Thinking of each other Thursday

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Re: Thinking of each other Thursday

Postby lucylee » Thu Apr 08, 2021 11:23 pm

Waving to ALL of you, and I hope you all know how very much you mean to me!

Can't post much b/c dh is going to want the computer soon -- but whew -- been a day.
Not a bad day -- no tick removal today -- although both dgrands spent some time rolling in the grass, so it's not a sure thing, LOL. They each showered with very little supervision, so I just don't know...

But it's been a full day.
* drug store
* finished WHB vacuuming
* partial zone vacuuming in master bedroom
* vacuumed where the vent screen goes in the dryer
* dusted top of refrigerator
* washed dgrands' clothes
* washed a second load of clothes to get clean socks for dgs to wear to school tomorrow, because out of 6 socks here at my house, only 2 match :roll:
* cooked supper, s/s kitchen
* played (parts of) 2 board games, 2 card games, some t-ball, and some basketball
* sat on the porch swing and counted cars
(dgd won because she chose pink, purple, and silver for her cars... the pink and purple were no help to her ;) )
* read the paper(s)
* visited briefly w/dmom who stopped by our house to drop off the insurance card to her truck which is still living at ds' house
* talked to ds on phone (no ball practice this afternoon, no one knows why -- it's windy but beautiful today)
* talked to ddil on the phone
* talked to dbil on the phone

So far I have 7609 steps on my Fitbit and bedtime is at least a couple hours off.
Both dgrands are on a pallet in our bedroom. I don't know when they will fall asleep but I am not fighting the battle of the screens tonight.
DGD is playing a game where she puts make-up on Barbie, I guess. DGS is searching the lineage of British royalty on Wikipedia.

Oh my goodness, Mystery (((HUGS))) for all involved with the young man who attempted suicide! How scary that must be for everyone who knows him!

Harmony, I think my dbro & his wife are minimalists. I have never seen their house, but I know he scans EVERYTHING and keeps very little in terms of paper memorabilia. He's not much for odds and ends of furniture, etc, either, because when I told him the only things I really wanted from dmom's house were the quilt we took to the river and my dad's company picnics, the HUGE laundry basket that served as my basinet when I was first born, and a curio cabinet dmom bought(?) (not sure about that) from dmil's estate, which dmil had always said should go to ds -- he said I could have ANYTHING I wanted!

Well, here comes dh -- see y'all tomorrow, I hope! :)
Tomorrow is another day.

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