Solutions Sunday

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Re: Solutions Sunday

Postby Twins' Mom » Sun Feb 25, 2024 6:19 pm

bw2, you can buy a small pulse oximeter to use at home, if dh will use it?

In genealogy research, you often see men remarry almost immediately, especially if there are any young children. In 1860, a widower subject of research (a John White, don't you love researching them!) had three children three and under, including twins. His wife died shortly before the census, but he didn't remarry for over a year. He must have had a lot of help somewhere!

Dh really feels terrible. He's probably depressed too, about not going to FL to see favorite clients. He's slept a lot today, and just got into the bed. In the interest of staying well, I'm hanging out upstairs. Although, I'll test again.
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Re: Solutions Sunday

Postby lucylee » Sun Feb 25, 2024 6:53 pm

Re: the preacher re-marrying -- yes, I see both sides of this issue -- as you said blessed, a case like that would be awful on the family/children left behind and forgiveness would be VERY difficult to ever give to a cheating father (or mother) in that situation.

OTOH -- as Harriet said, this is a situation where I am sure many prayers have been said... and you know, LadyM, I wouldn't be surprised if the deceased spouse told him the same thing. She would have known very well, better than anyone, how much he relied on her and how much he needed her in his private life and his ministry... so if he could find someone who could share that load with him, his first wife would probably be praying that God would send this person to him.
My aunt is upset; she thinks it's awful. (He is expected to remarry approx. 1 year after the first wife's death.)
My mom takes the other side; she says the second wife will have big shoes to fill, but she can understand his need for someone to help carry the load.
My mom has also said before, like you, LadyM, that if a person is absolutely opposed to remarriage, that the first marriage must not have been all that great. But if someone is eager to remarry after the loss of a spouse, then that lets us know that the first marriage was a success and the widow/widower hopes to repeat what was a source of happiness.

DGS wants me to come outside and play baseball.
I need to get the garbage to the road.
I need to get some items packed for tomorrow. (I'll be staying overnight with dh, you know.)
I have sheets in the dryer.

I need a vacation. ;)
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Solutions Sunday

Postby CathyS » Sun Feb 25, 2024 7:15 pm

Today was mostly a "Self Care Sunday" for me. I read a lot, I had a nap with 2 cats in the bed with me and one on the dresser at my feet (she was on one of the 3 cat beds). Dh and I also watched some curling last night and this afternoon with the last game for the championship tonight at 8. I also had a wonderful HOT shower with a spritz of parfum afterwards. I only use this during winter months, so this bottle has been tucked in my sock drawer for a long time.

Supper was penne with pesto for dh. I made a basic sauce for myself and had a bit of the naked penne.

As far as housework, very little was needed as I did so much yesterday. Dh just cleaned the toilet.
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Re: Solutions Sunday

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Feb 25, 2024 7:43 pm

LucyLee - is the surgery tomorrow morning?

DD12 asked me several questions the other day. It was almost like she was interviewing me while focusing on how I use routines, habits, and cards to keep all the plates spinning. DD12 studies DSM traits and has decided that I most likely have undiagnosed autism. Out of curiosity I took an online test and that test said "Based on your results, there's a strong probability that you are autistic" Hum...interesting. Whether it is true or not doesn't really affect me. Through trial and error, I've found tools that help me plan, track and accomplish the things I need to do. I'm right back in the same dilemma of trying to find reason to seek an official dignosis. I don't need or want a label to explain away that i am a person with unique challenges, abilities, and personality. I am who I am, and I am okay with that.
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Re: Solutions Sunday

Postby Harriet » Sun Feb 25, 2024 10:17 pm

((Twins' and her household)) That is SO not fair.

Meant to say earlier that last evening the prayer meeting was well-attended and went over-long.

In early afternoon today, dstepson came by and did at least get to see dd25 before the young man picked her up for a house tour.

I really appreciated dstepson because he pulled up the sage that had overwintered again (it was never supposed to overwinter). It had all gotten huge - 4 feet high branches and it spread so much. I managed around it last year, but this year it would have kept me from happiness of making decisions what to plant. Yes, I'll miss having a blue flower, but now I have all my options open. Maybe there's another blue one I can try.

I've stuck mostly to my guns on foods today. A little sideways at one point, but not too bad.

Also, I'd made the "Sassy Water" recipe : lemon slices, grated ginger, mint leaves steeped overnight. That kept me focused on interesting water rather than extra eating.

I've sewn and pressed some long seams today.

There was a musical-notes (on paper) question that DangerBoy got right today. In 7 notes he got it and announced, "In the Hall of the Mountain King" and he was right. I knew it was a well-known classical piece, but nothing more.

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Re: Solutions Sunday

Postby lucylee » Mon Feb 26, 2024 1:52 am

Yes, surgery is tomorrow. We have to be at the hospital in… hmmmm… in less than 5.5 hours.
I am sleepy, but must s2s and it almost seems counterproductive to try to really sleep.
I am grateful for family and friends who want to be there tomorrow, but I hope they leave us some time to rest. And I hope dh is able to rest afterwards.
Tomorrow is another day.

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