Sunday Sightings

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Sunday Sightings

Postby Harriet » Sun Jan 07, 2024 11:28 am

Homemakers are alert and interested, a little bit protective, noticing the things that might make a difference.

What have you sighted lately that was special, encouraging, unusual, comforting or cautioning?
Did it mean something for your household, or for the upcoming week?

Let us know about the sightings that have gotten your attention.

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Re: Sunday Sightings

Postby Nancy » Sun Jan 07, 2024 12:08 pm

Not good dreams got my attn. get to live another day is a good thing.
Got in the shower and washed hair in anticipation of in person church today.
Decide on my clothes.
31* out sie here this morning.
Bfast is omm.
Wishing all who join a good day.

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Re: Sunday Sightings

Postby Harriet » Sun Jan 07, 2024 12:24 pm

I've had some "we're going to have to handle this" sightings lately, in household maintenance. Heavy rains revealed that we're not totally out of the woods yet with a sporadic problem around the chimney that needs to be addressed. I'm hoping that a larger "cap" of aluminum will take care of it. For decades, roofers of all types and expertise have gloriously announced that it was fixed NOW, after their brilliant work, but it never is. Leaves cause a dam that traps rainwater and lets it seep, so we just need to put a lid on this (smile), and possibly substantial flashing that redirects water.

We have continued to spot our relatively new neighbor, a groundhog. We always see him/her at the same place that doesn't make sense, because there's no water nearby. But we aren't real estate agents. If that's where the groundhog wants to call home, we are not going to trespass on his spot just because WE think he'd have moved to a better location. Just glad to know where to expect him, because they have a reputation for being cross.

Enjoyed online prayer meeting last evening. Time for morning service now, and note-taking for that.

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Re: Sunday Sightings

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Jan 07, 2024 12:53 pm

living a new day is a good thing - I agree d Nancy!

d harriet - thank you for reminding me that homemaking is a beautiful focus to have in life!

I always wanted to be like the homemakers that make homemaking look easy. Consistency has always been difficult for me and my ADHD is a problem that takes over every so often. My biggest problem being the homemaker I want to be is the pick it up and put it away - finish the process - I don't notice it and the next day I am shocked that things are out.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Sunday Sightings

Postby Twins' Mom » Sun Jan 07, 2024 1:02 pm

I was starting just a couple of minutes after Harriet with Sunday Start! (That is, using Sunday as a the start of a "normal" week and doing some planning and looking ahead today.)

I am loving having a five day week, more of a "normal" week coming up and I don't have a lot of other appointments going.

Hoping for a good day for Nancy!

Harriet, we also have a groundhog. Dneighbor was telling me that their little Boston was out one day and there was one in the other end of the yard, and Boston, tho he's generally a little hellion, didn't even notice it. I've had a sense that there was a groundhog, racoon, possum out there because dMillie will stand and look at that area, knowing she can't go there to nose it out.

The sightings on my mind lately are the obstacles for the Roomba. Since we've lived here I've trailed an electric cord under the rug and couch to a freestanding lamp, but I've thought of a better way to do it. Also thought of a rerouting for a lamp on the table that sits between two chairs. That's on my list for the week, on a day when dh won't be around to question.

Right there with you, bw2! I'm almost always surprised by the state of the kitchen when I enter in the morning. You too?
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Sunday Sightings

Postby CathyS » Sun Jan 07, 2024 1:05 pm

I have a load of clean clothes getting unwrinkled in the dryer and a full load with towels/facecloths, etc., in the washer.

Dh has had his coffee and he is waiting for a football game to start. I have asked him for a fire in the fireplace later today at some point.

We both slept in, but I know dh was awake during the night.

Supper will be a pork roast with crackling, scalloped potatoes with cheese and onion (to use up the cream) and a bit of cabbage that will be sauteed with onion and bacon to use up the cabbage and the bacon.

The snow we had last night is mostly gone.

I have some clean dishes to put away.
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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Re: Sunday Sightings

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Jan 07, 2024 1:18 pm

hello again.

I am feeling so so much better. My depression I had while sick is lifting quite a bit. Thank Goodness!

I will come back to say hello individually soon but know that I am cheering each of you on.

I need to add things to this week. I am stopping by the quilt shop this week to figure out my next project.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Sunday Sightings

Postby MysteryWoman » Sun Jan 07, 2024 1:44 pm

Good morning! I am not noticing anything at this moment; I’m too drowsy. I don’t have a good excuse for being drowsy, except maybe that it is just so gray.

Nightmares are never fun, Nancy, but it is good to be alive! Sorry about the chimney/roof leak, Harriet. I never associated groundhogs with water, but I never thought to associate them with anything. Open fields, maybe, but we had one living behind our woodpile once, and I wouldn’t qualify our side yard as an open field, particularly compared to the vacant lot across the street.

It will soon be time to go visit my mom. Maybe I’ll be lucky, and she’ll be a little alert. My DB’s GF said she finally got the chance to visit, and Mom opened her eyes a little. I told her she must rate. There will be a football game that I’ll watch while I’m there, if I can — there’s not always a remote in Mom’s room, so sometimes I’m stuck watching Lifetime movies, which I don’t like but pull my attention from Mom nonetheless.

I really need to write my homework for the week on my whiteboard. There’s not much, but I keep forgetting what it is. I just lost a couple of paragraphs, so I think it’s time to call this quits. Have a good afternoon, all!
I've got my country's 500th anniversary to plan, my wedding to arrange, my wife to murder, and Guilder to frame for it; I'm swamped. -- Prince Humperdinck

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Re: Sunday Sightings

Postby Harriet » Sun Jan 07, 2024 2:27 pm

Ramblin', I'm sorry you have suffered from those headaches several days. Feel better.

Mystery, I had missed somehow your post last evening, and you said stuff that had me agreeing.

Wanted to say yes, we are tea drinkers, too. I drink green tea because it's a proven keep-away food for the C word. Dd26 likes any Earl Grey or Thai, those with tapioca pearls, etc., and HRH likes Hibiscus Tea, which isn't actually from a tea plant, of course. My favorite of the green teas is Twinings Green Tea. although I don't know how to pronounce that, like twins or with long "i" sound, and have heard both ways - anyone know for sure? I gave the old college try to a highly recommended green tea from Viet Nam, but there was an aftertaste that confused me and as soon as I said that to HRH he had a fit for me to stop it, reminding of the Tea Bag Scandals. (You have to know food manufacturing - times in US when tea was properly handled but bags had been stored recklessly and became contaminated by mice.) I imagine it's just a different climate or variety, but I don't want to give our resident quality control inspector a heart attack.

I will drink coffee with enough chocolate, milk, and sugar that it just barely tastes like coffee
That is one of my recipes. :)

We went in DH’s car. I don’t know how much riding I intend to do in that car. It is very low-slung, and I practically have to do the limbo to get in (and I don’t fit in the back seat at all), and I’m very good at clocking my head both getting in and reaching for the door to close it.


My two daughters have each individually, with different purposes, budgets and chosen brands, brought home cars that take passengers within inches of the surface over which they travel. A lady's derriere is hard-pressed to maintain a graceful landing. And that's just the getting in. Try getting out.

Thank you for being a church volunteer for livestreaming. Our household definitely benefits from it.

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Re: Sunday Sightings

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Jan 07, 2024 4:03 pm

I love tea as well but I am a coffee drinker in the morning.

hope your migraine goes away fast d rose.

I sat for one hour going through Decembers magazines and flower and garden catalogs.
most are gone!

next 15 in family room
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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