Tuesday Tunes

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Tuesday Tunes

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue May 12, 2020 8:00 am

Time to add to our playlists!

At some point this past week I added She because it is so appropriate!

And this morning, I'm adding "You've got a friend."

There are so many fun parody songs out there and other good stuff, please feel free to include links to anything you've seen lately that has lifted your mood, even if only for a moment.

Both on the calming and comforting playlist.

This is the Movement & Motivation playlist:

https://play.google.com/music/playlist/ ... IQxA%3D%3D

This is the Calming & Comfort playlist:

https://play.google.com/music/playlist/ ... HeOQ%3D%3D

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Re: Tuesday Tunes

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue May 12, 2020 8:20 am

One of the important tips for cell phones is to put your phone on do not disturb at night.

The problem is if you only have a cell phone and no land line....

We have a landline so woke immediately at 3 in the morning when a neighbour called to be taken to the ER. But when he didn't show up in the lobby of his building as expected, and didn't answer calls or texts, we started to panic. To get into his building dh ran back to ours, down to the garage and through to the other building and up. We had a key to our friend's apartment so dh did that while I continued to call from home (I was still in bed since dh wanted to go.) After 5 minutes I got a call, my friend was getting on the elevator as dh went to get off.

He's in the ER now and will have tests today. He had a lung removed (cancer) a couple of weeks ago and the heart sac was nudged and took offence so is fighting back and not settling down.

Anyway, that's why I added "You've got a friend" to the songset! I'm so glad he called us. We assured him it would be fine to call us at any time and he believed us.

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Re: Tuesday Tunes

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue May 12, 2020 8:53 am

Kathryn & Ken win the good neighbor award today! WhooooHOOOO!

I am thankful for another good night's sleep. After some experimenting, I've found that Melatonin 5mg is about right for my body to let me fall back asleep easily each time I awaken. And most important to me is I'm not groggy the next morning. DS11 anxiety went up during the night when the thunderstorms were loud so he got into bed with me until the storm passed. I was awake at least 5 times during the night with kids, the storm, and bathroom breaks but each time I went back to sleep within a minute or so. I slept 8hr 37 min with a sleep score of 90.

Today's plans -
** Trash day
** Patch Tuesday - Microsoft updates
** DD is coming for a visit
** Homeschool
** Crisis school
** Contact office about DD8 insurance
** Lunch @school
** One thing a day done well
** Garden care
** Keto tribe
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Re: Tuesday Tunes

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue May 12, 2020 9:43 am

I need to get rolling this morning. I went off on a tangent recording the death last week of a distant cousin and I need to be reeled back in.

I forgot to turn off the "Home Chef" delivery for this week so we received those yesterday afternoon. We're having Thai Turkey Lettuce wraps tonight, which sound good. I'll do some fruit for the side, perhaps.

I have discussion group re yesterday's article today at 1 p.m. I am having trouble keeping the discussion groups straight, one is on central time (noon today central) and the other on Pacific (noon today Pacific.) :shock: I don't know if I'll make it to the second one.

DD had a temple zoom trivia event at 6:30 yesterday which we nearly missed while we were cooking. Dh ended up finishing up the meal on the grill and we got to participate.
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Re: Tuesday Tunes

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue May 12, 2020 10:04 am

(((CathyS)))) I want to be your friend through good times and also the struggles. Please don't shy away if you are going through a difficult time. Someone said that no one lives on the mountain tops in the path of life. We have to walk through the deep valleys too. I encourage you to keep posting and let us walk beside you during the hard times. I don't know what I would have done if ya'll hadn't helped me get through some really rough times I've experienced. I am thankful for this group.

Today's plans -
Done - ** Trash day
Done - ** Patch Tuesday - Microsoft updates
** DD is coming for a visit
** Homeschool
** Crisis school
** Contact office about DD8 insurance
** Lunch @school
** One thing a day done well
** Garden care
In progress - ** Keto tribe
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Re: Tuesday Tunes

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue May 12, 2020 10:35 am

LadyM: have you tried melatonin for ds? (and my dose seems to be 2.5mg - it was 1mg before this all started!)

Breakfast went fairly well with the grands today. Dgd was still asleep when we started and all sunshine and happiness when she arrived. She normally fights her bib indicating she doesn't want to eat but today she was hungry so happily put it on.

I have a witnessing to do at 1:30. Aside from that, my day is open.

Dgs suggested we have fish and chips tonight for dinner since I didn't know what we'd eat and that's not a bad idea. I have enough panko crumbs for that. Then we are out and I'll have to buy them at my local store instead of Costco, since Costco was out last week and I can only go to one store a week if I'm following the guidance.

Tomorrow is the earliest we'd go shopping. We need onions, milk, bread, and a few other items but could manage for another few days. I need to check the sale flyer and see if it is better to go tomorrow (pickles are on sale) or wait until the next day.

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Re: Tuesday Tunes

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue May 12, 2020 11:36 am

LadyM: have you tried melatonin for ds?

Yes. I started him on 1mg and over time took him up to 5mg. He might need more but I'm hesitant because of his age. This week I added in a nightly Calm drink before bedtime to help him sleep also.

We are enjoying a wonderful visit with DD. DH and I discussed it and decided we are ready to invite people into our home again. DD is the first person we invited. We are not ready to invite crowds into our home but just a few. Our state limits us to 10 people at a time now but I think the limit goes to 50 people being together this Friday so we are well within the guidelines. I still find it strange to think so hard about being around people. When will the wariness and consideration of the risk factor way of doing things end? This is weirdness thinking on steroids for me and I hate living in fear. As soon as the smart people who are studying all the parameters say it is safe then I'm going to do it.
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Re: Tuesday Tunes

Postby DeeClutter » Tue May 12, 2020 11:46 am

I've been awake since very early this morning. Was up and said good-bye to dd before she went to school (to clean out her classroom) at 7. I was really chilly so went into dh's recliner in our room & put a throw over me and promptly dozed off. :roll: But after I got up I took care of last night's clean dishes (of course they're clean -why would I put away dirty ones? :lol: ) Then I got some more papers out (that I came across last night) to scan. I've done probably about 20 of those and have more to go -but my eyes get the better of me.

Seems strange to be home alone -first time in weeks. Trying to get myself together on all the aspects of getting ready to travel north. Think there's supposed to be an announcement from the campground today or tomorrow. Sounds like the 'seasonal/weekender' campers will be allowed as of Friday. Our portion of NY State will be 'opening' up on Friday. Hopefully that means slowly. I'm rather interested to see what the Board of Health for Monroe County has to say now about campers going to other sites -I know if it's allowed at all, it will be in very small groups and social distancing. (Think the distancing and masks are going to be with us for a long time. I haven't had to wear a mask at all yet because I haven't gone anywhere since March 8th. Truth is I think I'm now a tad scared to even venture out, but I have to.)
I still find it strange to think so hard about being around people. When will the wariness and consideration of the risk factor way of doing things end?
Afraid I'm pretty much in the boat with you, LadyM.

Think I'll see if I can clean off the dining room table while noone is home. Dsonil would be happy to eat at it, if it was piled sky high from side to side -he'd just push whatever was in his way out of the way. Had to laugh last night because dd said (well after she'd told us dinner was ready & she and I were eating), "I'm going to put on his tombstone: "I like my meals cold". Truth is he manages to come to the table when he gets good and ready. ;) We're often well done before he ever comes over. Too busy on his P H O N E!

Was good to see Cathy popping by last night -now to at least hear from Blessed. Don't stay away, Cathy -you inspire us.
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Re: Tuesday Tunes

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue May 12, 2020 12:57 pm

DD made homemade apple fritters this morning and they were still warm when she arrived. The kids and DH absolutely loved them. I took a tiny nibble and the flavor was excellent.

My one thing done well for today was the front porch. I have been letting it go so there was a noticeable change in appearance with very little effort and time spent. I used the blower on the floor/sides/roof and then wiped the chairs, table, and porch railing with a micro cloth. The kids had left several items on the porch so those got picked up and put away.

The kids' lunch from the school was corn dog, chips, carrots, broccoli and ranch dressing, a cookie, and chocolate milk.

I'm eating sardines for my lunch and surprising myself that I like it. I mixed the sardines with a little mayo and it reminds me of tuna salad. I am eating it with pork rinds to add in a crunchy texture. #KetoWin

Today's plans -
Done - ** Trash day
Done - ** Patch Tuesday - Microsoft updates
Done ** DD is coming for a visit
** Homeschool
** Crisis school
** Contact office about DD8 insurance
Done ** Lunch @school
Done ** One thing a day done well
Done ** Garden care
In progress - ** Keto tribe
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Re: Tuesday Tunes

Postby MysteryWoman » Tue May 12, 2020 1:16 pm

Hello, folks!

My Monday "pampering" was a visit to the doctor, and then, since I was out of the house anyway, a trip to the grocery store for milk, bread, and fresh fruit. They had some meat as well, so I picked up pork chops, lamb for stew, and a beef roast. Realized after I got home that I should have gotten the elusive TP. But DH and DC17 had to go out for her graduation robe (their school is putting together an elaborate graduation, essentially 150 or so individual graduations) so they stopped at the store on their way home. Anyhow, the running around, which I have grown unused to, followed by my second shower of the day and laundry, was apparently enough to tucker me out -- I spent most of the afternoon asleep in my chair.

Glad Cathy peeked in -- we love you even if you're grumpy.

Joining with those who think readjusting to people will be odd. We have friends we often see whom I'm missing terribly, and I still can't imagine going over to their house, even though we'd be under the limit of 10. I could probably host a socially distanced girls' night in my side yard, but I worry if anyone had to use the bathroom -- you have to walk through half my house to get there. The only ways out of this thing I can see are these: someone develops a vaccine; the virus somehow becomes less contagious and/or deadly, or (probably most likely) we regain the fatalism we lost in the 20th century, forget about feeling safe, and resume our lives anyway. I'm still in the "I want to feel safe" camp, though.

Today's tune was "Happy Birthday." DH's aunt was celebrating the 69th anniversary of her 19th birthday (as she likes to put it), so 29 of her family gathered in about a dozen Zoom windows to wish her well. We had folks in the UK, US, Canada and Taiwan.

Now to go do something useful -- more laundry, likely.
I've got my country's 500th anniversary to plan, my wedding to arrange, my wife to murder, and Guilder to frame for it; I'm swamped. -- Prince Humperdinck

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