Celebrate the Green Sunday PWYC

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Re: Celebrate the Green Sunday PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Mar 17, 2024 4:00 pm

hello the few easter decorations are up.
we had snow today! it didn't stick but it is mighty cold.

so happy you were able to cut fabric in the perfect space!! yay on putting the fabric away and having the pieces pinned. how fun to learn abut your ancestry

. I have a tendency to think there is time for one more thing
I honestly think that is most of the SHE's. I was the same, dd younger is definitely a SHE - her ADHD, her perfectionism and her belief she can fill all the spaces and get one more thing done is who she is.

Time management issues with thinking we have to do it all is common in many women with ADHD.

hope you feel better d Nancy!
hope you rest more today!
I am sure the green looks beautiful on you!

hi d lady! so glad you enjoyed church!
again I hope your ds has a wonderful time!

hello d all
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Celebrate the Green Sunday PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Mar 17, 2024 4:10 pm

listened to Mary Beard and David Mitchell on How To Academy Mindset. Interesting!
Has anyone watched David Mitchell and Lee Mack's show: Would I Lie to You? My family enjoys it. That and QI are the only game shows we watch.

dogs are annoyed that I am not outside with them. The dogs lean on me for their entertainment and today they just keep looking at me.
I think I have to up my game on training to tire them out. I didn't want to today.

talked to neighbor who had full winter gear on and I only have shorts and a sweatshirt on. It was chilly.

Next: I think I want to make my d niece a birthday card bc I can't get to the card shop.

I will take dh with me to the drive through at the bank. (I will bring his portable suction machine with). (I still can't believe he is (knock on wood) able to be up and about). He wanted to drive his car today and part of me believes, by looking at him, he could do it but dd older and I suggested that he needs to wait a week.
He has been really busy working on his stuff upstairs.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Celebrate the Green Sunday PWYC

Postby Nancy » Sun Mar 17, 2024 6:18 pm

I am feeling better lunch sat okay with me.
I got the hoses unrolled stretched out kinks out and hooked up fresh water in the bird waterers in back and watered a bit.
Cleaned the bird bath and it has fresh water in it also. I watered the grass a bit.
My mantra is one thing at a time I can do this baby steps.

I need to do some business stuff not today.
Get fuel for the mower and rigs also not today.

Ddoggo must have been happy with our walk as she did not want to go back out when I was doing the hose stuff.
I still need to get the sprinkler out but for now I'll just do hand watering and call it good enough.
Got my steps in today.

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Re: Celebrate the Green Sunday PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Sun Mar 17, 2024 7:17 pm

It's been a quiet day here. I napped a bit this afternoon, considered it recovery time from a long drive and busy 30 hours. I hope I can sleep tonight! Dh has gone to bowl.

We leave on our trip to Europe on 3 April. Two weeks and two days. I'm trying to figure out what else I might need to purchase so that can be squared away. Hard to figure out clothing - highs will be fifties to maybe low sixties, lows may be high thirties into forties. I'm not checking weather for all the places we'll be but just beginning and end points. So layers that can be peeled off. And a light raincoat too. And and and and...

Two weeks ahead are quiet.

bw2, it will be good for your dh to get out of the house.

Nodding in agreement with Harriet and bw2:
It was true that trying to fill every minute often made me late for some appt. I have a tendency to think there is time for one more thing and then I don't get out the door in time.

Nancy - glad you're able to wear some green today, not just look green. Glad you're feeling better.

LM shopping with a 15 year old boy must be the worst. I bet he would rather do anything than shopping.

I'm only 7% Irish according to Ancestry DNA, which actually makes sense. The heaviest period of Irish immigration resulted from the 1845-1852 Potato Famine, but that point all of my known ancestors were already in East Tennessee. I'm nearly 50% England and northwest Europe, and 25% Scottish. Germanic Europe is 14%.

Nancy I'm almost always short on my steps on Sunday.
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Re: Celebrate the Green Sunday PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Mar 17, 2024 7:28 pm

Success!! Two sports stores and one western store later......I have one child with a well-stocked wardrobe. We hit the jackpot for high-quality tall shirts and hoodies. DS15 only takes about 3 seconds to decide if he likes something. I was looking for shirts and hoodies in the right size and hold them up. If he liked it then he threw it over his arm. repeat. repeat. 13 items later we were done. I ignored the price tags and we came home with clothes that fit DS15 well and looked good. I usually have to purchase Tall clothes online so finding them IRL was amazing. We got ski gloves, ski hat and a few other random things. The only thing we didn't find was ski goggles, so he talked me into a pair of Oakley sunglasses.

DD12 is staying with DD47 this week.

That means for the first time in 15.6 years, DH and I will be alone for the next 5 days. I am having a hard time grasping that concept. All we have to take care of this week is the dogs, rabbits, and cats.
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Re: Celebrate the Green Sunday PWYC

Postby Nancy » Sun Mar 17, 2024 10:47 pm

LM yea on the shopping success!

Turns out I like corned beef! :mrgreen: I luv salt! Needed more cabbage I might try making some if I can find it left over and marked down when I am at the store. My rolls were a hit!

Perfect weather today her 71* a bit chilly at night after the sun went down.
Dgd bridal shower was double booked so they are looking for a different venue now.

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Re: Celebrate the Green Sunday PWYC

Postby MysteryWoman » Sun Mar 17, 2024 10:53 pm

Good evening! It’s been a while. No good reason for my absence; just sidetracked, I guess. Glad to hear Mr. blessed is out of the hospital and getting better. Imagining the many things Lady and LordM can do with their free time. (I can’t imagine our LadyM kicking back and doing nothing, though.)

DC is giving me fits. I had hoped that their girlfriend, who is older and a good student, would be a good influence on them. Instead, it seems she is just a distraction. I sat down with DC and went over their grades, and they’re currently failing math and getting a C- in English. And these are the only two classes they are taking. :shock: I think the Mom bus is going nowhere but to school and back this week and doing an early pickup at that! It feels odd to do this for/to an adult, but they aren’t acting very adult. I have said that if they can’t hack college, they will need to find something they can do without college. I don’t know how well that has sunk in. *sigh*

Morning is coming early, so I’m going to pack it in. I hope I will be better about dropping in.
I've got my country's 500th anniversary to plan, my wedding to arrange, my wife to murder, and Guilder to frame for it; I'm swamped. -- Prince Humperdinck

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Re: Celebrate the Green Sunday PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Mar 17, 2024 11:37 pm

Mystery - It is good to see your CI.

Last load of DS15 clothes is in the washer. We have 3 bags mostly packed. A portable charger is being charged now. Ear buds will be charged when it is finished. Six hours until he leaves. Alarm is set for 4:45am.
You know people who pack for a trip several days before they leave? We can only dream of being that *O*.
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Re: Celebrate the Green Sunday PWYC

Postby Nancy » Mon Mar 18, 2024 2:37 pm

Back from the store yea!
Slept till 5 to 8 that never happens to me. :mrgreen:
So I was on my way by 9:30 with most of my am stuff done
Restocked my cupboards.

Was able to find the bulbs & plants I looked for last week so got them.
Feeling protected 2 doz. eggs fell out of the truck when I got home none broke!!! :D
Food is put away mostly.

Okay back to my regular stuff.

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