Friday Focus

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Re: Friday Focus

Postby Lynlee » Fri May 15, 2020 9:19 pm

My sleep patterns are off. Afternoon naps if I am able. No not coping so well.
15 ml spoon of chia seed, soaked daily is my dose.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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Re: Friday Focus

Postby LadyMaverick » Fri May 15, 2020 9:32 pm

I usually do one Tbsp chia seed a day. I put it in a bowl with water and let it soak and turn to a gel (10 minutes or so) before I eat them. I add a couple of drops of stevia to give it a slightly sweet flavor. I know there are ways to use chia seed as pudding but I just keep it simple.

We are still having thunderstorms. The storms went one way then reversed and came back over us. Thankfully nothing but rain happening now. It hasn't quit raining so I didn't get to check my garden before the sun went down.

I watched the movie Roping on Netflix. It was okay.
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2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Friday Focus

Postby BookSaver » Fri May 15, 2020 9:33 pm

Hello, villagers ~
This morning I took DMom to her oncologist appointment. She is holding steady. 8-)

Sunny said
I miss having my basic routines to do to keep my house clean and tidy.
DMom would agree with that. Now that she is living with DSis, she doesn't have enough to do to fill her days. She washes dishes and does a bit of light dusting, but DSis and DBil take care of the rest. I keep trying to convince DMom that at 91 she is entitled to be fully retired and goof off all day. ;)

Our weather was beautiful today. They say rain and storms all day and night tomorrow, but that's ok as I have a bunch of indoor chores to catch up.

I sewed 2 different styles of masks last night in anticipation of needing to wear one to DMom's appointment. However, even though we told them we had literally put on clean masks in the car just before walking into their building, they insisted that we had to wear the disposable kind they provided. Therefore, I will need to find other opportunities to test mask styles. I need to compare comfort levels, ability to breath through different numbers of fabric layers, and how well other people can understand what I'm saying. I am assuming that when my library does reopen to the public, I'll be wearing a mask to work every day for awhile. A large part of my job is communicating to the patrons so I need to be able to talk in a mask and have it neither pinch nor shift out of place.

It appears that my sewing group will still not be able to meet in mid-June. I may have to "git mysel' edumacated" about doing online meetings with a microphone and such -- although I would really, really like to avoid dealing with camera and lighting equipment. I am always grateful that my desktop computer does not have a camera at all, so there is no danger that I'll turn it on by mistake!

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Re: Friday Focus

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri May 15, 2020 10:28 pm

(((Lynlee))) Hopefully you'll get to see your daughter this weekend. Is it Victoria Day Weekend for you too?

Booksaver: I will say I am quite happy with a lot of the online visiting. I wasn't a user of it before (and had problems at first because I had turned my camera off in so many places, I had a hard time figuring them all out.)

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Re: Friday Focus

Postby Lynlee » Sat May 16, 2020 12:05 am

Queen's Birthday Holiday is used to be 1st Monday in June, but the govt moved it to October because of the dearth of holidays that time of year. I had to look it up to check.

I've heard nothing from injured dd. Waiting for a call from the other dd who says she has sad but unchangable stuff as yet unmentioned, and I am up to listen? according to a text.
My mind will be more settled hearing facts than wondering what it is.
Imagination on fire.

Listening to ironic, funny, sporting commentary radio pair. They speak a lot of truth among it all, but it may be an acquired taste. Point out the blindingly obvious.
They did a nightly televised show during one of the winter Olympics that all sorts of people (like the Olympic boss) came to. I think it crosses cultural boarders, but inside knowledge helps atm.
ATM they are having ring in competitions each week with prizes being Sydney 2000 Olympic goods. If goods is the words for things 20 years old.
ok/ They are done.

Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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