What's up on Sunday PWYC

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Re: What's up on Sunday PWYC

Postby Ramblinrose » Sun Apr 21, 2024 3:01 pm

Well my day turned … once out in my lanai I realized how dirty the eating table was so decided to clean it and the six chairs that match. I ended up taking the chairs outside, sprayed them with Dawn, took my scrub brush and scrubbed them down. Sprayed them off with the hose and turned them upside down to dry.

Started vacuuming my lanai and my cord fell into the pool. I immediately shut things down but I ended up blowing the outlet box. I am always careful with electrical stuff around water so I knew what to do. Anyway, I realized my outdoor granite was really dirty so I spent and hour cleaning and scrubbing it. That lead to other things that needed my attention including my eating table. I had washed it, but needed to put some polish oil on it to get rid of the water marks.

Somewhere in between my son stopped by for a short visit… which of course is always nice. I noticed my neighbor across the lake was watching me as I worked. Had to laugh cause I usually see her winning her self either in her lounge chair or floating on her raft.

Anyway Sweetie tried to fix the electrical plug but said it was fried. Figured that. Now he’s outside working on some of the chairs that don’t swivel any more. He’s using an electrical saw to do something, God know what cause when I ask him about what he’s doing he just grunts and keeps working. That my sign to leave him alone, he’s thinking :D:

I need to do a small grocery run but I’m hesitant to leave him as he hacks away at whatever. I’ll check to see what he’s doing and I think it safe I’ll go. Our next door neighbor is a retired dentist so I figure if there’s a real emergency he can help Sweetie till I can get home… life with an engineer with Alzheimer’s :lol:
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Re: What's up on Sunday PWYC

Postby CathyS » Sun Apr 21, 2024 3:35 pm

LadyM I had to look that up. He did this when he started all of our original garden boxes. Now he is putting pieces of tree limbs in the bottom and he will be covering them with whatever soil he is going to have delivered or is picking up. I don't know where it's coming from because he has mentioned delivery a few times and 2 different customers have asked me when this delivery is expected. Hard to figure it out when he probably hasn't arranged a delivery yet that I know of.

Dh and I both had naps. I stayed up after my nap, he has gone back to bed.
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Re: What's up on Sunday PWYC

Postby Nancy » Sun Apr 21, 2024 4:29 pm

LM I knew what that was a home steader I watch is putting that system in on his smaller place.
Had a good lunch some is cut up for meals later yum!
Walked on a diff. route I use when it's windy bc it's more protected saw 4 deer & got em on vid. :mrgreen:
Less pollen as it blew off in the nite! LOL!
Eye is still good.

Forgot to mention that I started my day with self care cinnamon coffee with hot cocoa mix chocolate creamer topped with some
whipped cream! Made it memorable and special I only do this occasionally and usually on a weekend, got the k cup machine the first holiday
after LH passed & the k cup spinning holder a carousel makes it even more fun.

Did putter pruning & filled a can from the back fence line will keep me busy for multiple days.
Had my dinner and did up the dishes.
It is still breezy outside.
Last edited by Nancy on Sun Apr 21, 2024 8:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: What's up on Sunday PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Apr 21, 2024 5:03 pm

Three generations had an enjoyable hour eating together celebrating birthdays. We had to wait for about 30 minutes to get a table but there were plenty of outside covered areas with benches, so it was comfortable and gave us extra time to visit. I still marvel at the miracle of healed/healing relationship. There is still some healing to be done especially in DS15 feelings toward DD47. It is a process.
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Re: What's up on Sunday PWYC

Postby Harriet » Sun Apr 21, 2024 7:39 pm

Amused at my earlier post. I really shouldn't post when in the car, lol.

We had a somewhat successful gw trip for dd's work wardrobe. Not a lot there that could be considered spring, though. I found a bowl and some blue scalloped salad plates.

Lunch out at her favorite restaurant showed me why she likes it so much. A very good meal. A few extra errands - she dropped in at a store and got gasoline.

This morning I made one last template for the quilt top and the glue dried while we were gone.
Just cut it out. Hopefully I can get two fabric pieces cut from this and be finished with the applique.

Meant to wish a happy multiple birthday for LadyM's family.

So sorry you feel bored, Twins'! Watch a funny old movie for a chuckle - they are healing!

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Re: What's up on Sunday PWYC

Postby lucylee » Sun Apr 21, 2024 11:35 pm

Glad to hear of birthday celebration with LadyM's family, and healing family relationships...
a good outing for Harriet and dd...
and sounds like such a good day for Nancy -- cinnamon coffee and a walk with four deer!
And oh my, Rose... LOL... you sounded kinda like Pam and Peggy, describing how one thing led to another until they were in the tent with I don't know what all, when the husband's boss came to call. LOL. EXCEPT -- your day did NOT end in chaos -- you actually COMPLETED a bunch of stuff! WTG!
(((Twins))) for boredom and feeling tired.
LOL because when I first read your post, Cathy, I thought you said SPORT mopping. I was thinking, well, maybe I should make a sport of it... :roll:

So... I did go to Sunday School. It was nice. The topic was exactly something I needed to hear. Stayed for church of course, and everything went well. I didn't have to focus on being "alone" at church because ddil and dgrands were there with me, and sometimes when he's not on the road, ds is there. Lots of love and support expressed from my church family.
Dsisil last night told dbro that they really need to get into church; that they do not have a church family to offer support -- if anything happened to them, they'd be on their own for the most part. She seemed to really feel the outpouring of love that our church family showed towards us and I think maybe it will bring about some changes for her and dbro. She also told me she felt so much at peace after the funeral; that she had always been a person who avoided and really feared funerals, but now she has a different feeling, because our service was so uplifting.
They called last night and y'all, we talked FOUR HOURS. We got off the phone at 2:30 a.m., my time -- 3:30 a.m. their time!

* And then I got nervous because they said they would love to go to the Opry with us sometime and I thought oh my... social anxiety.
Then I thought, how can I be nervous? There wasn't a moment of awkward quiet time for four hours. That would almost get us to the Opry and back!
I'm crazy.

I went to Wmart yesterday, because I thought it would rain today. After church, I came home with both dgrands, but soon took dgd home, and then I took a long nap.
Later, dgs and I ate supper and drove the truck to keep the battery up for it.
I also did some of my normal Sunday chores -- allergy shots and s/s kitchen... garbage to the road (with a large bag full of leftover "funeral food," as ddil said.) Threw out dead flowers but saved some that still look nice, and gave dgd a nice bouquet of purple ones in a pink vase.
Cancelled "Relief Factor." That's apparently almost a $100 savings per month. :shock:
Talked to Apple people -- iCloud payment was declined, but no worries, I should just call them when new card arrives.
Sent email for teacher group, which meets Tuesday.

Except for the kitchen, the house is a mess... but dgs is here again, so I think I will sleep well and I'm about to go lie down. I'll clean house tomorrow. I'm taking him to school because ds and ddil have to be in Big City for dgd's eye appointment early in the morning.
Tomorrow is another day.

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