Well-Spent Wednesday PWYC

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Well-Spent Wednesday PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Jan 24, 2024 9:38 am

I'm just going for well-spent today. I'm feeling the January blues and lack of motivation so I'd like to at least feel I've spent my time wisely and well.
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Re: Well-Spent Wednesday PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Jan 24, 2024 10:30 am

I need to get out to dd's bank today and see what I need to do to close her account. Honestly, I don't want to leave the house but, for her, I'll do it. (I was so looking forward to hunkering down - we have heavy rain beginning later.)

I'm going to try for "little bites" today to break up some of my resistance.
-breakfast/meds and vitamins
-walk the dog

Apparently dd just had seen enough at her job to feel it wasn't going to work. She has savings, and she has us, so she won't starve. She sounds good and had already looked at job prospects.
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Re: Well-Spent Wednesday PWYC

Postby CathyS » Wed Jan 24, 2024 10:50 am


I've swept all the floors other than the bathroom while dh was having his shower. They do need to be mopped.

Dh is in a panic because he only has 2 large bottle of soda left. I would like to go to the book store to pick up the latest J. D. Robb that came out yesterday, so I can grab some soda while I'm out.

Supper will be salmon casserole with shells instead of elbow macaroni. There will be green peas mixed in as well. Dh requested this.

I still need to water the plants.
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Re: Well-Spent Wednesday PWYC

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Jan 24, 2024 10:50 am

We had more snow than expected overnight and tonight there will be freezing rain.

So I need to get out to the store for groceries (the fridge looks quite neat because it is basically 1/2 empty!) and prepare to hunker down. There's enough ice in the forecast that I have to be prepared for no electricity. We have to pick up dgs at 6:45 tomorrow morning from the hospital. Ugh!

I made it to the luthier and then to the Seaway for fish and chips. It was actually a lovely day out. The luthier's shop is in an old service club's hall over 100 years old and the space has the most amazing energy. I loved being there. And we both got great vibes off the man. He'll fix dh's guitar and then design a new one for him. We worked out the rough design while there. That will be received a year from now, maybe more depending on how many repairs he accepts in the meantime. He builds just one or two guitars a year.

The fish and chips tasted wonderful and our view was of a very cold and choppy river (no ships at this time of the year, the Seaway is closed.) Spotted a loon bobbing in the waves. We listened to the radio news while eating and the traffic report said snow had started everywhere around us but we didn't see flakes until we pulled out of the parking spot to drive home. It became quite heavy on the 70 mile drive. The car was technically supposed to have the range to get home but when the range was dropping faster than expected, dh asked to turn off my heated seat. I pointed out that the proper response is to keep the seats on, but turn off heat blowing in the car. Dh had already slowed down to just below the speed limit. We kept the heat off and the estimated range went back up 1%. Then the driving got worse which meant everyone was traveling well below the speed limit. That meant we didn't have to get off the freeway and move to side roads in order to go slow. We made it home with 9% left and today (36 hours later) the car is back up close to full charge. Dh is off now to take the car through the car wash. The road spray was enough that had we wanted to use the driver assist tech, we couldn't because the windshield camera was blinded by it and the wipers weren't cleaning it.

My back was worse yesterday, probably as a result of all the time sitting in the car, in total over 4 hours (because we have to eat in the car, the fish & chips place is take-out only.)

I did manage a short walk but that was pretty painful. I'll go again today since I won't be able to tomorrow.

Dd reports her kids are quite sick. Dgs7 has broken the family record for days in a row throwing up. That's passed but he's home now with diarrhea. Dgd5 was also throwing up for several days. And managed to lose her first tooth in that time as well! Friday is a school holiday here but I doubt I'll be doing much with them.

Catching up on posts: 

From Monday: 

Blessed, you were weepy but you said it didn't make sense because you were happy. Could it have been relief because it was a break in being stressed? Or perhaps regret/anger that your moments of happiness are so few that you really notice being happy instead of feeling that is normal? Or could it be your emotion at having to try and save a memory of this time because you know it is fleeting and life will get difficult again? Sorry to be so negative but I often find my depression robs me of fully enjoying  happy moments because the black cloud is still there. 

LadyM: I loved your list of stretches/exercises and I loved that reddit quote. I would probably replace call a family member with "do something for someone else." Call a family member definitely could be that 'something' but as one gets stronger it can be a more physical action, like my picking up the mail or taking things I've bought for him, over to my housebound neighbour. The act of getting out to either shop or deliver makes a world of difference to me personally and while it is a pain (literal these days with my back out) it is also good for my brain chemistry.
From Tuesday

Lucylee: I empathize with loving the grandchildren to bits but still getting 'tired' of them after 11 days in a row! And like you, with a parent being a hospital worker, just saying "get a regular daycare provider" isn't an option even if they could afford it. The hours are just too weird. I find I add overnights at times to make it a bit 'easier' for me and a lot easier on dgs.

For instance, ds texted asking about going out to his house for 6 hours on Feb 16 (a 2 hour round trip), or picking up dgs at 7 in the morning from the hospital and he'd pick him up from here at 7:45 at night (bedtime is 8.) I suggested picking up dgs on the morning of the 15th and having ddil picking him up after nap on the 17th since she has a shift in the city. Less back and forth winter driving for me (and no problems with the car having enough charge to do them if it is really cold) , no early or late drives for dgs, and dh would get to see him too. Win-Win. Except that means I've just committed to having him for 3 days! 

Twins: I'm sorry your dd is looking for work again and that her distraction caused you more work. Leaving one's car unlocked is sometimes the only way to avoid having one's window broken when people are looking for spare change or stuff to steal out of it. Leaving one's purse in the car is not wise either locked or worse unlocked. Sigh.... She needs to learn to be at least safe and wise even when distracted.

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Re: Well-Spent Wednesday PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Jan 24, 2024 11:06 am

Twins - Thank you for the start today.

It’s hard, though, deciding what to do with all this stuff.

So true! Mystery - I applaud your effort and success in tackling the STUFF. I fight this same battle everyday room by room. However we can make progress is a success IMHO.

(((Twins))) Does your DD want to remain in the same location or is she seeking to move to a different state/country?

Last night with the family went smoothly. A few years ago, having this type of fun enjoyable gathering was so far out of the possibility. DD47 SO is a stabilizing influence in her life and I give credit to him for DD47 not falling off the edge of her version of normal.

This will be SO eleventh 6 month TDY to Australia. He is not thrilled about it but it is a job to be done. His flight leaves at noon today and as of 8pm last night he hadn't started packing. He had gathered things that he will pack but said he has done it so many times that he knows exactly what to do. He is happy to have a direct flight without layovers.

DS15 is sick. **sigh** One of his best friends has been sick for two days, so it isn't a surprise. Hopefully our immune system will be able to fight off the sick germs he has. There is a lot of flu and bronchitis happening in our community.
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Re: Well-Spent Wednesday PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Jan 24, 2024 12:31 pm

Heading out to bank now to see what I have to do. And I'll head to the vet's office too to drop off Millie's fecal sample that they didn't get last week. They sent me home with a labeled bottle for it, and I have it. :shock:
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Re: Well-Spent Wednesday PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jan 24, 2024 2:00 pm

d twins thank you for starting us! - For me it's like, families from years ago, where they all worked together. it's wonderful. thank you!
I pray your day is what you want it to be. What a great focus for today - well spent Wednesday is the perfect title.

I am praying the next right job comes her way! - it must have been horrible and so overwhelming for her to leave her job.

d cathy - yay on sweeping all the floors. have a good day!

hi d Kathryn! stay safe with that icy snow! praying that you keep your electricity!
I am glad you had a lovely day out!!!
I still love the sound of a loon - we don't have them here but I remember fishing in my teen years in the middle of the Canadian wilderness!

I am so sorry your back is worse. should you see a specialist to help remove the kinks. praying you feel better fast!
praying your d grandchildren feel better. The stomach upsets have been in our area for a few weeks.
congratulations on loosing her first tooth!

You have an extremely kind heart d Kathryn!!! I don't know if you know that but you truly do!!!! thank you!!! You are a blessing to me!
Last edited by blessedw2 on Wed Jan 24, 2024 2:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Well-Spent Wednesday PWYC

Postby Ramblinrose » Wed Jan 24, 2024 2:14 pm

I'm joining Twins with the Idontwannas!!! Glad to know I have company.

I've been in the middle of a migraine cycle. Dr changed my meds since Medicare wouldn't cover my Emgality and wanted to charge me $1,096.00 a month :o

Anyway he was suppose to send the order to my Walgreens, but either it wasn't done, or Medicare kicked it back to him. Its a genetic type of medicine and he didn't think there would be a problem about it. Last time this happened I just paid for my prescription out of pocket. We shall see.

I have been working around the house a bit. Have redone several kitchen cabinets and pantry as well as some other areas around here. However I spent all of Monday in bed. Then yesterday I got up and lasted a few hours before I headed back. Today is sort of iffy. I too need to do a small grocery run, but may wait till tomorrow. I'm just tired from my migraine.

Twins..sorry to hear about your daughter's stolen purse and unhappiness with her job. Hopefully she will find something that is a better fit for her and one that she can enjoy.

LadyM.. I just talked with my brother and he is also sick. Sounds like he has a terrible cold, but knows its not covid. I know the flu and other stuff is going around ...I just stay... stay away from me!!!

Kathryn...I hope your back is feeling better. Nothing worse than an aching back to make life miserable.

Harriet...when I broke my ribs and several years later had them badly bruised I couldn't wear a bra. The bruised ribs weren't a problem because I wasn't working then and could go without one. However, the broken ribs were another story. I was teaching then and had to come up with a solution cause I couldn't stand in front of an 8th grade class of boys without a bra. I ended up going to Walmart and finding a very flimsy sports bra that didn't give a whole lot of support, but it didn't hurt to wear it and it didn't appear that I was braless either.
Last edited by Ramblinrose on Wed Jan 24, 2024 2:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Well-Spent Wednesday PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jan 24, 2024 2:17 pm

wow d rose!!!! I don't know what dd takes for her migraines; but wow! praying the cycle is short. praying for no more pain.
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Re: Well-Spent Wednesday PWYC

Postby Ramblinrose » Wed Jan 24, 2024 2:20 pm

Thanks Blessed... Me too :D:
Live Boldly, Take Risks, No Regrets...Jilliam Michaels

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