Talk it through Tuesday PWYC

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Re: Talk it through Tuesday PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Feb 20, 2024 7:46 pm

LucyLee - I enjoyed reading about your DGS in church. I'm a big advocate of kids being involved in church.

I don't know if I have mentioned Jesse here. He is a 9 year old boy that can't seem to sit still in church sometimes. When I am not working in the nursery, I frequently check the nursery when there are new volunteers. I sit where I can slip in/out of the church service without bothering anyone. Jesse and I have met several times in the hub and we sit in the chairs while he talks. I can ask Jesse one question and he will talk nonstop pouring out his heart for 10 minutes. After Jesse finishes talking then he will go back to the church service and sit quietly in the pew with his family. I consider it time well spent.

I ate pizza today and am regretting it. My energy level plummeted after eating the pizza. I am very familiar with my typical hourly energy level so it was easy to deduce the cause and effect.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Talk it through Tuesday PWYC

Postby lucylee » Wed Feb 21, 2024 12:49 am

Thanks, LadyM! I know you are a blessing to Jesse.
Kids like this just need someone to listen sometimes. 10 minutes and he’s good to go, sounds like! I’m so glad you’re there for him.
I’m really thankful for the people at our church who make dgs feel important — and tolerate the moments when he is all little boy. He’s growing up so fast that I really appreciate the times when he’s still doing some of the little kid stuff. (Of course, I do hope the candle lighter WAS really broken before he got ahold of it!)
Tomorrow is another day.

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