Health and Fitness, July, 2010

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Re: Health and Fitness, July, 2010

Postby Indiana » Thu Jul 29, 2010 1:22 pm

lucylee I edited mine for your foods up to 3 pm.

It was very interesting - see what you think.

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Re: Health and Fitness, July, 2010

Postby lucylee » Thu Jul 29, 2010 3:04 pm

I see -- too many starches -- but what else am I supposed to be noticing?

That freezer pop icee only has 35 calories, 8 g of sugar. It is mostly ice.
Tomorrow is another day.


Re: Health and Fitness, July, 2010

Postby Indiana » Thu Jul 29, 2010 3:34 pm

lucylee I wasn't sure which one you ate of the Dr Pepper. That was a good choice. Eat more of them.

Notice that you are going down in calories and are staying within range. Also that you are more conscious of what you are eating. Yes the starches are still high but you are becoming more familiar with them. Also you need a starch at night or is it something sweet at night. Your mini wheats are frosted and the pie has sugar so I'm not sure if it is the sugar or starch. Your Dr. Pepper pop was a great choice for a treat.

Also notice that you are doing good eating and walking. Not perfect yet but you will be. You want to work into this so you don't burn out and say the heck with it.

V-8 juice and fruit juice count as several vegetables or fruits. Animal crackers and teddy grahams are a good starch snack.

Also crab, lobster and shrimp are good as far as counting as a lean meat and a much larger size makes up a protein.

You are doing good lucylee.

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Re: Health and Fitness, July, 2010

Postby lucylee » Thu Jul 29, 2010 3:50 pm

Thank you so much, Indiana... your encouragement is really, REALLY helping me.

I think it is the sweet that I want so badly after supper... and the pie should have been enough -- MORE than enough... the ice pop was just an experiment, b/c ds & ddil had bought them and they were impressed w/the flavors -- 7-Up, Root Beer, Dr. Pepper, and orange soda. I didn't really want anything at all right then, just ate it b/c they were eating. But then by midnight, I really did want something, so I loaded up on grapes again.

If I went back to eating turkey at lunch, I might be better prepared for the mid-afternoon slump -- and I will definitely be getting back into that routine when school starts -- it's just that once you open a pack, you just about have to eat it within the week or it starts going bad, and during the summer, I'm just not regular enough with my eating to make sure I'd do that.

Right now, I must admit, I'm sampling the cookie dough, so I'm feeling pretty good energy-wise... but rather than keep eating and eating and eating, I'm going to try to take a nap before the party.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Health and Fitness, July, 2010

Postby lucylee » Thu Jul 29, 2010 11:25 pm

Well... today kinda went flying to blazes.

Breakfast 10:00 a.m.
Diet Pepsi
PB crackers -- 1 ½ starch :evil: :evil:
Banana -- 2 fruit :D :D
Grapes -- 1 fruit :D
Granola bar -- 2 starch :evil: :evil:
Bottle of water
(Ate all that pretty early b/c vitamins made me feel a little nauseated.)

Lunch 12:30 p.m.
8 Triscuits -- 1 ½ starch :evil: :evil:
2 slices 2% cheese - 2 protein
An apple -- 1 fruit :D
Diet Pepsi

1 cookie and probably enough cookie dough to = 2 more, at least 3? 4? starches :evil: :evil: :evil:

Supper 7:00 p.m.
2 servings bar-b-que
1/2 bun :evil:
2 servings of potato chips :evil: :evil:
lettuce :D :?
4 cookies :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
several glasses of sugar-free iced tea

So I'm figuring about 16 starches, right? I'm sorry, Indiana... I knew those cookies were going to be trouble. To my credit, I did not bring any home with me. I left all the extras with my cousin. Unfortunately, we have a cookie jar full right here at home, b/c all the ones I made would not fit into my Tupperware bowl to begin with.
* sigh * Tomorrow is another day.
Tomorrow is another day.


Re: Health and Fitness, July, 2010

Postby Indiana » Fri Jul 30, 2010 12:08 pm

13 1/2 starch = 1080
5 1/2 protein = 302
7 1/2 fat = 300
2 fruit = 120
Total 1802

14 ½ starch = 1160
7 protein = 385
13 fat = 585
3 fruit = 180
4 dairy (whole milk) = 480
Total = 2790

11 starch = 880
5 fat = 225
5 fruit = 300
4 ½ protein = 248
1 free (salad) = 0
Total = 1653

11 2/3 starch = 1000
5 fruit = 300
6 protein = 230
1 vegetable = 25
1 fat = 45
Total = 1600

9 starch = 720
4 fruit = 240
8 protein = 440
4 fat = 180
Total = 1580

Although you were within calories, it wasn’t a healthy food choice day.

lucylee next month we can do this is a separate thread from the healthy habit thread. You are becoming more aware of what you are eating.

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Re: Health and Fitness, July, 2010

Postby lucylee » Fri Jul 30, 2010 12:24 pm

Thank you, Indiana -- a separate thread will be good -- and I am becoming more aware, I can see that.
I think you were very kind to say 9 starches, b/c it was probably way more than that... all that cookie dough, etc...
but I am becoming more aware, and this morning as I was walking, I told myself, "Okay, I'm going to say I've already had 2 starches w/my pb crackers... and I KNOW I'll have AT LEAST two tonight if dmom cooks... sooo I better not have more than two before we get to dmom's."

I really do appreciate you helping me get on track a little better.
I'm drinking plain water right now as I type this.

Well... might as well type it in. It's not going to disappear if I don't...

Breakfast 9:00 a.m.
Diet Pepsi
PB Crackers :evil:
Banana :D
* vitamins

After walk 10:00 a.m.
Bottle of water
More water

Lunch? Noon
Granola nut bar :evil: :evil:

Lunch? 1:00 p.m.
6 Triscuits :evil:
1 slice cheese
Salad :D

2 cookies :evil: :evil:
Grapes :D
More water
1 cookie :evil:
2 small pieces Dove dark chocolate :evil:

Supper 8:30
LOTS of country ham
LOTS of bacon
2 biscuits w/a little bit of jam :evil: :evil:
1 Pillsbury cinnamon roll :evil:
3 bowls of fruit :D :D :D
2 Diet Pepsi's

So... looks like to me, 11 starches? But you might say the biscuits & cinnamon roll counted twice, in which case this would be up to 14, which is horrible.
On the good side, I did have over 64 oz. water today, and I estimate about 7 servings fruit/vegetables.

Also need to add exercise:
Week of July 25
Sunday -- 25 min. -- Floor exercises/walk away the pounds
Monday -- 20 min. -- Walked 1.2 miles
Tuesday -- 45 min. -- Walked 3 miles
Thursday -- 30 min. -- Walked 2 miles
Friday -- 40 min. -- Floor exercises/Walked 2 miles
Also did floor exercises another day or two, but didn't record. I'm trying to do them at least every other day, push ups, sit-ups, etc., but I've not gotten that routine established very well yet.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Health and Fitness, July, 2010

Postby OKay » Sat Jul 31, 2010 1:56 pm

I've been following this thread with much interest. I am in trouble with my weight and need to make more changes. I wish I could tackle all the changes needed, but I know I can't (won't??) maintain intense multi-part focus and will fail after a few days leading to massive frustration. I am looking for small, easy change that will lead to success and healthy long term habits.

Indiana made this suggestion (to someone else) which sounds like a do-able for me. I'm going to take this as my August focus/goal -
starches seem to be the food you go to. How about just counting the exchanges for those. Try for a week to stay close to 6. Don't worry about being extremly accurate you are just working on getting your starches down.

Counting starches starts August 1 for me. I know the recommended goal is 6 and that is what I hope to do. However, I'm just going to focus on counting them and letting the awareness of how many I'm eating be the controlling mechanism. I'm not going to commit to ONLY eating 6 starches a day because I'm afraid to set myself up for failure. As long as I count them, then I'm going to consider this goal a success. :)

I have much to learn before tomorrow (Aug 1). Eeeks! I'm not positive I even know what a starch is. Things with flour....but what else? Need to do some research and a whole lotta learning!


Re: Health and Fitness, July, 2010

Postby Indiana » Sat Jul 31, 2010 2:17 pm

OKay here is a list of starches: ... 20LIST.pdf

I was telling lucylee to count just the starches. You become more aware of how many starches you are having by just counting them. Not trying to stay within a certain - that comes later but getting familiar with what is a starch.

Not only are breads and crackers starches but also peas, corn, potatoes, and beans are starches.

Once you figure out how many starches you are having then the amount comes along.

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Re: Health and Fitness, July, 2010

Postby OKay » Sat Jul 31, 2010 2:48 pm

Thanks Indiana!

The vegetables that are counted as starch is my first concern. I eat vegetables for lunch almost every day during the week.

Just researched PattyPan squash to find out if it is Winter or Summer squash. It is Summer! **PHEW** So PattyPan squash won't be counted as a starch.

Beans/Lentils/potatoes/corn are starches so will be counting those.

I normally eat a fiber bar at 6am each morning. That will be 1.5 of my daily starches.

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