July Cards

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Re: July Cards

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Jul 25, 2010 9:46 am

feeling so much better. funny how a bout of depression can hit me the whole day and then once I sleep I am better.
also I think seeing all the stuff on dining room table to put away again overwhelmed me and still way too much stuff.
hi nancy
today is bill day and i am trying to ignore it but will do them tonight after dinner

am: laundry wash dry fold put away

9:40 take a break for a few minutes to look at ymca catalog :D
then dishes and throw a load into the dw :D 10:29 thought it would take forever but took 15 minutes :roll:
wash counters wash stove toss from fridge :D make grocery list
thank you notes :D
grocery shopping :D put away :D
painted rod iron table twice, and 1 chair that I had de rusted earlier
I need to scrape the others a little each day :arrow:
at 10 pm move back to deck
5:21 dd21 made dinner
6:53 I know I have to work - what needs doing besides bills
exercise the dogs
mt dw :D
fill again counters stove put away some laundry throw towels in
moved table and put new (very cheap umbrealla in table) :D
help dh shave his remaining hair dd21 did most of it :D
went through a drawer in the garage and dejunk :D
I will next do one of my sewing area drawers, it was hard (suprising as it was stuff with g.scouts and when dd14/21 were younger - all the stuff I planned to make, I did a lot in my time, but planned more then I could have had 3 women do. So I let go of my plastic small drawer holder and am done to one small container (5 x 5") and tossed the rest. :D I decided I won't give another wonderful she my stuff as it would overwhelm them. kinder to just toss or recycle :D :D
get rid of all of vhs tapes; as we do not have a machine any more... just dvds. also from kids childhood, so I am sure that's why I haven't gotten rid of those before this. and thats it on dejunking for today so I don't get overwhelmed-except bills 8-)

things to add to list this week:
cancell cleaning team we hired to be here to wash floors etc. while dh was sick but they do a really bad job for the money
dispose of extra pharmacy meds at drop off
donation spot wednesday
drop off old mercury swirly lights (as I call them) to recycling
Last edited by blessedw2 on Sun Jul 25, 2010 9:38 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: July Cards

Postby Nancy » Sun Jul 25, 2010 11:22 am

I need to work on the kitchen does not take long for it
to revert back to original state with a busy weekend here.
I did load the dishes.
Time to tackle the counters and table again now.

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Re: July Cards

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Jul 26, 2010 10:05 am

look at Nancy's spiffy kitchen
whoo hooo

first get to dailies even though I want to do other things
my cycle tends to make me sick and I am not myself today

cleaned off dining room table
11:53 potato cooking for bibalacase cottage cheese greek yogurt (sub for sour cream), chives, garlic and s/p
1:36 got more paint for chairs, picked up check book.. forgot it... dropped off med list
I am going to read a chapter then
next empty cat litter and change
sweep and vacuum dining room
put away

monday: dd14 golf, drivers ed 4:00, spin 7
vaccum kitchen and family room rinse, bathrooms, dining room
Last edited by blessedw2 on Mon Jul 26, 2010 2:35 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: July Cards

Postby Nancy » Mon Jul 26, 2010 10:14 am

Hey there Blessed and others to follow way to go on your progress!

I'm back from my walk it was hot here {103*} yesterday I did a shorter walk in the morning
then focused on getting enough water.

Our bed is made.
Coffee is done.
The back has been watered
h.is working on the sides and corners now.

Granny duty has begun older two dgds are here today.
That was a great motivator for getting to the kitchen for last evening's p.m. routine
H. is going to grill up some hot dogs and hamburgers for lunch for us.

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Re: July Cards

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Jul 26, 2010 12:55 pm

103 degrees oh my Goodness!!! nancy.
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Re: July Cards

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Jul 27, 2010 7:44 pm

it's already 6:43pm and I have done nothing!
woke at 6:30 with headache and fell back to sleep until 10 am
took dd14 to tennis and ran to bank with dh,
then ran to a couple errands home again, very tired, then took her to drivers ed and took dh to michaels (he wanted to go)
home and just getting ready to clean.
wow it really fell apart again how does that happen
I want to paint but I need to work on the house

today is monday a dejunk day so I will do one area
8:11 watched ncis
washing dishes :D
I need to clean counters :D
put away in kitchen :D
next pick up in family room didn't do
watched some of the couch

goals tomorrow: buy laundry line, tell neighbors I am washing sheets for the day, bank... still haven't gotten bank balance,
dd14 is going to be with dmom tomorrow, pick up laundry, buy dh's emend's, pick up dd21's license registry
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Re: July Cards

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Jul 28, 2010 9:13 am

its 8:14am and I gave myself and hour just to wake up... lol boy I am getting older
8:28 am - ready to get dressed :D
9:56 am donations in car - went through books and let go :D
11:12 more chores and dejunking done. yeah
now for lunch and then when dd14 gets picked up I will do errands with dh
1:33 where does the time go
ran a few errands and dh had to feed himself so we are temp. home so I will try to get a couple things done
3:04 pm more errands done.
dd14 leaves for drivers ed with us soon. it's kind of draining me that dh wants to go shopping all the time buying duplicates of what we have but I have to learn to step back. I really wanted to sit in the car and get paperwork done
7:11 pm tired had dinner and now clean up, I feel like being lazy but need to work
so dishes emptied filled wash counters wash stove sweep kitchen :D
watched when in rome. cute movie, not a thinker but sweet

am> goal before dailies put away and

go to bank to get copy of checks cashed as I haven't received bank statement :D
get dd21's sticker for car as she can't do that in madison :D
donation place :D
dh wants to return model car to hobby lobby :D
go to dh's bank :D
pick up cleaning :arrow:
gas car :D
water plants outside :D
get dh's meds at walgreens and osco pharm :D
next dejunk look in 3 season room

for dd14. walk dogs then brush them,
bring cloths downstairs to put away (trying to trim down her room)
10:13 found a book I can study for school ahead of time
..now to work again
Last edited by blessedw2 on Thu Jul 29, 2010 8:29 am, edited 11 times in total.
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Re: July Cards

Postby Nancy » Wed Jul 28, 2010 10:05 am

walk x
did dailies
got clean sheets on the bed
mattress is flipped thought we just did that but h. said no he just rotated it.
made groc. list.
Worked on a new crochet project.

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Re: July Cards

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Jul 29, 2010 8:30 am

hi nancy and all

today is dh's chemo :(
so I will bring checking account to work on :D need to do more on balancing. the way I have been listing it is not a good way so I will change it. It will require lots of work but worth it
load of laundry washing now. :D
dmom is picking up dd14 forher day: allergist appointment, tennis, drivers ed :D
time to get dressed, get paperwork today, where gymshoes so I can walk while dh is having his chemo (all day) (paperwork yes, walking no)
4:50 pm
home from chemo. dd14 is not home yet. dh is wearing his pump until Monday, neulasta shot tuesday and now to try to balance dd14's week so she can get out
got cash for her tomorrow. will ask her to pay for 1/2 what she spends

tomorrow she is going with friends to great america then spending the night with the friends she is going with.
my hope for Friday: scrapping rest of chairs and painting them

saturday: pick up dd14 at 9 am so she can go to golf at 10:00
Last edited by blessedw2 on Thu Jul 29, 2010 5:47 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: July Cards

Postby Indiana » Thu Jul 29, 2010 8:40 am

It is so good to see you posting again blessed. It is nice your dmom can help with taxi service.

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