Tuesday PWYC

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Tuesday PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Apr 09, 2024 9:08 am

I'm looking forward to seeing SHE CI today.
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Re: Tuesday PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Apr 09, 2024 9:19 am

Good morning

I delivered chatty DD12 to school and then came home to continue with my 3rd hourly challenge.

DD47 is supposed to come finish cleaning DS15 bedroom today. She talked him into changing the love seat in his bedroom for a reclining chair. Whatever furniture goes into his bedroom must be sturdy. DS15 is a big fella plus the two 50lb dogs sleep in his bedroom and consider the furniture their own. I will leave it to your imagination what smells a teenage male, and 2 large dogs can create in a room. JS....There isn't enough Febreze in the world.
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Re: Tuesday PWYC

Postby Harriet » Tue Apr 09, 2024 9:25 am

Hi, LadyM, no more of this star gazing, time to check in with stuff, hmmm? :lol

I just got the Special Dates calendar updated for 2024. Didn't dawn on me how much would be off-date for '24 without Dee's careful attention until Passover occurred to me.

HRH just made an appt to drop off some tax info in person this a.m. and wants me to go with, so I'd better figure out how to work that in.
Next up - healthy breakfast.

Wouldn't be surprised if he wants to drop in at grocery.
When we get back, I have a plan for sewing steps that sort of came to me in the night.

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Re: Tuesday PWYC

Postby Nancy » Tue Apr 09, 2024 11:13 am

I slept well & had dreams that make me think in a good way.
It rained in the nite got up to let dog out & in.
SO glad I mowed the front yard yesterday yea!
Journals mostly done.

Also glad I did pay attn. to the kitchen last evening and it looks better.
I got the other sink cleaned this morning yea for the.
Trash is at the curb.
Up at six today felt like five even though I went to bed on time last night.

Looking forward to sun possibly later in the day I see breaks in the clouds.
I have calls to make. x
Last edited by Nancy on Tue Apr 09, 2024 1:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Tuesday PWYC

Postby Dove » Tue Apr 09, 2024 12:43 pm

Hello to Lady M, Harriet, Nancy & all who stop by later :)

Taking a break after working on the attic this morning. Soon it will be too hot to be up there at all. I'm recovering from repairmen fatigue :P . Several plumber visits recently over the course of last week but I'm thankful it's all done. Also thankful for dh eagle eye -- he noticed that two pipes in his basement workroom were wet on the outside. A closer look showed a big crack in one of the pipes. After the plumbers came & replaced them, they had to come back & sheet rock a hole they needed to make in the upstairs bathroom. When that dried dh went to H ome D epot to match the color we needed to paint the patch. So glad I deep cleaned the bathroom & floor before they came! Then our gas fireplace stopped working. Guys came & it worked when they left, but didn't work the next day. Made a second appointment & it needs a part that needs to be ordered. So they will be back. We have a walkout door from basement to backyard & it is leaking a bit. Dh wants to replace it before winter.

Cut dh hair with clippers. We started doing this in 2020. Clippers are a big improvement over using just scissors, & dh is always happy now with the way it turns out. Dropped off three donation boxes of household & kitchen misc & one bag of clothes last week. I keep a laundry basket in the attic for clothes & when it is full we bag & take it. I hear him rustling around in the kitchen so will join him in making some lunch.

Hope everything is OK with Kathryn & her family. Still wishing along with all of you for an update on Harmony.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

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Re: Tuesday PWYC

Postby Ramblinrose » Tue Apr 09, 2024 1:08 pm

My mornings been interesting…

Started with coffee and then helped Sweetie with some computer things.

We have Augustine grass in our yards and it has grown into my flower beds. I wanted to remove it so Sweetie bought me a garden tool to do that.

It looks like a pogo stick with a very sharp blade like shovel on the end of it. You’re suppose to place the blade on the ground and jump or push on the pegs so it cut through the grass that you want to remove.

So here’s the picture… our property in the back is 12-15’ wide and ends where the lake begins. It also has a very steep slope to it. We knew this was going to be a challenge because several times both Sweetie and I have lost our balance and almost ended up in the lake.

So…Sweetie places the blade where we wanted to start and I stood behind him with my hands holding both his pants and belt so I can brace him with my legs as well he won’t fall back on me and we both wont end up the lake. Got the picture.

This is total team work which we’ve always been good at. So when Sweetie would jump both feet on the shovels pegs, I would brace myself and him and push him forwards. I wish someone had taken a picture! Our lake is surround by homes and I’m sure someone was having a good laugh watching us.

After that I spent an hour or so pulling up grass from the follower beds which was no easy task. We had to work together again cause at times I want strong enough to pull up the clumps of grass. We had some really good laugh. We came inside for a break for lunch and to finish up our taxes. We use a CPA and needed to sign our forms.

Worked on our taxes and it amazing me how sometimes Sweetie understands so much and can communicate to me what needs to be done while explaining everything to me. Other times he can’t remember where to put the forks when he empties the dishwasher

LadyM… my son was a big boy growing up, but not as big as yours. He slept in a double bed with our 60 lb dog sharing his pillow. When ever he would ask if a friend could spend the night my answer was … sure if he doesn’t mind sleeping with your dog.

In years since then several of his friends told me that spending the night with my son sleeping with his dog and my morning pancakes were some of their favorite memories. His business partners is one of those boys :D:
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Re: Tuesday PWYC

Postby CathyS » Tue Apr 09, 2024 1:13 pm

Dh built 2 huge garden boxes this morning around old garden boxes. A neighbourhood friend came to help him. The sides are 30 inches high on both of them I don't know how wide the boxes are but I think they are 10 feet long. Now we need to get some good dirt to go into them. Plus there is still wood to build one more at half the length or get more wood delivered and make 3 more huge ones. :shock:

No idea what is for supper. It is supposed to get up to 20C today, which is a gorgeous day. There isn't a cloud in the sky but there is a slight wind.
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
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Re: Tuesday PWYC

Postby Nancy » Tue Apr 09, 2024 1:26 pm

CI ~ I have made the calls one got mission accomplished
was some what productive,
other one and mech. ack had to deal with that one in person but had another errand to do
so got two for one on that errand yea!

Not nearly as exciting as your gals, the drive by the river was nice.
After 3 flights of stairs my step count for the first part of the day is done.
My choice they do have an elevator.
I have a better attitude now after giving my self stars for these things that are done now yea!

Met my time goal on em, but no house hold tasks were accomplished b/c I was dealing with business stuff.
I need a plan for my dinner. I have a plan.

Desk duty x
Sheets are in the washer now.

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Re: Tuesday PWYC

Postby lucylee » Tue Apr 09, 2024 2:57 pm

(Not really sure if y'all WANT to hear from me today... it's rainy here and my mood is about as dark as the sky.)
On the upside, it does seem to be clearing, and maybe I can clear my thinking after talking it out with y'all.

I finally made the call to the dermatologist and * wow * they can see me tomorrow. I did not really want to go in that quickly -- dh may need to see the family doctor tomorrow as well -- but they made appt at 11:00 a.m. and I'll be back before the family doctor gets back from lunch.
I just have some patchy places on my scalp -- dandruff maybe, but it is not responding to T-Gel shampoo and it concerns me since dgd has such a problem with her scalp. Also a couple moles I'd like to have someone else look at.

OTOH, I have NOT called to find a new gynecologist, and I have NOT called the roofer. Once again, I have a bucket sitting in the floor of the study. :roll:
After the surprise quickness of the dermatologist, I decided I better wait to contact anyone else about anything else until dh has recovered from this gout flare and has seen the kidney doctor again. (Two weeks from today.) He has to get labwork done next week in prep for that, and we have three ballgames every week until the middle of May. So dh just really can't take the stress of ANYTHING else being on the schedule till then. At least till he sees the kidney doctor and feels better.
His pain is just through the roof, he is calling, "Lucy..." every 15 minutes, it seems, and as I told dmom, I am about ready to run away from home!
Then, while talking to dmom, I find out she apparently has the flu. :cry: But she said no, she didn't need me and she knew I had my hands full.

Anyway -- working on my attitude --
5x5 for today:
[ ] Vacuum den/kitchen/dining room
[ ] Zone vacuuming in the den
[ ] Clear out five more items from the closet
[ ] Laundry
[ ] Type church minutes from last night

Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Tuesday PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Apr 09, 2024 3:17 pm

I enjoyed CUOP and having a conversation with each of you in my head. :)

I cooked a couple dishes and then we attended the monthly elderberry luncheon. There were 15 treasured friends attending today. I enjoyed every moment.

RR - I second the vote for top loading Speed Queen washer machine. I've had mine since 2014 and it has not had one problem. We wash one or two loads a day. hum....that means it has washed well over 4000 loads and is still working perfectly. I purchasing the Speed Queen washer and dryer online and they were shipped from the factory to our home which took about a month. It was worth the wait IMHO. I just wish I could find the same quality for refrigerator, stove, and dishwasher.

1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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