Try again Tuesday!

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Try again Tuesday!

Postby lucylee » Tue Jan 02, 2024 3:04 am

Well, I'm just going to start a new day Right Now because it is almost 1:00 a.m. here in CST and to be quite honest, New Year's Day was... quite a day.

I have an important question first though -- and it shows how paranoid I am -- but y'all bear with me okay?
Still not happy with the Chromebook. DS tried to work with it tonight, no luck, even with your hints, LadyM... and then ds says, "I have a laptop you can use! It's an old one ddil had and I used, but then I bought a new one on a Black Friday sale and no one has used this one in a couple years probably. But I'll bring it over and you can see what you think. At least it's Windows and you won't have to fool with all Google's differences. It worked fine when I quit using it."
Now... question is... suppose I use this for a while and then someday they need it back.
:?: Will there be anyway they can access anything I've typed on these pages in our little village? :?:
Is that not crazy of me? I know, just delete favorites, if SHEs are saved there... delete any files I've saved on the computer... they'd have to figure out my password for the SHEs... etc... and I really don't think they would care enough to investigate what I had been doing on an old laptop anyway. But I have talked pretty freely here, and I don't want anyone to see something that they perceive as negative, you know?
Is there away to just go back to factory settings, though, in a case like that?
Plus, I really don't think they would ever ask for it back. They are into all the newest technology. Not going back to something they put in a closet two years ago.

Right now... I've got to get in bed. I'm exhausted. I'll give details about how 2024 came in with a bang later...
Suffice it to say, it involved a 20 lb ham, pineapple juice, and pineapple juice which ran all over the oven, the floor, and virtually everything I've touched since 4:00 pm.
When we finally ate at about 7:00 p.m., it was good, however.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Try again Tuesday!

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Jan 02, 2024 11:03 am

Lucylee, LadyM can speak to your question better than anyone, but if delete the cookies and history I think you're okay. If you feel called, you can do the reformat thing. I can't imagine them wanting the computer back at that point.

I just did a COVID test, I have a dry cough and runny nose and test was negative. Noticed the cough all day yesterday too but it didn't interfere with my sleep. I go back to workout today.

So today's agenda:
-11:15 mamogram
-2:00 workout

Dh is out tonight so I'm not on for cooking supper.

Other possible errands:
-Groceries (don't need much)
-post office (mail return and ck HOA bos)
-Lowes (potting soil)

I finally got pansies into one pot on the firepit pad yesterday but don't have enough potting soil to continue. I thought I was nearly out and would need to get some soon anyway.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Try again Tuesday!

Postby Harriet » Tue Jan 02, 2024 11:26 am

Good morning, dear friends.

I thought about dropping everything in order to come here and post at The Crossroads of Order of the Day :) , my 10:00 a.m. here, but decided no, I'm getting too much done, keep moving! A good sign, hmmm?

I've made a call to our ins folks to get that out of the way.
(does anyone need an insurance REMINDER? I've been told more policies have a Jan renewal than any other month.)

Anyone need a taxes REMINDER, come to think of it?

Morning Daily Card being respected if not downright saluted this morning. Laundry spinning while the kitchen spif happening and bed already made and kittycat with no complaints. Love normalcy. In fact, ❤️hugging normalcy to pieces❤️ - it's terrific.

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Re: Try again Tuesday!

Postby CathyS » Tue Jan 02, 2024 11:36 am


Thanks for the start LucyLee!!

I did a LOT of laundry yesterday and finished the day by turning on the dishwasher.

Leftovers for supper tonight.

What is that bright light outside?

I need to set up my desk top for a (hopefully) organized year of paperwork. I also need to clear the island. I dumped a bunch of stuff on it when we came in from our trip and it's all still there.
Dishes never stop.
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Re: Try again Tuesday!

Postby Harriet » Tue Jan 02, 2024 11:43 am

Health and Fitness
Decluttered Home and
Art, Craft and Needlework
new monthly threads posted below and ready for brilliant thoughts :!:

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Re: Try again Tuesday!

Postby MysteryWoman » Tue Jan 02, 2024 12:00 pm

Good morning!

Today will be a laundry day here. At the very least, I want DH to have some fresh shirts for when he goes back to work tomorrow, and I need underwear and long-sleeved shirts. Plus I still have “homework” to finish before my therapist appointment tomorrow. I have one last box to deal with in the dining room. I have to finish cleaning the kitchen, though the pantry cabinet is looking spiffy! Christmas presents need to be put away. And I need to take DD out driving twice and DC once.

Looks like I’ve got my work cut out for me, but it doesn’t look impossible.

Have a wonderful day, everyone!
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Re: Try again Tuesday!

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Jan 02, 2024 12:19 pm

I love the title - try again!
Sometimes I forget that if I can't get something done I can try again. thank you for the start d Lucy.

Hi everyone. I will come back to say hello individually. I woke up around 7 am. I felt like I am getting a chest cold and decided to go back to sleep. I woke up at 10! I still have the chest cold but I am up!

Morning Daily Card being respected if not downright saluted this morning. this made me smile!

dogs brought a present (large dead mouse) to the back door. They were so proud but I do feel for a field mouse- I don't care if they are outside but not inside. They keep trying to bring it in to share it with me.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Try again Tuesday!

Postby CathyS » Tue Jan 02, 2024 1:46 pm

Dishwasher emptied.
One cat litter tray cleaned and refilled.
Two garbage cans emptied. Garbage bags taken outside.
Compost bin washed because it was sticky with juice from dh's oranges. Compost taken outside.
Recycling taken outside.
Burnables in a large bag and taken outside.

I'm dressed to shoes. We have had numerous phone calls this morning. Dh has done 2 oil changes.

We also had a friend/customer drop by asking about his diesel vehicle. Dh won't work on it, but he recommended someone who could.

Dh's best friend is dropping by either today or tomorrow to help dh get out of Fbook jail. :oops: I know what it was that got him shut down. It was a nasty picture with words that could be taken the wrong way. I saw the picture and read what it said, and knew he would get trouble for it.
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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Re: Try again Tuesday!

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Jan 02, 2024 1:52 pm

hi d cathy,
hi d harriet,
hi d Lucy,
hi d mystery
hi d twins

hi d everyone.
kitchen floor swept and rinsed. it was awful. I didn't rinse the floors yesterday.
Listening to pam and Peggy's sidetracked home executive - I know I have heard it over and over again but it's nice to work with
dishes emptied
counters and sink (not stove) cleaned
dh is ready to go.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Tue Jan 02, 2024 2:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Try again Tuesday!

Postby Harriet » Tue Jan 02, 2024 2:07 pm

oh, dear, blessed, they are protecting you from great danger, you see... ..? Somehow, this is expressing your value as leader of their pack. Somehow. Hope your cold is quick and outahere. Do you mean you are listening to the book on tape or some of their tapes?

Happy National Science Fiction Day (US) to all who celebrate. Who knew. A day for SF. HRH celebrates all the time, recently rewatching his favorite old early SF movie classics.

Speaking of entertainment, dd43 says she watched GBBS holidays on NF, and I hollered, "no spoilers", much to her amusement. So, I'll tell HRH he's got to treat me to that soon. Hopefully we won't get as competitive over it as we did the recent season.

Mystery, having homework and setting those goals seems to be agreeing with you. You (like me) may be the type who did well in school because we liked the clear discipline of it. I wonder how we would have done in the military? Ah, the roads not taken.

I'm with Cathy on desk neatness hopes!

I've been obedient to my 5x5 today as well, kinda boring BUT included "toss sweets", so I have a very caloric trash can. :P Good riddance. I did not toss anything that was wrapped from manufacturer, but we had very little of that anyway.

Twins', is setting a very brisk pace in Health and Fitness - near confetti-streaming level. So, time for me to go "publicly" share some resolutions. (privately, with village, lol)

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