Thrive on Thursday

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Re: Thrive on Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Jan 04, 2024 2:26 pm

hello d twins productive is always good even when it's not planned!!! well done on all you did today already!

hello d cathy. yay on having a sunny day!
hope they clean up all the woods etc. across the street!
please share your menu plan for the year! I love learning from others

hi d mystery
we all need a lazy day - I have decided to add one pajama day a week. lol.
good for your dc that she joined a theater club! how fun!

hello to all!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Thrive on Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Jan 04, 2024 3:28 pm

broke a bottle of olive oil - the floor should have a shine for the rest of the week.

pulled my veggie growing list to see what I want to add to the garden this year.
put away a bunch of paperwork

trying to a put away without getting stuck on perfectionist thinking/acting. I can easily stay in one small area and clean it perfectly while leaving the rest of the house a mess.

I received a card from my 92 year old sweet French aunt - time to see if my translation is correct :D
translate most correctly but I the words I didn't get made the sentences funny. I will have to have my eldest go over some of the French.
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Re: Thrive on Thursday

Postby CathyS » Thu Jan 04, 2024 4:36 pm

Blessedw2 just go on youtube or google Jacques Pepin. He teaches things in a very easy way.
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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Re: Thrive on Thursday

Postby lucylee » Thu Jan 04, 2024 4:37 pm

Well, I give up. I think I will keep the Chromebook -- unless ds comes up with something great to get me a good browser on this laptop. And even then, I think I'll just learn to use the Chromebook. When I opened the laptop just now, it told me I probably needed a new battery. Sigh. It was a generous offer of him, but no, it's just not really going to work, it it? (I'm on the Chromebook now.)

So today, so far, I have slept till noon. I'm sorry -- we were both just EXHAUSTED... but we did finish all the laundry folding while watching Wagon Train last night at 1:30 in the morning, LOL.
I've been to the post office, paid two bills, made dh very upset and anxious by offering to call the kidney doctor to see if they had conferred with the surgeon... (NO he does not want me to call ANYONE, he does not want to THINK about this anymore for at least a few days, would I please not utter the word DOCTOR again until he brings it up???) (In my defense, I thought he HAD brought it up because he was talking about how he dreamed about operations all night. SIGH.)
I've eaten and read the magazine that comes monthly from the electric co-op.

Now, to do --
[ ] exercise
[ ] s2s
[ ] Bible reading, "morning routine"
[ ] dgd's ballgame
[ ] finish setting up planner for 2024

OH, (((blessed)))... olive oil all over the floor is just as messy as pineapple juice... bless your heart...
My dh is not very adventurous in the kitchen either. And he wants to eat out 90% of the time, (partly because he feels he is supposed to help with clean up after supper and he just doesn't want to deal with it). And actually, though I know it's not the healthiest, I can deal with eating out 7 nights a week... but as you said, I don't want to forget HOW to cook. Which I basically proved I have done with that ham... still shaking my head... :roll: :oops:
BTW -- what is the Linus program?

Cathy, good that someone is seeing sunshine... it has been so dreary around here the last few days. Someone said we had a bit of snow showers, but of course, nothing stuck -- I didn't even see anything except rain sprinkles. It's supposed to rain a LOT tomorrow, however. DH said he heard we were getting 3".
I can see why you're concerned about the burn hazard across the street. Good luck with getting some action on that!

Yep, Mystery, you can see I am all in favor of lazy days...

Good for you, Twins, on a very productive morning, and looks like a productive afternoon!

Dove, 3x5s are certainly being neglected around here. I did get a small bit of planning done last night, but I am another person who will not really feel like it is time to start the new year till the Christmas decorations are all put away. MAYBE this weekend, but more likely the first of next week. DH said he hated for it to come down.

And Nancy, you are right, the lights are so cheery and cozy on these cold, dreary days.

(DH is REALLY nervous about the surgery, being put to sleep, recovering, etc. EVERYTHING about it scares him... and sometimes I think he is afraid this will be his last Christmas.
I'm nervous too, of course, but I am trying diligently to keep his spirits up and assure him that everything is going to be FINE.
Doing a lot of praying.)

LadyM, yes, the password problem is solved, and I think I'm just going to have to give up on Windows7.
Your spaghetti sounds delicious. That is ONE thing I think I cook well. I do my sauce from scratch and the noodles cook IN the sauce. It's a recipe from the old red and white Better Homes and Gardens cookbook, which my dmom used all my life.

Waving to ALL, because I'm sure I've missed someone... this is as far as Topic Review will take me, and I'm still learning this Chromebook keyboard and mouse, you know, but I think I WILL learn it -- it's only been a week so far, and I haven't used it every day since Christmas. DGD will be thrilled. Plus, it IS smaller than the laptop, so if I want to take it to College Town, it will be easier to travel with.

Hope you all have a great day!!!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Thrive on Thursday

Postby Nancy » Thu Jan 04, 2024 5:27 pm

Bw2 said
"I am considering doing the Linus program this year as well."

What is this?

I walked not very briskly woke up with a kink walking did help some so that is good.
I worked in the kit. dishes are done time to put em away, & then shine my sinks.
So I'm trying to revive my habits but not all at once so I do not get over whelmed.
Bed is made after a fashion.

WTG everyone on your progress.
Handy man is a no show not surprising however.

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Re: Thrive on Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Jan 04, 2024 5:43 pm

hello d Lucy - it's nice to hear someone else's dh is not dinner at home person - lol I have to say though even when we go out he eats the same thing. One time we went to an expensive French restaurant with d mom, our girls and dh for my birthday. He ordered chicken nuggets from the children's section.

d Lucy when you need to sleep - you need to sleep! Look what you did: you folded all your laundry! woo hoo! yay!

I am so sorry your dh is feeling this way - it is scary - I have the same thing with my sweet dh. My dh got very angry at me re; any procedure, meds, feedings, etc. as a way to deflect.

Would your dh be better to have your ds bring it up? (not being your idea in front of him). Our dd's can talk to dh where I can't. Our dd's won't back off - they are nice but won't let him get away with it and will call/set up appointments and take him. Dh is kinder to them when they say things. dh knows I don't like confrontation and I would rather talk with caring. Dh fear makes him pretend that it's not real.

I will be praying for him every day! and praying for you as you try to keep his spirits up!

The Linus program is making quilts for children or teens. (0 to 18). :D

d cathy thank you! I love Jacques Pepin! I will - thanks for reminding me about watching him on YouTube!

Hope that kink works right out of you and you feel more limber as the week goes on d Nancy.

dear all - hello!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Thrive on Thursday

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Jan 04, 2024 5:45 pm

The Chromebook sounds like a good decision, Lucylee. I think you really just need something to surf the internet and sometimes write and save minutes or something.

I have somehow had a productive day again and it's just now 4 p.m. I did get the other three things done. I had a good workout and didn't feel like I was about to die. I'd like to go ahead and wash those sheets that I brought from upstairs and have dcleaning lady make up that bed in the morning.

I've been reminded that it's time to walk the d impatient dog.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Thrive on Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Jan 04, 2024 6:20 pm

how wonderful that you had a productive day d twins - good for you!
enjoy your walk.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Thrive on Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Jan 04, 2024 6:23 pm

I was proud of myself today. I accomplished much and simplified the kitchen and paperwork. it feels good to be productive.

hope you all have a wonderful evening!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Thrive on Thursday

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Jan 04, 2024 8:42 pm

I am coasting into the evening hours with the essentials done.

I feel like my life is a blur of teenage doings. It feels like I could write a book each day journaling what they are doing. Some things I remember that happened in the last few hours-
** Fiona lost her phone (15 year old girl living 2 houses away) and came here to ask for help finding it. That involved going on a road trip looking for her Mom and when we couldn't find her we stop at DS15 workplace to see if his snapchat showed her phone location. Fast forward 30 minutes later....Fiona, her phone and Mom were all reconciled.
** DD12 has a new game that is consuming her. It has interfered with her sleep and has her emotions on edge. She is also 5 days late for monthly and that is most likely influencing emotions also. I had to implement boundaries to keep her game playing time restricted to non-school and nonsleeping times. DD12 is not pleased.
** DS15 pickup was finished today and ready to be picked up from mechanic. Or so we thought. Unfortunately, an o ring was missing from one of the new injectors which meant it had to turn around and go back into the shop. The sole proprietor mechanic was being charged today in court so who knows if he will be able to finish the job.
** DS15 wants to go riding around with Cason. I don't know Cason temperament or his family (they just moved here) so I'm not comfortable letting a teenage boy be behind the wheel and in charge of DS15 life. DS15 thinks I'm being unreasonable.
** One of DS15 lifelong closest friends (Jimmy) was suspended from school for 3 months. The story Jimmy told to DS15 why this happened makes NO SENSE at all. I don't think I am getting the truth so I am not comfortable with DS15 hanging around Jimmy until I know why such a big suspension happened. The admin in the school are levelheaded and give lots of grace so Jimmy had to have done something substantial. DS15 thinks I'm being unreasonable.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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