Ta Da - Rah rah rah - Tuesday February 27,2024

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Re: Ta Da - Rah rah rah - Tuesday February 27,2024

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Feb 27, 2024 2:29 pm

What a broken up day this feels like. DH and I went to pick up my car, before I even finished a.m. routine. And I stopped and filled up on gas because he saw earlier that it was less expensive at the Wal mart station. I don't always go in there because the space is very tight and people are backing up and around trying to get to pumps, but it was quiet there. Emptied trash out too. There's a couple of rah rah, ta das!

Next up:
-finish clearing and wipe kitchen counters
-fold a load of laundry
-clean cook top
-take out recycling from kitchen to bin in garage

Once this is done:
-water and top off pansies in front of the house with soil. They look like they are suffering.
-start again on DAR supplemental application, primarily citations on the application and analysis to be sure they are good. (The registrar of my chapter is a sticker, if she's going to sign it, it better be right. I suspect that in my case, the perfect is the enemy of the good, and I've spent so much time learning standard genealogy citations that DAR citations make me crazy.)
-try to order Travel CPAP online - I FINALLY got the prescription from my sleep doc.

Notes on sleep doc: I will be cancelling the appointment I have set up in March and changing docs. Today, when I finally speak to a person again, she indicated they had already sent it to the local place. (Like, why was I so upset?) Nope, the local place doesn't do travel CPAPs. I need it in my hands personally. Then she commented that they hadn't seen me since 2021. Nope, I was there in March 2023 and have appt for March 2024 scheduled!

Anyway, I need to get moving again. So hard to start again when I keep being interrupted.
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Re: Ta Da - Rah rah rah - Tuesday February 27,2024

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Feb 27, 2024 3:02 pm

it is hard to start again when interrupted d twins!
hope the rest of the afternoon is exactly what you want it to be.

Just a quick hi -
I thought the my class I registered for was at 1 Pm nope - it is at 6 and the other class I thought I had from the Botanic garden is at 6:30 :shock: I have to use my calendar again :lol:
Last edited by blessedw2 on Tue Feb 27, 2024 5:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ta Da - Rah rah rah - Tuesday February 27,2024

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Feb 27, 2024 3:36 pm

Done with first round and treating myself to an iced coffee. I texted M's dh about a chicken soup delivery. I don't think it's teeming with germs, and he's fiercely independent.

Next time:

-water and top off pansies in front of the house with soil. They look like they are suffering.
-try to order Travel CPAP online - I FINALLY got the prescription from my sleep doc.
-start again on DAR supplemental application, primarily citations on the application and analysis to be sure they are good. (The registrar of my chapter is a sticker, if she's going
to sign it, it better be right. I suspect that in my case, the perfect is the enemy of the good, and I've spent so much time learning standard genealogy citations that DAR
citations make me crazy.)
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Ta Da - Rah rah rah - Tuesday February 27,2024

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Feb 27, 2024 4:40 pm

The first two are done, including ordering the CPAP for travel. Whew. So confusing trying to get the right tubing and mask and filters and stuff. Finally found on the website the product that includes tubing and filters. And it wouldn't let me upload the prescription so I checked the box for them to contact me for it.

Now back to the DAR form. Dh was tired so shut down his computer and came down and turned on the TV. He's now out on the porch, tho. Dare I turn the sound off?? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Ta Da - Rah rah rah - Tuesday February 27,2024

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Feb 27, 2024 5:32 pm

yay on your work d twins! glad you found a traveling c pap machine
lol (re: dare I turn the sound off) too funny :lol:

well I smell like pine resin - I picked up 3-1/2 paper large lawn bags of pine cones and I have resin all over my hands and my shorts. My neighbor has a huge and beautiful white pine that grows over our property (it leans a lot since we got hit with an ice storm last year- it was covered with ice and the tree broke a lot of branches and then it started to move towards our house - top heavy) . This pine blesses me every winter and spring with resin filled pine cones.
My neighbor took 2 bags for his fire pit. I put the other bags in the garage bc they will not be picking up garden refuse until March 18th.

I think I am going to put the grill on soon so that I can get the chicken Kabobs done.

I heard and felt a big truck bang - like dropping a large load- it made the dogs bark - well they bark at a leaf dropping but I will say it surprised me.
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Re: Ta Da - Rah rah rah - Tuesday February 27,2024

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Feb 27, 2024 5:49 pm

My dreaded periodontist appt has been accomplished. It was as much fun (NOT) as I expected. Thirty teeth stuck 6 times each = 180 needle sticks (probe). That was just for one of the three types of tests done with all of them involved getting stuck multiple times for each tooth.

I am mulling over the results and recommendations. I am going to pout and whine a bit and be sad this must happen. I would REALLY like to ignore this whole periodontal issue and pretend it will not wreck my health. After I get done doing having a poor me session then I'll act like a grown-up and put the plan in motion.

Recommendation is two complete mouth sessions done back-to-back root planning the tooth roots below the gum line. They will do the first session then wait 7 days for the gums to heal enough to repeat it again. I will be under two types of anesthetics - they will use a local to numb the entire mouth and nitrous oxide gas that will make me not care what they are doing (aka laughing gas).

Then wait 3 weeks after those two procedures to heal and decide about bone grafting surgery.

Add in the fact that I will be paying out of pocket for everything.
Add in the fact each surgery comes with a 2.5 hour drive.
I don't want to do any of these.
Whine. Pout.

-----------------on a different kind of stress and a happier note---------------

DS15 drove in the big city (8 lanes of traffic) for the first time. He made a couple navigation blunders but kept calm and learned how to recover from them to get back on track. He was a fast learner how to merge into traffic after experiencing doing it wrong. He learned the importance of reducing from 70mph speed when exiting to the off ramps. Yes, they have those 20mph speed limit signs for a reason! He did well for the 2 hours of driving 80mph on the interstate.
When we arrived home DS15 thanked me for staying calm and trusting his driving.
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Re: Ta Da - Rah rah rah - Tuesday February 27,2024

Postby Nancy » Tue Feb 27, 2024 7:01 pm

I have been impressed with how I cannot really taste the difference in my plain-jane bread and
the richer egg & butter added one verses olive oil one. =D. Both are yummy!

Got the lite blue paint mixed up yea! Painting fun in my future.

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Re: Ta Da - Rah rah rah - Tuesday February 27,2024

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Feb 27, 2024 7:07 pm

I am sorry the periodontist appointment was so difficult! I am glad this one is over with. praying that it will go fast and each step gets you to healthy teeth. I am sorry it is so expensive and so far away.

how wonderful your dson drove. This must have given him so much confidence to have you believe in him and stay calm as he was driving.
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Re: Ta Da - Rah rah rah - Tuesday February 27,2024

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Feb 27, 2024 7:32 pm

we have a loose labradoodle in our neighborhood - we are near prime coyote woods. praying the dog gets home. no one else has been able to get it.
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Re: Ta Da - Rah rah rah - Tuesday February 27,2024

Postby lucylee » Tue Feb 27, 2024 8:26 pm

(((LadyM))) I’d be having a pity party too!
Tomorrow is another day.

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