Thrive on Thursday

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Re: Thrive on Thursday

Postby Harriet » Thu Jan 04, 2024 9:43 pm

blessed, I think Nancy and I were both hoping you'd say that! But we also probably both thought it might be a different Linus from the Linus Project for making both quilts and knitted/crocheted blankets for children. (I know I wondered if I was just uninformed about some other Linus.) The lady (Kate) in The Last Homely House is going to be making a Linus something this year as well. She does all kinds of knitting/sewing.

I am VERY sorry about both the pineapple/ham situation and the Olive Oil situation. As much as I've been mopping today, and don't even have a particular spill, I am impressed with all the cleanup you two had to do, lucylee and blessed.

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Re: Thrive on Thursday

Postby Nancy » Thu Jan 04, 2024 9:53 pm

Hurumph handy man no show. I got the dresser inside and need to look on you tube how to use cinch up straps.
I'm upset at men in general dson did not even offer to help bring it in or help me with that dang him any way.
I am upset at myself for not asking and not knowing to ask how the strap works. It now looks like a knotted up belt sigh. Okay I watched yt on that. Feeling a bit smarter now.

I will need to sand on the drawers and put wax on them after I clean it again.
I have to go get wood glue tomorrow.

We have rain again today. It is more of a mist.
Had my dinner and kitchen looks good.

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Re: Thrive on Thursday

Postby Harriet » Thu Jan 04, 2024 10:07 pm

Today was a heavy cleaning day for me, mostly in the master bath. I have continued to have such a time keeping this 65-year-old tub clean in a house where there is definitely hard water. I purchased recently one of those motorized spin-scrubbing hand-held cleaners. This one also has a long handle but I haven't used that yet. The jury is still out, but it does do some good. Anything that is already up to your standards gets polished, lol. If it's stained, the stain gets polished. ;)

Also cleaned the bathroom sink with its smaller brush. And then mopped the floor a couple times. Sigh. The floor always needs so much work. When I next clean in there, I'll try the handle on the spin thingie for the floor.

Oh, just remembered the rubber bathmat is still in the washing machine, lol. Gee, it helps me to chat with ya'll.

I don't know whether to blame my backache tonight on heavy cleaning day, or on my extra-exercise last night. I did a stamina video with lots of leg lifts and that may have been too much after I'd already worked out. But I didn't really hurt so much until getting down on knees so often at bathtub today, so, maybe a combination.

Kathryn, do you still have aches?

LadyM, you're experienced with teens, so you probably have a good instinct. My problem with ds was that he was my peer-conscious child. He was always convinced that he should give outsized attention to what his peers thought. I remember many attempted logical discussions with him about that. I may have gotten through. Logically, "don't try to live your life in one day" as my ddad used to say, meaning no particular disappointment today meant the end of the world. Of course, I wasn't so sure he knew how VITAL today was, either.

I'm upset at men in general

yep, sometimes I feel that way, too. Even though anyone can be guilty of not listening, it can feel like there's a whole new level of not listening when its men not listening.

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Re: Thrive on Thursday

Postby lucylee » Fri Jan 05, 2024 1:20 am

Progress --
[x] exercise
[x] s2s, including washing and scrunching hair
[ ] Bible reading, "morning routine"
[x] dgd's ballgame
[/] finish setting up planner for 2024

Partly I'm checking in just to keep practicing with this thing. The keyboard is a little different -- no "shift lock," for example... and I'm not sure what all these keys on ABOVE the numbers are for. Starts with esc (Escape, I guess) and ends with the power button, but in between, I'm not sure what I've got here. LOL.

And ds will want the laptop back if I don't use it -- he told dgd tonight maybe she could use it to watch youtube, IF he could come up with a browser for it. This was after I told him it was recommending a new battery. Anyway -- I imagine in Control Panel I can find a "restore to factory settings" command, right? :?:

I seem to have lost a paragraph. :? LadyM, that is a lot of teenage drama. I don't blame you one bit. A three-month suspension is definitely extreme.

DGD (8) told me the other day that IF she keeps the living room clean and her bathroom, she gets to have a SLEEPOVER with her two best friends and they will go to a MOVIE and they will go to the DOLLAR TREE to get snacks to SNEAK IN to the movie... and I hope y'all can hear the excitement here. SIgh. I am not ready for dgd to be this old. I think today if I were the parent, I'd just make a rule that "we don't do sleepovers," and be done with it. OTOH, considering her two best friends, one's mother is a teacher in the same grade dgd is in, and the other's parents we have known since ds and the dad started playing t-ball together. He is a deacon in his church and has helped coach dgs' basketball teams. They have a son in dgs' grade and the daughter in dgd's class. If I were going to trust any of dgrands' parents, I'd trust these folks. I'm just paranoid these days.
Of course... we are a LONG way from keeping things clean so far... LOL... AND we don't know how these parents feel about sleepovers, either. So, I'd best not borrow trouble.

RE: trouble here with dh -- he is doing pretty well, not trying to avoid what HAS to be done, blessed, just doesn't want me to go out trying to do MORE than what is necessary.

I guess I need to check out this Chromebook browser a little bit. So far, I've only looked at this site! :lol:
Tomorrow is another day.

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