Thinking on it Thurs.

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Re: Thinking on it Thurs.

Postby lucylee » Thu Apr 11, 2024 6:36 pm

That is a terrible situation, Harriet, but unfortunately, it is probably not uncommon. At our church meeting the other night, our missions director talked about needs in our community and mentioned a common theme of “grandma needs help paying the light bill because grandson, his girlfriend, and their baby are all living off grandma.”

I thought the quilt might be a wedding present! When I got married, I asked my paternal grandmother to make me a double wedding ring quilt. She did, and swore she’d never do another, LOL! But of course, both my girl cousins got one also. She did not like all the tiny pieces though. I think she would cut and pin them on little strips of newspaper— does that sound right?
At any rate, it’s the thickest quilt I own, and the one I always want when I’m sick. I’ve taught the dgrands too, that every thing feels better when you wrap up in the “Mama L quilt.”
When I’m not using it, it is displayed on a chair in the bedroom.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Thinking on it Thurs.

Postby Nancy » Thu Apr 11, 2024 7:38 pm

I have been out in the garden doing my session, not sure how long it was but I did both ends of the deck bed,
got 2 plants in that I bought today herbs, and transplanted 5 holly hocks, and put some onions in. Sigh of relief.
If it rains on day I've done enough to have a day off on this lol!
Moved a ladder too. Now I can mow a bit easier there and where the wheel burrow was and the plants
I moved were where I used to mow as well. Win win!

Went out and did another round in the garden, rain tomorrow p m 20% possibility so that was my mojo.
picked up what I'd taken out as far as weeds go and raked it out emptied rain water out of the wagon and moved it
inside the plant cage. It is looking more manageable now yea! So glad for that.
[ Had an early supper bs tanked.] So I wanted to work off some more of the carbs.
Got over 10,000 steps in so it has been worth it.

Sort of thought about mowing but I"lol wait might need the steps Fri.

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Re: Thinking on it Thurs.

Postby Harriet » Thu Apr 11, 2024 11:12 pm

Okay - BULLETIN : lucylee has a chair in her bedroom that is free to display decor. Wish I did!!! Good job.

I know what your Grandmother meant. I won't make another like this. This is the largest I've ever made, in order to accommodate the particular design. It's hard to work with a large top, plus this is a tricky one. When I started working, the houses they were looking at had vaulted ceilings and they were sure they wanted a large quilt to hang. The little bungalow they chose has simple 8-foot ceilings. They'll need to hang this directly at the ceiling or just a few inches below. I'm not changing the pattern at this stage because of their walls, lol.

Yes, your Grandmother probably marked the arcs on inexpensive paper, then sewed the fabric pieces onto it like we now would call "paper piecing". Then she would have cut the piece exactly to have an arc made of lots of colors and prints. She'd tear away the paper where it was perforated by the sewing machine needle. She'd have sewn two of those onto a long, also curving piece that was hard to cut, then sewn four of those onto a larger, also curving piece that was hard to cut. And she would do that over and over again. And at the binding, she may have even curved the binding into arcs rather than a straight binding. The traditional Double Wedding Ring is a pistol of a pattern. She was VERY good to you.

, you have done so much! That's great that you got steps in. I'm staying in one room a lot, so even if I feel tired, the step count disagrees!

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Re: Thinking on it Thurs.

Postby lucylee » Fri Apr 12, 2024 12:13 am

(((Harriet))) She was special, that’s for sure. I think that’s exactly how she did it. But mine does not have the curved edges.
I don’t know how she did the quilting itself. I know at times she and some other ladies would gather in her living room around a big quilting frame and do the hand-quilting together. I wish I knew if they did mine, or how she did it herself.
When we first married, dh and I used this quilt for our bedspread, but now it’s not big enough for the king size bed, so it’s on the chair.
Thanks for the kudos on my empty chair!

Ironing and laundry done!

Highlight of the day —
1. Dgs had his first practice for junior high football and apparently enjoyed it. Just a very light day, in the gym.
— — I’m real nervous about the whole thing but the men in the family are glad he wants to give it a try.
2. Dgs learned to tie his shoes.
— — yes. Dgs will be 12 years old in 3 months. Between LOL, we are all extremely relieved that this milestone has been reached before he had to ask the coach to tie his cleats. :)
Tomorrow is another day.

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