37 days until the spring - How does that feel - PWYC

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37 days until the spring - How does that feel - PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Feb 11, 2024 9:47 am

Happy Sunday! a new day, a new beginning!

d twins reminded me that it is Super bowl Sunday!
which team are you cheering for? also at the end of the superbowl - which commercial did you enjoy most

Spring is not that far away which is hard to imagine. Since I have been older I enjoy seeing this time come. For me, it's like Mother Nature is holding onto the last vestiges of winter bc she knows there will be a lot of work to do once spring pushes its way through.

I used to tell the kids that the sun and Mother Nature have a little game with each other - The sun tries to warm the frost and snow away but Mother Nature still needs a rest. That she talks to her children - the flowers under ground and the leaves on trees that they have plenty of time to play and now it was a time to rest. Eventually the sun will wake up Mother Nature and spring will begin.

In my neck of the woods, Mother Nature is grasping tight as she put a hard frost over every little and big thing outside. Even the trees have frost on them.

What does This Sunday bring to you?
Last edited by blessedw2 on Sun Feb 11, 2024 12:39 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: 37 days until the spring - How does that feel - PWYC

Postby CathyS » Sun Feb 11, 2024 10:05 am


A very large pot of chili is simmering on the stove. Tell me what is missing or how you make your chili.

Lots of ground beef and pork, fried together
One large white onion, cut in chunks
2 packages of chili seasoning
2 cans of diced tomatoes
2 cans of brown beans
1 can of red kidney beans
1 can of white kidney beans

The lid is now on and the chili is on the lowest setting so it can do it's thing until 5 p.m. when there is some football game on t.v. :lol:

Forgot to add the can of sliced mushrooms. (Dh prefers canned mushrooms in his chili, but fresh mushrooms in everything else.) So now, the mushrooms have been added and dh has already looked under the lid twice.
Last edited by CathyS on Sun Feb 11, 2024 10:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 37 days until the spring - How does that feel - PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Feb 11, 2024 10:16 am

I am going to try this d cathy!!! good morning
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Re: 37 days until the spring - How does that feel - PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Sun Feb 11, 2024 10:50 am

Thank you for starting us, bw2, I was just after you with Super Sunday PWYC - but I like to think about spring coming on. Can't come soon enough for me! On the other side of the circle there are a lot of daffodils budding out, still growing on the warmer days. I caught a whiff of what mother called "Winter Honeysuckle" shrub the other day. There are some of them naturalized in the wooded areas. I think every year that I will find one to dig up and plant here.

I slept well, better than I have for several nights. Dh says he is bowling today at 2:30 and we're going to A and V;s Super Bowl party at six. Don't know how long he'll be able to stay or how he will feel. He ran a 101 fever again yesterday afternoon.

So we will see how the day goes. I have a better outlook this morning, so far!

Cathy, I don't use a spice packet for my chili, I add chili powder, cumin, and a dash of cinnamon and cayenne pepper. Sometimes a little very dark chocolate to get that rich undertone. And my recipe uses some tomato soup also, which has sugar. Over the years I've cut down on the tomato soup and added more just tomatoes.

I forgot to run the dishwasher last night so I'll start it now.
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SUPER BOWL SUNDAY/37 days until the spring - How does that feel - PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Feb 11, 2024 12:32 pm

oh d twins - I would have loved to see a Super Bowl Sunday start - sorry I went first!!!
my dh who doesn't watch football (I grew up with football and other sports in my home) so it's always a little funny that he gets excited to have the game on. It makes me smile.

have fun at your super bowl party d twins.
I am glad you slept better
also I love a dark chocolate put into Mexican food so I know that I would love it in chili.

hi all! Happy Super bowl Sunday
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Re: 37 days until the spring - How does that feel - PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Feb 11, 2024 12:45 pm

I was proud of myself that I set up the snacks and meals for today and tomorrow.
for lunch? either the plain yogurt with blueberries, a touch of lavender sugar (barely any), lemon zest... or
I have a salad with the left over dijon crusted chicken - I also made some salad dressing
made fresh veggies cut up with hummus for snacks
I also made two batches of salmon lemon/caper/spinach pasta for the freezer and for tomorrow

We will have chili for dinner tonight as well.

kitchen duty next. I will see if dh wants to help? I know he will be thrilled.
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Re: 37 days until the spring - How does that feel - PWYC

Postby Nancy » Sun Feb 11, 2024 1:01 pm

I luv this thread topic for today nope do not care who wins I will watch commercials tomorrow on yt.
I have some weeds to dig out I am trying to do three a day.
I dusted corners in the zone and some in the rec room that was overdue!
Got a lot of omm stuff journaled on glad about that it is great for release yea!
Change in perspective too, for the better yea!

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Re: 37 days until the spring - How does that feel - PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Feb 11, 2024 2:25 pm

d Nancy good day to you!!! yay on zone work - dusting and all you do!
yay on journaling! Doesn't feel good.
how wonderful to have a change in attitude for the better - always wonderful!

dh did the pots and pans and some misc. dishes (and he put them away!) :D I had emptied the dw then I put a bunch of stuff in the dw. The dw is on now. :D
counters, sink, stove, edges are clean :D
I would like dh to clean the microwave bc his soup went "POP" and "SPLAT" again! he doesn't like covering his food. ;)

now I will have me time for about a half hour
I worked on my plan yesterday - all done

floors need vacuuming, sweeping, vacuuming again and then washing.
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Re: 37 days until the spring - How does that feel - PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Feb 11, 2024 3:09 pm

Good morning

Blessed - Thank you for the start today

Cathy - your chili recipe sounds perfect. I love the smells from those types of dishes that simmer for hours.

Twins - Hopefully your DH will continue to feel better.

>>>pause. I didn't hit submit <<<<<

Home from church. The weather is cold, snowing and grey sky outside which makes me want to avoid being outdoors. I had to go outside 6 times in the going/coming from church but thankfully my time spent outside was minimal. I'm thankful we have freezing weather to reduce the bug population. I know there are more positive things the cold weather provides but right now I'm forgetting what they are.

Lunch was a buffet choice. I put some frozen chicken nuggets in the air fryer. Made some cheese/ham quesadilla in cast iron skillet. Also pulled some ready to eat food from refrigerator = lil roasted potatoes, country ribs, smoked chicken, green salad, and spaghetti. I made myself a wrap using the xtreme tortilla and grilled chicken.

The kids have a super bowl party to attend later today. They aren't football fans, but they do like to party with their friends and there is always an abundance of junk food available. I'm not a football fan so don't even care enough to ask what teams are playing. Truth = even if I knew what teams are playing that information would have no meaning to me. I try to keep my ignorance to myself and just be happy for those who enjoy watching the game.
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Re: 37 days until the spring - How does that feel - PWYC

Postby Nancy » Sun Feb 11, 2024 4:02 pm

Had a quick shower this morning and dashed off to church.
Back from church safely it was a good song service.
I made it to the store enjoying deli food for lunch a rare treat for me.
Rain here snow all around us today.

Waving everyone.
Last edited by Nancy on Sun Feb 11, 2024 6:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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