Well, What do you know, IT'S MONDAY PWYC- YAY -

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Re: Well, What do you know, IT'S MONDAY PWYC- YAY -

Postby CathyS » Mon Jun 14, 2021 4:22 pm

Lady M we have tried 2 different types. Neither one was "comfortable". I felt like telling him that he just had to get used to them but I didn't.
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Re: Well, What do you know, IT'S MONDAY PWYC- YAY -

Postby Nancy » Mon Jun 14, 2021 4:38 pm

Caghy S. Lots of us have had people in our lives that keep a complete change in each rig for various reasons.
My mil did for the reason your h. Had experienced.
We kept them bc we opted to stay over and no worries bc we had a change with us.

I have had lunch feeling better today.
It will be cooler here tomorrow.
Dgd is a no show, but I am glad for the break.

Put away dishes.
Got a letter off and important paperwork cam e that shows I am making progress happy dance!

I painted some wood pieced with chalkboard paint black in color this heat is great for drying paint!
I swept kitchen and dining room floors.

I need a meal plan for my dinner.
I have vauumed the living room yea!
Last edited by Nancy on Mon Jun 14, 2021 9:15 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Well, What do you know, IT'S MONDAY PWYC- YAY -

Postby Elizabeth » Mon Jun 14, 2021 7:13 pm

Hi everyone! Thank you for the birthday wishes yesterday and today. I must say my birthday got off to a rocky start. I woke up at 330 am to the sound of the front window screen being pried off my bedroom! However, the guilty party was foster cat Charlotte. I grabbed her just as she got it off and was heading out. The window has bars, so I would have had to go around the front and maybe lost her. I cleaned out the track so it sits lower, but there is large furniture in front of that window now. I cannot close it - it is necessary for it to be open for proper swamp cooler function. Tonight, I will move the furniture away and see if she still can open the window or if it was an accidental success.

I dragged my groggy self to church, then spent the afternoon planning my summer trips, and even into the fall. In two weeks, Lake Heron, July Denver, August Denver again and Las Vegas. I will be out of town for xBFF's daughter's birthday party, which is a bummer because some out of town friends come in, but it cannot be helped. xBFF was hoping they could stay in my air conditioned camper, but it will be going with me. Part of me was hoping my traveling companion friend would want to cancel Las Vegas, but I called her and it is more important than ever now. Our other traveling companion has died.

The former owner of two foster cats is coming to see them Sunday, so I must get my house presentable. What on earth am I going to have for dinner tonight?

<skippable rant>
xBFF had me, a mutual friend, and her boyfriend over for my birthday dinner and margaritas. (Her daughter, the friend's son, and DD19 had their own gathering around a movie they all wanted to see). As predicted on times I see her, mostly good, with 15 minutes annoyance. She tried the 'no, you can't regret your marriage' thing, which lasted all of 2 minutes because the other two agreed with me. Then I got a lecture on how DD19 absolutely must move out of the x's house and away for college and how I should be telling her to do so in no uncertain terms. (She doesn't want to until next year and is an adult. Her father is very opposed to her moving out, ever.) I lost it when she said I needed to talk to the x and get him to convince her to leave because "he's a nice guy". If he is a nice guy, why did she say DD needs to leave his house because he is not treating her well? Margarita logic, I guess. I am going to get eye strain rolling my eyes so hard.
</skippable rant>

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Re: Well, What do you know, IT'S MONDAY PWYC- YAY -

Postby DeeClutter » Mon Jun 14, 2021 8:43 pm

Oh I am tired out. Dnieces insisted on taking me out for dinner (dh had fire department meeting at 6:30). They just dropped me off and are on their way back to their hotel. They leave tomorrow morning for FL to dh's DB's. DD will go see them on Wednesday after her contractor comes. She also asked if they wanted to go to lunch one day (which they do). They've really made the most of this trip.

Today's adventures didn't end with my getting back for the lab work (the results are already back and I can pretty much promise my Dr. will not be happy -results are good what there is of them. About half of the testing she ordered wasn't done. Know I'll be going back (with a printed requisition in hand this time!!) Dh called me on the way to see the gastro Dr as one road was closed because of work on RR tracks. Finally found his way there. Results from abdominal CAT scan were not very good. A surgeon's office will be calling sometime in the near future for an appointment. Told dh that it shows a lot of serious holes. They'll leave it up to the surgeon how much surgery we're talking. Meantime cardiologist's office called & he has to be in there at 7:30 tomorrow morning. Then one of his hearing aids quit working and we got info sent to us on the warranty (it's good until March 2023). Has an appointment with somebody up here on Wednesday -same time I see my Dr. :roll: We did get it figured out though I think. DGS16's truck is here and he's going to drive that.

I'm all in tonight.

Did dig some things out of our closets and cupboards to try to sell in the yard sale here on Saturday. Wednesday we hope to go to our storage unit and see how much stuff we can get out of there.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Well, What do you know, IT'S MONDAY PWYC- YAY -

Postby MysteryWoman » Mon Jun 14, 2021 10:53 pm

Peeking in before bed. Plumbers came today to snake out the basement drain, so I can do laundry again without babysitting the washer. Washed a couple of loads. Wash in dryer contains several items of C.’s. She is moving into the apartment tomorrow. I’m not sure how we’re going to get DD moved in. She only has Saturdays off, and the leasing office is only open M-F. I suppose we can ask when we’re helping C. move in. The bedrooms have separate locks, so it’s not like C.’s being there enables us to move DD in.

Belated Happy Birthday wishes to Elizabeth!
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Re: Well, What do you know, IT'S MONDAY PWYC- YAY -

Postby lucylee » Mon Jun 14, 2021 11:00 pm

(((Dee))) What. A. Day. My goodness. I know that must have had you so frustrated you wanted to SCREAM at the doctor's office and the lab people. We've had that happen before with faxed lab orders. I definitely agree -- MUCH better to go in with paper in your hand. Shaking my head... and sending prayers for good reports for you AND Mr. Dee.
(((Hugs))) for Mr. Dee too... hope the stomach issues aren't too severe.

Also want to send (((HUGS))) to Cathy & dh... I know he has to be frustrated and anxious also.

Elizabeth, your cat escapade sounds like an episode of Tom & Jerry, LOL! I can just see Charlotte breaking out of her prison bars... But I'm glad you caught her before she made a run for it!
Your xbff and her advice... just shaking my head...

WTG on dentist appt, Twins! I am dreading mine in about 3 weeks... ugh... I am sooo scared it is time to start this process with the "fractured" tooth and old fillings... and I am just terrified about how involved and complicated it may become (and how expensive!)

Good luck with the moving process, Mystery! Surely the leasing office has run into this situation before and will have some solutions.

Well, nowhere near 117 here, but it was 94 at 6:00 pm when dh and I went to Sonic. Here we are at 9:30 pm and it is 74 with 91% humidity. Now that is HOT. This morning, ds and his friends played at 10:00 a.m. in the shade of a porch, and it was hot then. I really felt sorry for the senior citizens who were sitting out there listening -- but they all seemed to enjoy it very much. It's been so long since they've been able to have groups visit and entertain.
But we had to get up at 7:30, and that meant only about 5 hours sleep for dh and me. (Tried to sleep, but just couldn't -- dh really had a rough night.) We've made up for it since, however. Since 2:30, I"ve slept -- according to FitBit -- another almost 3 hours. And I am still sooo tired.
I washed dgrands' clothes from the weekend, but that is all I've done.

Really need to do some exercise and try to get back on track this week.
I also have not talked to dmom since Saturday morning, when she was too sick to go to the wedding with us. :oops: So that is terrible, that I have not checked on her... but having one or both dgrands every minute since Friday afternoon just wipes me out by Monday.

The wedding was nice -- I'll put some details in J&C so it won't be so specific out here. But it left us all EXHAUSTED. Had dgd alone from about 4:00 pm Friday till dgs arrived at 11:00 a.m. Saturday... both dgrands till church time Sunday morning... dgs alone till about 8:00 pm that night... both till this morning, when we all went to the singing event, and we got home around 1:00 pm. Whew. I told ddil's mom, "DDIL doesn't understand, but when she is as close to 70 as dh is, she will. It is just more than we can do to keep them both for very long at all." But they were extra good last night. We caught lightning bugs and played board games and no one screamed at each other. ;)
Tomorrow is another day.

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