Ta Da Tuesday! Count 'em up!

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Re: Ta Da Tuesday! Count 'em up!

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Feb 06, 2024 6:56 pm

RR, on one generation - my great grandfather born 1869 - the parents shown on his death certificate are incorrect. For his father, the informant put "Joe" when it should have been "John" and the mother is shown as unknown. (The informant was a son-in-law who had recently married into the family. If I were refuting the conflicting direct evidence on the death certificate, I would lean on the uninformed informant,) I needed to submit the death certificate for his place and date of death, but I'm proving the parentage with the 1870 census only. I had originally included 1880, which does show the relationship of individuals in the household, but my registrar suggested 1870, when he was an infant, instead.

How wonderful that the wedding is on long ago family farm land, Harriet!

Dh came through, changed, and went to bowling. I think I'm going to rest a bit. Unfortunately, I've added more to my lists than I've done today, but I've been productive. And I've managed to catch a lot of those "ZING" thoughts that I need to do or should do. Tomorrow I have an early hair cut - rescheduled from Monday but at 9 a.m. Then 11:30 for body work.

I was to do the drive through teller on the way home to deposit HOA cks, and I was hungry and just forgot.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Ta Da Tuesday! Count 'em up!

Postby MysteryWoman » Tue Feb 06, 2024 11:33 pm

Swinging by for a cup of hot cocoa on my way to bed. Such neat stories everyone has! But I am too tired to comment further. I hope I will get here earlier tomorrow. Sweet dreams to all of you! (I miss Lynlee when I say that.)
I've got my country's 500th anniversary to plan, my wedding to arrange, my wife to murder, and Guilder to frame for it; I'm swamped. -- Prince Humperdinck

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Re: Ta Da Tuesday! Count 'em up!

Postby lucylee » Wed Feb 07, 2024 1:36 am

Excited for the wedding plans, and for the new driver, and for everyone’s accomplishments today… but can go no further in specific notes.

I apparently have the flu… although doctor advises I self-check for Covid. Ugh. I did not GO to the doctor; I called and described symptoms. Doctor called in Tamiflu and cough syrup— but cough is not much of a problem.
I mainly have sore throat, headache, and general body aches. Lymph glands in my throat seem swollen and tender.

I went to dgs’ ballgame, and they won, AND for the first time this year, they passed the ball to him and he ALMOST scored. LOL — everyone cheered as if he had! The ball bounced around on the rim but didn’t go in. :( He also had two rebounds and two fouls, which is just huge progress for dgs. In the past, he generally didn’t get close enough to the action to record any stats!

And Dgd is happy about her softball team now — one of her best friends is on her team. Oh — and their colors are baby blue with pink pinstripes, pink belts & socks, and white pants. :)

I hope this Tamiflu kicks in tomorrow. Ddil thinks they need me to help with church supper. What in the world??? They are short handed… but if I’m not feeling a LOT better, I will swap with someone.
Should be 3 couples serving, but none of the husbands will be there.
Tomorrow is another day.

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