Toot your horn Tuesday

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Re: Toot your horn Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Jan 30, 2024 4:55 pm

dropped brother off at mom's Building to pick up the car. (felt good to be able to help him) I was shocked on how small the airport was - There had been talk about 20 years ago to make it an extension of o'hare but the residents voted against it. I expected it to be so much bigger. It had 3 departure doors and 1 arrival door. I am used to O'Hare so it really surprised me that this hadn't grown.

it was also nice to drive that way - it's been a long time. Dh came with and slept most of the time.

I ate a bad lunch with dh - hot dogs and fries - Not good and I know it is going to make me feel yucky later on.
dh is showing signs of wheezing again and only breathing through his mouth. His breathing at night bc of the humidifier, is much better.

how happy your d son must dear lady. I think the animal care people can pick it up so it doesn't go hungry. It's horrible that someone would drop off a dog - they starve. It upsets me - those people should never be allowed to have another dog. I too say NO to extra animals - no more cats or dogs for me either. Yes I feel bad but I just can't do it. We have a drop off place that takes animals - no questions asked. Praying someone picks up the dog and gets it to safety and finds a new home.

My dd's put egg in soup - not my thing but they like it. Glad you liked it!!!
hello d Lucy - yay on walking
the arthritis in young people - so so hard. praying for her.

it is a lot to ask a family to go to Disney, the beach, and Boston! I think of this as a senior trip type of thing. they need to tell people at least a year ahead that this might come up.

how nice that your dh wants to see a movie! What will you see?
I read boys in the boat and I would like to see that.

yay on starting your day!!!
I am glad she will be doing tele health, d twins, good for her and for you!
I am also glad you had a nice talk with your dear friends! Walk and a talk - so good!
Yay on a negative test!

hello d all.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Toot your horn Tuesday

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Jan 30, 2024 4:56 pm

This morning DH was cooking breakfast (Multiple ingredient omelets). I heard a racket from the kitchen and asked him if everything was okay. He said it was but he had just dropped most of it and made a big mess. I asked if he wanted help cleaning it up and he said No Thank you, he had it. Then as kinda light hearted joke I asked if he wanted me to let the outside dogs back in to help him clean it up. He paused, laughed and then said YES! The dogs made a quick cleanup and the floor was licked clean. DH just had to mop it after the dogs finished.

So the dogs do come in handy sometimes but that does not mean we need another one!

animal care people can pick it up

We don't have that here. We are a small town that doesn't even have a police officer on duty 24/7. We have no fire dept other than volunteers. There are probably dozens of services that bigger cities take for granted but we aren't big enough of a community to support them .
Last edited by LadyMaverick on Tue Jan 30, 2024 5:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Toot your horn Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Jan 30, 2024 4:57 pm

I had a whole list of to do's for today but when I go out then I get knocked off my cards/dailies etc. and I don't want to start. :shock: I can't figure out why I do that. If I don't start first thing in my day then I get knocked off track.

dh is washing the few dishes that were in the sink.
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Re: Toot your horn Tuesday

Postby Nancy » Tue Jan 30, 2024 5:55 pm

CI ~
QT x
cuop x
I have been to town today & did errands & walked ddoggo got my steps in too yea!
Got an apt. with lawyer for estate planning next week.
Went to bank.
Store run done.
JoAnn's had what I wanted & needed so yea for success got papers for refilling planners wahoo!

Food & stuff is put away now.
My ducks are not in a row yet but I am working on rounding them up!

Sent text & pic. to dgdson about small branch on roof so he can get it off later.
Replaced my watch today yea!
I still miss my pink one.
Got the dishes done spiffed the counters and put the dishes away tossed a bit of trash.
Had a low bs this afternoon skipping two meals not wise for me.

I've been invited to three study / prayer groups this week ack!
Finished a hot pad. [No knitting today however.]
Last edited by Nancy on Tue Jan 30, 2024 11:47 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Toot your horn Tuesday

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Jan 30, 2024 6:31 pm

I worked out - I think it really was too much but OTOH I got through it. At one point I almost felt like just breaking down in tears - frustration? tired? overwhelmed? A little of all. I should sleep well tonight. Afterward I got to the cemetery bank but the branch for the HOA didn't have a drive through and it's in an area where it's hard to find parking and I felt grungy in workout clothes too. So I took another way home and there was a branch in that direction, so both of those deposits are done. I also got my car washed.

At home I cleaned the trash and water bottles out of my car from yesterday. I had a snack and hung out for awhile then walked ddog, and it started raining! Anyway, I walked her. Did one lap alone and another with dfriend M. Since then I've been eating like a maniac.

Texting with dd.
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Re: Toot your horn Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Jan 30, 2024 8:20 pm

yay on working out! (((the tears)))).
So nice that you have a good walking buddy!
And you got your care washed as well!

hi d Nancy! well done on all your errands.

hi d lady - I love a multi ingredient omlette - sounds great. sorry he dropped most of it - glad he cleaned it up (plus dogs do an amazing job as well - we call it Lab clean since we have Labradors 8-)

yes our area has many dog/cat/wild life groups. There is a local group that has a fb group as well - some people who take on horses and such. How terrible that someone would drop off their dog. it's horrible. I can not have another dog either and I definitely will not take someone else's cat - my cat days are done. I love them but I am done - they live a long time for us. 22 was our longest living cat. The days of getting bunnies, birds etc. are done with as well.

hello everyone.
I needed up not doing the work that I was supposed to do.
I did study - I find it interesting but my I have forgotten information from previous botany and biology classes.

found out the one elevator at moms building (broken last year from the hurricane water damage) will not be fixed for at least a year as they need a whole new elevator system. (very expensive and built specially for this building). The other elevator is still broken. (no elevators for mom and dd younger).
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Re: Toot your horn Tuesday

Postby lucylee » Wed Jan 31, 2024 1:21 am


I am amazed -- I actually have some ta-das for today!
1st, I did NOT sit down after the post office/bank errand run...
Sitting down after this daily errand is a habit, and it leads to the complete ruin of my day. I sit down, I eat too much, I read the paper, I get sleepy, I take a nap.
TODAY -- I did NOT sit down.

2nd, I committed to 15 min in the laundry room.
Thirty minutes later, I had vacuumed the dryer vent and the LONG shelf that runs along the wall above the washer and dryer and the million bottles, etc, that sit up there. This shelf needs some re-organization, but I don't really don't know what to do with it. It holds laundry and cleaning supplies, and it's really too high to use bins -- they'd be hard to lift and hard to see what was in them. This shelf was supposed to be an enclosed cabinet, but we sorta had to cut the budget somewhere when we were building.

3rd, while doing this vacuuming, I I also stepped out of my "comfort zone," and invited my dfriend to lunch tomorrow.
Y'all do remember that I am extremely socially anxious, right? This is dfriend since kindergarten. We never see each other because our lives go in different directions -- she has no children and she's been working all this time that I've been retired. BUT -- we're always there for the big things. Last week she texted me and asked about dh, and said we would have to get together after his stuff was all over, because she was retiring this week! Surgery is still a month from now, and I'd been thinking I should do something to celebrate her retirement -- so today, I called her and we set up lunch for tomorrow.

4th, after ds called and we talked to both dgrands on their way home from school, I spent an HOUR vacuuming the car!
I've been "meaning to" do this for a long while -- but I'd been letting "perfect" be the enemy of the "good enough." The car wash vacuum is a thousand times better than mine, and the car needed to be washed, too... but no time and/or no good weather. Since dh is taking ds and a couple of other men tomorrow to the ballgame, I thought it should at least have the crumbs vacuumed out of the seatbelt fasteners. ;)

After all this, dh and I went out for a great steak dinner, and we saw the movie The Beekeeper. (It is kinda gruesome and bloody, but interesting. The "beekeeper" is a member of an ultra CIA-type organization who tries to take down a crime ring. I won't tell any more in case anyone wants to see it, but be warned -- it IS bloody.

Oh -- and while I was out on errands at the post office, I called the friend, widower of my dfriend who died a year and eight months ago today. I had not thought about that, but he mentioned it, and said he really needed my call today. So I acted on that good impulse and I was glad I did that.

So. It has been a good day. Now... if I can manage tonight and tomorrow without a panic attack. :roll:
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Toot your horn Tuesday

Postby lucylee » Wed Jan 31, 2024 2:01 am

Blessed, I wanted to clarify something -- the class did give lots of notice for the Boston trip and the beach trip. The Disney thing came up suddenly; apparently they received a surprise grant or something? So it's not like they are springing these things on the parents repeatedly.
DH said it is really none of our business; we certainly aren't going to pay for him and us to go and take the trip ourselves, so if he goes or he doesn't go, that is entirely up to ds and ddil... and dh really doesn't think dgs is all hyped up to go at all. He said dgs didn't enjoy the trip to the beach, that he is more of a homebody anyway, and like I said, ds assured me that dgs has said NOTHING about wanting to go at all. And, like I said, he was very clear that the Boston trip did not tempt him at all, and I thought that would be a HUGE deal, with all the history and everything. So, I guess he knows his own mind.
Thanks for prayers for dgd... she went to school today and had a GREAT time -- she was very concerned about missing a field trip, walking to the high school for some kind of program... and she was worried about walking (it's a few blocks, I guess) but it turned out they took a bus, and she had a ball.

Anyway -- that last post was so long, I thought I'd try to cuop a bit here...

Twins, you got your car washed? Good for you! AND WTG on the working out. Probably good for you as much mentally as physically! And still more (((HUGS))) for the ongoing stress with dd.

Nancy -- I see you were out doing errands, too. I'm trying to get those ducks in a row, too, LOL!

LadyM, we've have a very poor animal shelter situation here. There IS an animal shelter, and actually, just this past week or so, they arrested a woman who owns an abandoned house where a bunch of dogs and cats were found. But animals running wild, trying to get someone to pick up a stray... those things don't get much attention, it seems.
WTG to your dh for trying to prepare omelets AND for cleaning up (with the help of the dogs!) :lol:
And oh my... I bet ds is on Cloud Nine with his half of the shop!

blessed, I'm very impressed with your study of different subjects, and how you're always learning something new. And good for you, helping your dbro.
And that is ridiculous that your mom and dd have no elevator. How many flights up are they? Are they going to be able to stick it out and stay there for the long term?
You said:
when I go out then I get knocked off my cards/dailies etc. and I don't want to start. :shock: I can't figure out why I do that. If I don't start first thing in my day then I get knocked off track.

See, that is ME... sooo ME...
I told dh tonight, I feel so much better when I DON'T SIT DOWN AFTER I'VE BEEN OUT. I told him to REMIND me of this! I eat less, I feel better about myself, just remind me of this when I come in and start to grab a snack.
I hope your dh feels better soon and the wheezing doesn't continue. I'll be praying for him too! And your dmom's situation.

Waving hello/good night to Harriet, Kathryn , Rose, Cathy... seems like I keep missing y'all! Hope everyone has a good day tomorrow.

I'm on full schedule tomorrow. Aside from the lunch with dfriend, I will be
* going to the drug store
* picking up dgrands at school
* keeping them till church time
* taking them home
* and I hope to do some more cleaning and change the sheets while dh is out.
Tomorrow is another day.

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