Friday Focus

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Friday Focus

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri May 15, 2020 8:09 am

Sigh.... for these keeping track, for me, it is 10 weeks today since the cancellations started on March 13.

My best advice for focus is for you all to focus on doing more that I do today. That's an easy goal for you since I haven't been doing much at all these days!

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Re: Friday Focus

Postby Twins' Mom » Fri May 15, 2020 9:03 am

I have a lot to focus on today. Short list:
-get what groceries I need for dinner tonight (hadn't finalized the menu when I shopped earlier this week)
-finish home blessingstone
-make challah
-prepare for a Shabbat dinner guest

and I'm still drinking coffee in my pajamas so far.

So I'm off...

aaackkkk. Now this guy texted dh and he's going to be in town at lunchtime to meet with the cemetery chair person about his wife's stone and wants to know if he can come over and hang out here for the afternoon! Dh suggests we tell him we'll reschedule but dh is on a zoom meeting so can't talk to me about it. :shock: so I don't know if we're on or off. My anxiety can't take this, and I know I can't take someone hanging out here all afternoon talking to me.
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Re: Friday Focus

Postby LadyMaverick » Fri May 15, 2020 9:42 am

Our state starts Phase Two of opening up today. Basically everything is open now (except nursing homes will stay closed to the public). There is one positive case within a 20-mile radius of me. In the nearest big city, their positive cases appear to be going up because of the outbreak in the jail. When you remove the 109 cases that have happened the last 2 days inside the jail the daily tally shows the positive cases are steadily reducing (less than 30). The hot spots in our area continue to be jails, meat plants, and nursing homes. The governor deployed the national guard to sanitize the nursing homes and thankfully their numbers are steadily declining.

Today's plans & accomplishments -
Done ** Health tracker
In Progress ** AM cards
** One thing a day done well
** Maintain previous One thing a day done well
** DS11 and DD8 will return at 10ish. If they slept last night then I'll do homeschool/crisis school with them. I suspect they will have stayed up all night and need to sleep several hours today.
** Zoom meeting - I'm expecting it to last 2 hours
** DGS23 coming for lunch here and to pick up some long flower pots to use in the windows of his new apartment.
** Cronometer
** Play in the garden
** DD8 Health insurance - send fax
** Keto tribe
** Active minutes
On hold ** Get well cards to Norma - I can't find the card that DS11 made for her. I'm waiting for him to get him.
** Shrubs and bushes trimmed in front of the house. This is a HUGE project that I doubt can be done in one day.
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Re: Friday Focus

Postby DeeClutter » Fri May 15, 2020 10:09 am

In NY State Phase 1 is opening today for some (but not all) counties. Phase 2 isn't for 2 more weeks. Then there's phase 3 and phase 4. Know that churches are in Phase 4. Church here is opening this Sunday with many restrictions. Yesterday dh and the other camp maintenance guy were working on one of the roadways. Dsecretary called them and alerted them that the Board of Health reps were on their way in. Dh and worker donned their masks though they weren't sure they had to. They were there when the reps sent in their report which stated: "Observed that the maintenance staff were wearing their masks." They had said the Board of Health will be doing drive throughs at least twice a week to make sure all restrictions are being obeyed. There are some who are balking at them and they could shut down the whole campground in a "New York Minute". Know dcampowner gave some of the 'rebels' a "pass" last weekend but anything in the future will mean immediate blocking their gate pass -which means they would be unable to come back in. The weekenders can start camping this weekend but only on electric sites (so they're self contained) and they have to be told where they can park by management. They also can't go to other sites or move their campfire rings around (some might have to with permission based on their RV's).

At least in FL one COULD get their hair cut/colored -IF one could find a place to do it. Not happening. I looked it up yesterday and I had my perm/cut on February 28th -so 11 weeks so far. That was also dh's last hair cut and he's badly in need of one. Told him if he can't get it cut before I come up next week, we'll order a set of clippers & I'll do the best I can. I used to cut our boys' hair but that was many, many years ago. 2 were fairly easy and forgiving as their hair was a bit wavy, but the third one with stick straight hair :o not so much.

My diet went completely south yesterday (and there's not much south here before you hit the ocean). Hoping/planning to be back on the wagon today.

DD plans on most of her day taken up with school -especially since she had 3 days out of the week to clean out her classroom. She's completely done there. Her computer and keys have all been turned in. She has to have grades in next Friday before we leave. A lot is going to depend on that and what the weather going up the East coast is. She was going to take her NHL uniform with her for 'just in case' but has decided against it. Chances of her being selected to go to any of the Stanley Cup playoffs are pretty nill -and no decision has yet been made what's happening to the rest of their season/playoffs.

Just finished doing the dishes. Had a horrible night's sleep (or lack thereof). For one my right shoulder was bothering me immensely. I put a spercreme w/lidocaine on this morning, used my heating bag and took two super strength t ylenol. Think it's beginning to feel a little better. Going to go try to exercise for a little bit and then maybe try a little shut eye.

DD got unstuffed cabbage going this morning -for her and me dsonil won't touch it. So we'll have plenty over the next few days -good thing we don't mind leftovers. I moved the crockpot to wash the counter when I finished dishes and it was still cold to the touch. Looked at the dial and it was on "OFF". Went in & asked dd if she didn't want it on? :lol: It's on 'low' now but nearly an hour after she 'thought' she turned it on. But we probably won't eat till near 6 anyway.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Friday Focus

Postby Twins' Mom » Fri May 15, 2020 10:14 am

Dh told the elderly guest that it wouldn't be good for him to be sitting here all afternoon - dh has work to do as do I, so the dinner hosting is off for tonight and we will reschedule. DH and I will order out for tonight and relax. I can't believe I'm to the point of so much anxiety over this. I explained to dh that having a dinner guest was a stretch but I was willing to do it, having someone here for the afternoon wasn't.

I'm beginning to breath again.

So I don't need to go to the grocery or make challah. I may make some challah today or tomorrow anyway to give away since we eat it only on occasions.

Virtually everything here is open except for movie theatres, bowling alleys and bars. Restaurants have to reduce capacity and keep tables apart and servers wear masks. My county currently has fourteen patients hospitalized with eight of those in ICU and our numbers are heading up right now. The hospitals do have the capacity for the increased numbers, however.
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Re: Friday Focus

Postby DeeClutter » Fri May 15, 2020 10:20 am

Restaurants are somewhat open here. DD and a friend went to a tea room nearby yesterday. This place is an old house so many rooms. They have it set up so there's just one table in use per room right now. Reservations are a must for about any restaurant where there is seating.

Glad things loosened up a bit for you, Twins. I half expect dbil/dsisil to show up here any time now (meaning any day). I try not to get too close to them as I have been nowhere since March 8th, so in contact with noone except dsonil. Irks me when he gets too close as they do have some cases of Covid 19 where he works. There aren't an awful lot of cases in this county, but it is present -obviously.

Okay, off to exercise and snooze.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Friday Focus

Postby LadyMaverick » Fri May 15, 2020 10:43 am

I'm purposely being a slug for the last hour of not having kids to care for. I keep catching myself wanting to get up and do things but I'm making myself sit here.

Things I'm learning -
** 20 days ago the covid19 test results statewide showed 6.3% positive. Now it is down to 4.8% positive. Anyone can get tested for free even if they have zero symptoms and haven't been exposed. They can just be curious and get tested. I have no desire to have a swab stuck up my nose for no reason. No, thank you.
** In our state two most populated areas the positive cases are less than 0.1%.
** There are less than 200 people in the hospital because of covid19 in our entire state.
** The two anchor stores (JcPenny & Dillards) are closing in the only mall within 100 miles of me. Many brick & mortar stores are only opening up to have closeout sales before they close their doors permanently.
** Our little town 24 high school seniors will have a graduation ceremony. It will be held outside at the fairground where there is plenty of room to spread out (bring your own lawn chair). Then the town people will line the main street as the seniors each drive in their vehicles through town and get cheered and congratulated with plenty of social distancing. The event ends up at the town park/baseball field where the graduating athletics will be recognized.

Okay. I'm done sitting here. This is a ridiculous idea to make myself sit still, IMHO
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Re: Friday Focus

Postby Lynlee » Fri May 15, 2020 10:53 am

Oh was I meant to have focus today?

I'm in a competition with Kathryn, though she does much more than I do.

I ate 3 times. None of that was optimal. Maybe a pass. Nothing to get credit for.

I did go out to the driveway when I saw something dumped in it.
Talked to neighbour who was having a lend of my driveway while the carport there was pressure washed.
Thankful for the old habit of hair brushed earlyish on rising.
ummm about wearing sleep pants inside out owing to surplus thread / overlocking in the seams that leave painful red stripes on my legs the other way about.

Its a covid thing, not putting on 'proper' clothes. :roll: perhaps.

tried a call to dm - no answer.
tried a call to dd2, forgetting they had an appointment today. text back. There is stuff going on there.
afternoon nap. realised certain thoughts not such a bother atm. so there is a hurrah.
crackers and goat cheese, mini roma tomatoes for 'dinner', followed by carob goatmilk w chia seeds.
I don't want to leave too many days between chia seed doses as my feet get too painful.

Realised I am annoyed with one of the loud and out there psych experts with the ear of the govt,
and psych policy / diagnosis in this part of the world.. What he is saying is out of line with old literature of times of crisis as in wartime, as there are links to that now, and lack of emergency presentations now.
PTSD complaints will come later. People are too busy hiding and surviving for the moment.
Remembering changes made when he and his group first rose to noticeable power.
There was a big change to dx schedule.
No I don't believe in his big ideas and the total validity of his voice..

Stage 1 opening tomorrow in my state. Different rules for different parts of it.
Councils still have a say in what they open, and there are some differences there. No public amenities for one thing, which makes me wonder where the homeless who have refused to be stuffed/ locked? in quarters of various sorts are going. I'm not quite sure what conditions they were 'housed' under.
Businesses allowed to trade have a say if they open for 10 in premises (that would include their workers) and many have said, not worth getting the kitchen and place set up. Next month they can have 20, if things continue as per current plan.
So people can drive 150k to a place with no public toilets. Day trips only.

on the other hand. News for MrLucylee. Govt approvals seemingly happened. Bits of bun fights.
4 interstate AFL teams are relocating to our boarder area/ accommodations with a timetable for initial quarintini, training and games to start next month. Rumour is the games between them and our 2 state teams will be first, with ones across the boarder to happen later. Its a bit of a squish to get all the games in.
NRL are on their own timetable, similarly happening, though I don't think I've heard where the western state players and Kiwis are using as a base.

I ort be inbed.

In state - new case of nurse in nursing home - central coast. There is a scramble of testing happening. Hopefully its not as bad as what happened in NE Tas, closed 2 hospitals, tight quarantine lock down for 5000 until they got the lid on that.
Yes there is a difference when cases are such that containment then happens. As opposed to too much happening for action to have follow through.
I expect a heap more testing if that nurse got it 'somewhere' in Brisbane as is apparently thought. Unless she was working w known covid patients? That might be a possibility.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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Re: Friday Focus

Postby Twins' Mom » Fri May 15, 2020 11:22 am

Finished a.m. routine, except for s2s, which I will after house blessing.

Trying to refocus for next round of work...start at BOTH to :15 after.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Friday Focus

Postby Elizabeth » Fri May 15, 2020 11:54 am

Another database load failure <sigh> story of my life. Hope everyone else's day started better than mine. It is near end of term for DD18, so I don't know if she will be coming this weekend or not. She needs her dad's help for one of her projects. I may do a virtual happy hour with a friend. I need to catch up on home emails. It is really hard to do that - I sit at my work computer in the sewing room for 8 hours, I don't really want to sit at my home computer in the living room for more. Home computer is making strange noises all the time now, so I did a complete back up. Will be doing more of those, more regularly.

My weekend prospects are a continuation of the same stuff that has been going on for seemingly forever. I may go on my friend's camping trip in June, just to get away. The problem is that she is not a good camping planner, she likes to wing it. The first trip, which was also the first time I took out the camper, she didn't like that I made reservations at a campsite and wanted me to cancel it in favor of her special place by the river. The place she could not guarantee I could park a camper, the place we never actually found when we went looking for it (after I had parked the camper!). I am not a wing it person, not in camping, not in any part of my life. However, for this trip, she will get there on Friday, so at least the location will be set when I get there on Saturday. Of course, all depends on whether the doctor give the ok after my foot xray. I do need to take the camper SOMEWHERE and soon. I should use it at least once a month.

I should get back to my database. I will repost my haiku for your amusement:

The days crawl forward.
Nothing is going on yet.
Covid is boring.

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