Saving Sat.

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Re: Saving Sat.

Postby Harriet » Sat Nov 11, 2023 6:23 pm

Dd25 left her car here again and the young man picked her up for a shopping trip.

They got back and are calling various wedding pros together now - a caterer and someone who may make a cake, I think. They teased me with a photo of a cake topper of Mario and Elvira, I think, as the wedding couple, but I was stone-faced and said fine.

I have vacuumed part of the house, and I did some put-away and organizing.

blessed, I think her weather would be overcast but a pleasant temperature. I'm glad she's having a safe and happy trip.

I suddenly thought last night of paperwork the specialist doctor promised at that moment, yesterday to give me but didn't (bone density results - I still have no idea and no way to know without her). I looked at the papers given to me after appt, and nope, it's only ordinary scheduling, etc. This, added to disappointment about things we either discussed too briefly or didn't have time to discuss at all, make me wonder why bother going. There was a point I was telling her about a literal answer to her own question (side-effects of med I'm on now) and she said, well, it could also be my age or being after menopause. What? I've only been on the med 6 months, so that makes no sense. I think she was just "phoning it in". Whatever. HRH says it reminds him of a car salesman being called after the sale about a problem - just not interested in further information.

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Re: Saving Sat.

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Nov 11, 2023 6:45 pm

thank you d harriet!
I am getting so excited for your dd and her special beau!
I wonder if you can get another opinion.
I hope you find someone who can answer all the questions you need answered .

yay on sweeping leaves d Nancy.

hi d cathy dh has me pick out my present all the time.

I hope you d twins and d roe have a good nights sleep tonight!

hi d rose 90 degrees wow

hi d lady yes it's true.

yay on your cards being done d lady!

hello everyone.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Saving Sat.

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Nov 11, 2023 6:53 pm

I made the most awful chicken pot pie!!!! I ended up ordering my mom something on door dash. As soon as it arrives then I will drop it off.
oh my, it was really really bad.

mom's food is here so I will drop it off now. I really don't want to spend the whole evening there. I feel bad to say the least but I am tired.

dd older is looking at a new car. She had her old Hyundai for 11 years and it just started to give her trouble. It doesn't owe her a thing.

I separated the dogs as they just ate. I didn't play with them at all today. - I am afraid of dd's dog going outside the small inside yard.
He is a handful for me even though he is extremely well trained. I can tell he is bored which is not good for a malinois

What needs doing next:
drop off mom' food
flip flop laundry again
work on 3 season room
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Saving Sat.

Postby Twins' Mom » Sat Nov 11, 2023 7:24 pm

I just walked ddog again and went all the way down the big hill and back up. Got in a little cardio, not huffing and puffing like I used to, and I've now met my 60K step goal for the week.

It's been a quiet day here.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Saving Sat.

Postby Nancy » Sat Nov 11, 2023 8:36 pm

We had some rain not a lot still mild temps.
had a nice dinner ,gotta luv home cooking it was good today.
Do dishes next up.
I am nearly at my step goal for the day.Yea!
Church has no heat.

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Re: Saving Sat.

Postby lucylee » Sat Nov 11, 2023 9:46 pm

It has been a quiet day here for the most part. No one feels like making trouble.
At various times, I’d say at least two of the four of us have been sleeping. Pretty sure dgs has temperature but I haven’t checked it.

We’ve all canceled out on church tomorrow— dh was supposed to sing with a group and dgs had piano, but with one diagnosis of strep (Dgd) and the way he’s been dragging around, we thought it might be wise to just stay home. Dh’s UTI med has him feeling kinda off too, and I guess I’m just dealing with the aftermath of Thursday’s severe diarrhea. I always have stomach issues, but Thurs was unusual for me, even.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Saving Sat.

Postby Harriet » Sat Nov 11, 2023 11:39 pm

only one who is putting expectations and restrictions on myself is me.

My dds say something similar to this to me, too. Sometimes, they are right. Sometimes, I know better than they do and realize I should re-evaluate/re-examine my priorities. Or fight harder through some stuff. There is a valid need for me to be gentle with myself and yet another valid need to use fleeting time to be the grandmother, for instance, who will benefit the grands, etc.

Yes, it is a balancing act.

The kids went over to dstepson and dstepdil's before the young man went home, so that they could take them their gift for their nearly-same-day birthdays.

During early, chatty parts of prayer meeting, I sewed again, then set it aside when everyone was ready. This is becoming a calming regimen for me each week. I do listen and catch the greetings and cheery catch-up, etc. So, my new line on my weekly chart for "Sewing" is almost full this week.

Hoping Nancy finds warmth.

Hoping Harmony is getting great advice and recuperating her strength.

Hoping lucylee feels better, along with family.

Those who have felt tired today, lets sllllleeeeepp ... zzzzzzz

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