Thinking of each other Thursday

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Re: Thinking of each other Thursday

Postby Nancy » Thu Apr 08, 2021 1:04 pm

School resumes full time in person next week 5 days,
dgd will get off the bus here on. Tues. & Wed. Each week
I am SO glad I got the vaccine when I did a week earlier would have been even better oh well.
I will take her to gymnastics M & W.
I will get to see dd on Tuesdays.

I have some water retention and my newest ring fits my ring finger today. It is a bit larger.
Glad for that. Ddog is sleeping on my feet keeping them warm. :mrgreen:
Ok smaller ring fits now that water must have left.
Last edited by Nancy on Thu Apr 08, 2021 5:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Thinking of each other Thursday

Postby CathyS » Thu Apr 08, 2021 1:35 pm

Dh and I went to the landfill with tires and some garbage from the garage. Total cost $5. (They charge for garbage, but not tires.) We also stopped at the bank so I could make a deposit into the business account.

I think we are having mac and cheese from a box tonight along with the leftover short ribs from last night.
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Re: Thinking of each other Thursday

Postby Harmony » Thu Apr 08, 2021 2:32 pm

Hello. I did not get any raking done last evening. I was just tired all day long.

Yes, I think of you all a lot during my days. You all have been a great influence on me over these years. I am grateful. I mean, look what I got done recently just because of our anti-procrastination challenge and our garden challenge! My house is looking way better than it normally does and I am pleased.

Also, recently I have been in a couple new houses and this last one had me changing my thinking. Nicely organized and in pretty containers stuff sitting still STUFF! DH's niece doesn't like stuff sitting around. She is just on the other side of being a minimalist. It struck me that her house must be a breeze to clean. I've been looking around here with new eyes and seeing things differently.

And thinking about all of us... where is Dee? And Elizabeth? I hope all is well with both.

Just usual stuff done today. I have laundry to fold and a lot of food to individually package and get into the freezer. I have a small shopping list and I am planning to go out and do that next. i DO need to get out and rake. I have a lot of outside chores on my mind. DH is done going to stay at that job, it's mostly finished at this point. If he was going to be gone I'd have dedicated a weekend to all the outside chores. I guess I still could do that, but I tend to get more done if he isn't here!

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Re: Thinking of each other Thursday

Postby CathyS » Thu Apr 08, 2021 3:31 pm

I had an interesting conversation with 1 of our customers this morning. She cleans houses for a living. She said she LOVES cleaning bathrooms and kitchens because they look so much better when she is done.

I also noticed in the past few days that because my dishes aren't done, I just can't seem to stitch because the dirty dishes and dirty kitchen are calling to me. My kitchen likes to be clean. When I go in there to start supper, everything is in it's place ready to be "called to the stove". Better yet if I get the tools and ingredients all out and ready to work before I start and clean up as I go, things just go smoother. If the kitchen is clean before Jeopardy, I can sit for the rest of the night and actually relax.
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Re: Thinking of each other Thursday

Postby DeeClutter » Thu Apr 08, 2021 4:28 pm

Hmmmm....thought I had posted here, Harmony. I definitely went down a rabbit hole because I was notified that Kathryn had posted to me in J&C. She advised me to do a search for colonoscopies in our search feature (with me as the author). Found a lot of interesting info in that search. Found, I think, where he had one in 2017, 2014, 2009. It was '09 when they moved him to every 5 years instead of 3. Now I have to recheck that date as it seems like I remember the last was '14. At any rate in finding a post back in 2009 when he had one, I repeated something Kathryn had told me:
Kathryn has imparted so much wisdom to me in all these things the past few weeks. And she once again is right: [b]Challenges help us appreciate all the other things we have[/b]. Right on!
It was during all this time that our dShelley passed away and dh was having a lot of serious health problems. So today I still say thank you for our village being here.

I'm with you, Harriet, I also had a cooking project postponed from yesterday! I made a cabbage soup which I love but DD probably not so much. Figure it's a great time to have it as she'll be going to Trivia tonight. Then she and sonil are going to Cocoa Beach tomorrow afternoon till Sunday. So my menu is planned -maybe it'll even help me lose a pound or 2. I had everything cut up and ready to go but could not get the bottles of V - 8 open. Guess it's time to order a tool for opening larger bottles/jars! DD did it as soon as she came home.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Thinking of each other Thursday

Postby CathyS » Thu Apr 08, 2021 4:48 pm

I recently fell down the rabbit hole on here as well Dee. Saw some names posting that I haven't seen in a long time. I can't even remember why I started down the rabbit hole, but it was interesting.
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Re: Thinking of each other Thursday

Postby DeeClutter » Thu Apr 08, 2021 4:53 pm

Urgent Care from here called me back Monday to see how I was feeling and if I'd ended going to ER. So, today they called me again to ask if I'd gone to ER. AND she told me that my urine test came back today as a 'positive UTI' -they told me I didn't have a UTI when I was there (and of course hospital determined I did have one). She also asked me how I was feeling & what med they prescribed. Told her the test results at ER and that my heart seemed to calm down after a spell. I guess they did a 'rapid test' at the UC and it had given a 'false negative'. Glad I haven't been all that time without medication. Of course I most likely would have been too sick NOT to go to ER -was sick enough by the time we went there as it was.
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Re: Thinking of each other Thursday

Postby Nancy » Thu Apr 08, 2021 4:58 pm

I was in the amz. rabbit hole.
Realized I wasted an hour avoiding the dishes a three min. Chore! :roll:
Posting from stat bike trying to get 15 min. In before the dog whines too much,
She dislikes wind outside today 3 min. To go.
I have a plan for dinner.

I cleaned & refilled the bird bath watered a few plants out front while I was outside.

Had dinner I cooked my self a hamburger it is beef day.
Walked the dog around the block is all for a walk because of the wind.
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Re: Thinking of each other Thursday

Postby Sunny » Thu Apr 08, 2021 6:05 pm

Hello! Thank you Harriet for starting us today. I have to say that I think of everyone here a lot during the day, even though I don't post as often as I would like.

I've just talked with my dsis; wanted to do that before I posted in J & C. I also talked with dson#2 today as he was driving home from work.

Not much is going on here; we are all just resting and taking it easy. Dgrson19-C left a little while ago to travel to his weekend reserve station in PA. It's at least a four hour drive from here. So we won't see him again until Sunday evening.

Lady M, hope your voice returns soon. Dee, glad you were able to check in today. Hope you are feeling back to normal soon. Nancy, nice to hear you are doing well. Mystery, I'm glad your new C-Pap seems to be making sleep better for you. Blessed, I hope you continue to heal with less and less pain.

I haven't done any sewing for a couple of days. I did empty the dish washer this morning. I did my every other week laundry on Monday so I won't have to do that till some time next week again. I also emptied the small trash can from the upstairs bathroom and my room, put clean bags in each. That's enough for today. Dson just told me he is making hamburgers for supper and asked if I wanted one. I think after I eat I will come back up to my room and put my feet up to rest this evening.

Have a good evening everyone!
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Re: Thinking of each other Thursday

Postby MysteryWoman » Thu Apr 08, 2021 9:43 pm

Started writing this this afternoon and never finished....

Hello! I am home waiting for DC to get done with their class for today. Usually, I just wait in the parking lot while they're there, but last time, their stopping by the cafeteria "for a few minutes" after class turned out to be half an hour with me sitting in a hot car. (I didn't want to sit and idle with the air conditioning on, but the open windows weren't doing it, and with no leaves on the trees yet, there was no shady spot to park in.) They had a good reason for their delay (a friend of theirs was going through a rough patch -- her boyfriend of many years had attempted suicide), but the hot car didn't really fly with me. So I am home but have not been able to get any more done -- namely eat lunch and go online -- than I would have in the car. Apparently, it's twiddle time or drive time. But at least I am not getting baked.

I wrote myself a script and got up the nerve to text the lady about the car yesterday -- and it turns out I missed a digit in her phone number. I did have her and her husband's names from the insurance card, though, and I was able to find an address through the auditor's office website (what I would have done if they didn't own a house, I don't know), so I can mail them a letter with the estimate, though I haven't done that yet.

I hope all goes well with your dd's job, Harriet. Does "training" mean they'll keep her if she completes the training successfully?

Got a text from dd. She and her roomies think they might have found something for next year. There's a private-dorm-style apartment building near the public university downtown that is about $250/month cheaper than the similar building across from her school and actually has more amenities. It would mean a 5-mile commute, but the 5 miles is a straight shot down a major city bus line, and they have transit passes built into their student IDs already. It seems a little silly for her to commute from an apartment rather than from home, but there's the independence factor. (Although it really isn't independence if we're picking up the tab, I suppose. OTOH, the tab is cheaper than what we're paying now for the dorm. Plus the commute from home via public transit requires going through some neighborhoods I'd rather not have her go through at night.)
I've got my country's 500th anniversary to plan, my wedding to arrange, my wife to murder, and Guilder to frame for it; I'm swamped. -- Prince Humperdinck

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