Store, Don't Stash, September

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Re: Store, Don't Stash, September

Postby sherinjoy » Wed Sep 24, 2008 11:46 am

Hi Harriet, Thanks for joining me. Interesting story from church lady - I have definitely done the same thing in the past - learned from my mistakes. Now, I put a date on boxes of things I think I will use in the future, usually a 6 month or 1 yr. date. If not used by then, I donate it. Actually knowing I will do that has curbed me from even keeping it sometimes, because I have to be honest with myself. Kinda like your inventory of craft projects - how many are you really going to do? Keeps us real.
And thanks for thinking of celebrating my 100th day - I don't tend to celebrate my victories, even though I know it's important. Today is day 86, so I can plan something for Oct. 8.
I gathered 13 books yesterday to donate today, but think I'll make another round before I leave for errands. Off to the adventures!

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Re: Store, Don't Stash, September

Postby Hannibelle » Thu Sep 25, 2008 12:56 am


You have been and continue to be SUCH an inspiration!! I have been keeping an eye out, lurking from afar, checking on your continual progress and you have never failed to be here. Which is just SO AWESOME!

You truly give me hope and I sincerely am planning on joining you in this effort! I seem to have become continually caught up in the swirl of the school year machine rolling in to full swing and the accompanying crush of calendars/schedules that come along with it.

However, I must bear in mind that you provide an ideal model...that doing something every day doesn't necessarily require a giant chunk of TIME every day, only a true commitment to doing something each day. I'm sure sometimes you do much less than others and some days you do monstrous amounts!

I just wanted to let you know that I'm still out here, reading your accomplishments and cheering you on!! I am SO PROUD OF YOU!!! Super Duper WTG and a big SHE *high five*!! YOU GO, GIRL!!

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Re: Store, Don't Stash, September

Postby sherinjoy » Thu Sep 25, 2008 11:44 am

Hi Hannibelle! I'm blushing from your compliments! But I am taking it all in and thank you for saying it. It is the commitment that keeps me going, and somedays it is 1 thing that leaves the house, but somedays it is a van full of "stuff". And the question always is "What can I release today that will open my life to my greater good?" I'll be thinking of you and know that you're here with me - thanks for that.
I'm off to another round of book releasing, because the library is having their semi-annual big sale, and Saturday is the last day for donations. Want to give them the most I can!

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Location: Sonoma County, Northern California

Re: Store, Don't Stash, September

Postby sherinjoy » Mon Sep 29, 2008 12:30 pm

Hi, Day 90 yesterday, and I worked in the garage, clearing out another shelving unit. Since I'm in the bedroom today because of construction, I may go through my dresser drawers again, looking for more unused items. Wish I could clear out DHs dresser, but not mine to do. I may work on another upstairs bathroom too. I keep on clearing out!

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