on something then its okay.

d old dog - sigh I don't know. she is happy in the house but she has been having accidents - not her fault - it just happens but it is only in the morning and early afternoon. she has a bladder and a half after 6 pm to morning. go figure.

I also have gotten into the habit of sleeping until 9:30 - wow - I know I am not getting the exercise I should right now and my sleep has been interrupted.
I have to work on this.

My sugars, I think are off

alrighty: so far: all animals fed and taken care of except cat litter and changing out water for cats
counters are clean
sink is not
tossed food that isn't necessary
fed kitten this afternoon late.
Had to find escaped cats - they escaped when I brought old dog in
dog stuff picked up again outside
some paper work done
Christmas presents ordered.
I need some funny gift Ideas for the white elephant.
I usually do great on them but don't have any ideas this year.
all thanksgiving stuff is down now and needs to be put away

Next: clean out back of car.
I have to cook today - I haven't started lol
more laundry (dog peed on her rug again). I washed the floor with steamer and put pee pads on the floor. I know dd younger is coming home and wants to see d old dog one more time.
time for put away
Last edited by blessedw2 on Fri Nov 22, 2019 6:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby Twins' Mom » Fri Nov 22, 2019 6:01 pm

bw2, missing you over in PWYC-land. We've been accomplishing great things! (Of course, I'll be away for a week beginning in the a.m., I won't be joining in!)
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Nov 22, 2019 6:43 pm

my ADHD has been keeping me busy ;) I needed to focus and with all the stuff going on has made me even more ADHD. I can't seem to keep up. - lol it's focus. I will be back soon. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!!
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Nov 23, 2019 1:34 pm

I have been really struggling. I feel like I am failing everyone in my family and outside of it.
dd younger is happy but sounds snobby sometimes - I am sure it is insecurity but I need to figure out how to keep up her confidence but come up with a nice way to veer her back to just being herself. dd younger says she is overwhelmed when people talk to her on this - especially. her sister who tells her what to do - yes she does but it is out of caring.
dd older doesn't want to talk to her sister as she sounds unrealistic and in a bubble - dd older was like this at one time too - she doesn't remember.
dd older thinks we are ruining dd youngers life by not having her face reality but she has been working towards being a photographer and has lost 75 healthily and is really fit now. (it is now part of her routine)
d mom - oh d mom -
d aunt surgery is coming up
no gym for me
the house: I am trying but I need to work smarter and harder.
money - I have to pay off my visa before I do anything else
home repair outside and in
I was supposed to go out with d sis in laws and couldn't bc I didn't fall asleep in early morning and woke with a headache. They get together at 7 am and I have to leave at 6. I so so so wanted to be there with them.
d aunt's medical stuff and mom took 3 full days out of my week.
d old dog - dd older is grossed out at what we have had to do for old dog and new kitty
d old dog is in constant need of attention when I am home. barks and barks
I am getting up so late
Neighbours: I thought the landscape company would be here Thursday to get the leaves again - I forgot that I needed to call - our leaves are crazy this year and our poor neighbours have to worry about wind.
d old dog is smelling like pee - I need to wash her
Not playing with the kitten and other cats to keep them alert and healthy.
I feel like I am failing everyone with the house too. Everything has been too much for me and I don't know what to do about it.

Give it up to God but be proactive
Last edited by blessedw2 on Sat Nov 23, 2019 7:15 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Nov 23, 2019 1:35 pm

well I got that off my chest.

time to work - it is already 11:35 and nothing is done.

had to calm mom down - she is better this afternoon
donated food at animal shelter - I ordered the wrong thing
fed the cats and dog dinner
took meds early
emptied the dw
ordered food
pulled food and meds for animals tomorrow

need to fill up coffee maker
put away things
put box back in car to donate

I didn't pick up dog stuff or do the cat litter - that will be done tomorrow
I have decided to make up a block calendar for this week to get my gym in
I have to start using an alarm clock
I need to plan meals for this week

tonight: menu plan, Basic weekly meal plan
shop for thanksgiving. I have most of it. drop off tea - make strawberry basil tea? , diet coke (caffeine free) water bottles, wine, containers for after dinner left overs, green bean casserole things
squash roasted/roasted red onions, with chilli, cayenne, etc. along with a yogurt siracha sauce. Bacon for carrots salad.
think cloths for Thursday and friday.
Get cash for Black friday
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Nov 24, 2019 8:53 pm

I ended up cooking all day so that I don't have to do a lot at Christmas time. I have been doing this now for awhile.
I am finished except for one appetizer. The vegetarian stuff I will make for dinners will be made on the day but cut up the weekend before.
My chicken stock is ready for soups. I would love to make some beef stock for the freezer.
I did make spaghetti squash and that is in the freezer in individual dinner containers.

tomorrow I am going to mail my mom's stuff
I have to buy the rolls for Thursday and buy the misc. stuff I need for thursday
I have to get cash for the day after Thanksgiving.
I emptied the dw and refilled it from cooking and it is washing themselves right now.

Things have been hard for me lately re keeping up with the house and continued decluttering, no zone work,
I did look back at last week and realized I was on the phone and computer 3 days out of the week for my d aunts and d mom's medical stuff.
d old dog was pretty good today. (no accidents).

I should clean the counters and stove but I am tired. I will try
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Nov 25, 2019 12:15 pm

I still need to stay here. I miss everyone on the pwyc but my ADHD is rampant lately.

Room by room is the goal - home blessing - use timer for 10 - 15 minutes

hoping the landscape company comes today as our leaves are deep again and if the wind blows our neighbours will not be happy.
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby lucylee » Tue Nov 26, 2019 3:07 am

Just came in to wave hello, blessed!

I’ve been looking at bullet journal ideas and trying to figure out how the time blocking idea might help me out around here.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Nov 26, 2019 12:47 pm

Oh my goodness aren't you the sweetest person d lucy!!!

Good luck on the blocking of time!!! Tell me how it works for you!!!
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Re: Basic Weekly Plans

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Nov 26, 2019 12:50 pm

d old dog is still so happy but it is hard.

Last night dd younger had d mom in the er all night. mom had a panic attack and on top of it, there must be something wrong that her blood pressure is sky high.
Mom is playing the guilt card hugely - I am sorry but I don't think she will like it here during the winter as I am booked.

dd is worried that mom will go down hill if she comes back here.

ordered groceries - I didn't want to but I need time.
now to order d brothers gift from my mom. done
d mom is being kind of difficult... well very difficult.
dw is not working... I will try again.
where is the day going??????
I had to pay double what I paid for dd's airplane ticket originally. dd was supposed to travel today but with d mom going to the er last night it makes things difficult
dog out again
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