Friday FOCUS

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Re: Friday FOCUS

Postby Elizabeth » Fri May 29, 2020 5:35 pm

I have a query working and giving me the answers I expect, whew! I am having to refresh my memory on DAX queries, which are not at all like SQL queries. This refresher is a good thing. The xBFF called and tonight is not a good night to go over and watch a movie. Maybe Monday. Now that I can, I am using my hula hoop when I take breaks from the computer. I will still need to keep up the walks. No foot trouble other than that expected with 3 weeks in a boot.

Like Ramblinrose, I am in dire need of a haircut. However, by the time those open up again, my bangs may be grown out and I may keep them.

LadyMaverick: When DD18 says she wants quiet, she does not mean not much work. She does not like traffic noise and people with loud radios. She is not likely to thrive in a dorm or apartment, or any situation with shared walls. She wants the challenge of working on multiple species. I also think it would be good for her socially to be in a place where everyone knows her. It would counter her autistic/introverted nature without being too stressful.

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Re: Friday FOCUS

Postby Twins' Mom » Fri May 29, 2020 5:59 pm

I'm also in dire need of a haircut. Today while vacuuming I had to clip my hair up to keep it out of my face. I don't wear bangs, just a part on one side but it's gotten so long when I look down everything is obscured.

I'm enjoying my quiet and clean house - dh went out to friends J and T. I just heard him pull his car in.

We had a top round roast in the freezer that I'm roasting for dinner tonight. I had thought I'd try the Instant pot but the photos of nicely roasted meat looked so much more appetizing.

LadyM, I'm glad you're managing dd's hair. From the Facebook photos, it is just lovely but I recall that long hair, for a young girl, is a lot of work!
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Re: Friday FOCUS

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri May 29, 2020 8:47 pm

Checking in at the end of the day.

I'm exhausted.

I finished the books this morning but it wasn't just a quick pull together I imagined. I had printed off balance sheet, income statement and trial balance and was marking it up for the accountant, looking for things that needed explanation. Dh does a revenue statement and the revenue I had didn't match so we had to go over it carefully. Gain/loss (mostly loss) on exchange rates accounted for most of it. But I found a mistake as well, having posted something to 4200 instead of 4020. For a dyslexic having those two numbers be my two most frequent revenue account numbers is an accident waiting to happen! Then I realized I had failed to make a cash entry. So I cleaned that all up and reprinted the statements and marked them up.

Just as I was packing up to leave my sister called. It was our dnephew's birthday yesterday and she called (I haven't seen or heard from him in years) and she was calling to tell me his stepmother is hospital and he is power of attorney but doesn't have the paperwork and can't get here to dig through her things looking for it and is very upset. He loves her as his own mom, since my sister died when he was just 9.

So that put me back a bit and I ended up leaving after lunch, doing the drop off, picking up the mice for dd's snake, and then dropping that at her house. These errands were long distances apart. Not Oklahoma long, but long enough!

Got home about 2 hours later. Enjoyed a podcast during the driving, though so that was good. I've cleaned off the card table by my desk and put it away. Most of the filing I did while on the phone with my sister.

DD texted me that she was falling over and going to lie down. I thought it was an expression but in fact she was too sick to stand, being spun around by vertigo. So I called and dsil met me at the door since the mice were frozen and had to go straight into the freezer.

She posted that to FB and thankfully, dsis's ex-wife told her seek medical help. We (as in her older FB friends) are all terribly worried about her.

My back is killing me so I spent an hour on the floor after getting home, then we had our Friday night pizza (this time having leftovers from the freezer) and then went for a short walk. The wind has really picked up so I've pulled down the pinwheels so they don't break in the wind or blow over. I'll put them up in the morning. Since putting them up, we haven't had any pigeons. So they might be working.

A cold front is moving through so there's wind and impressive storm clouds over the hills. I love this sort of dramatic weather.

I'm having a cup of tea and a think. I'm going to request that dd come here for Sunday to get a full day's rest. Or that she let me take the kids for the day. The former can be done with physical distancing, the latter can't.

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Re: Friday FOCUS

Postby LadyMaverick » Fri May 29, 2020 9:12 pm

Home and having a big sigh of relief. DD9 birthday party exceed all of her hopes. She is way past the happy level.

I keep adding things to my schedule when I probably should have delayed some things. Next week we already have 2 doctor appointments plus several days of people here working (new roof, flashing & gutters). I'm sorta doubting my sanity because I've added another contractor to come to discuss building a tall metal fence and maybe a double or triple carport. As if I don't have enough going on..... >>>>Shaking my head at myself<<<<

If I'm honest, I'm more concerned about the 2000 bead set that DD9 received as a birthday present. When I saw the gift, I instantly started having flashbacks to when DS11 was young and dumped 4000 BB's on the hardwood floor and they went EVERYWHERE. I might see if DD9 will sell the 2000 beads to me or trade it for something else. I would love to give the beads to someone else. Anything to prevent another thousand things spilled on the floor disaster. ***groan**
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Re: Friday FOCUS

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri May 29, 2020 9:41 pm

LadyM: I meant to ask - that was the same restaurant we went to, wasn't it?

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Re: Friday FOCUS

Postby LadyMaverick » Fri May 29, 2020 11:18 pm

Kathryn - you have a great memory! Yes, it is the same restaurant.
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