PWYC Finally Friday, Oct 5, 2007


Re: PWYC Finally Friday, Oct 5, 2007

Postby Indiana » Mon Oct 04, 2010 7:39 pm

Twins Mom wrote:

I can't even seem to get through CUOP this morning for dkids underfoot and ddogs....going to just start myself a round of stuff....
-clean up the kitchen counters and start dishwasher
-s2s (have to wait until dd is done)
-make the bed
-reboot/restart laundry
-get acrylic block for stamping that I need to loan to a friend and put it in my purse


Re: PWYC Finally Friday, Oct 5, 2007

Postby Indiana » Mon Oct 04, 2010 7:40 pm

blessed wrote:

checking in... turns out I will be taking very dmom for errands this afternoon

but still working on putting away... craft/3 season room done.. it needs a dusting and vaccuming and washing but will put then in card file for next month unless dh feels like doing it.

hi twins do your dkids have a day off today?
cheering you on as you do your work *\o/*

hi sadie I bet your dh is looking forward to tool shopping...
nice that someone gave you their wood.
have a great day on your adventures

hi Kathryn

hi nancy ... the days ARE getting shorter aren't they! sorry you can't get outdoors atving this weekend... good luck on your shopping tomorrow.

hi Harriet
(love the halo for dd9) great for her on her test!


Re: PWYC Finally Friday, Oct 5, 2007

Postby Indiana » Mon Oct 04, 2010 7:41 pm

Harriet wrote:

Have been trying to remember to ask - Indiana tell about your avatar? Is that a 3x5, yes?

Dh wants the two of us to go shopping for 2 new light fixtures, new set of phones before the bus runs. There are several other items we need and am hoping I can encourage him to stay with it long enough to make a dent, but they are varied. He is not much on trips between stores.


Re: PWYC Finally Friday, Oct 5, 2007

Postby Indiana » Mon Oct 04, 2010 7:42 pm

helia wrote:

-a.m. routine progress: personal care done, bed made, kids off to schools, and kitchen half reclaimed, but now 1 counter has a couple bags of new groceries sitting on it
-dentist; all looks good. :)
-groc. store

I'm eating a lean cuisine lunch today; I'm bored of my standard sandwich, chips, fruit lunch. I can still stay within my "allotted" points for lunch, so that is good. I've already eaten an apple.

Dh and I have decided to forgo the Japanese Enchaphalitis immunization series for our family; we're completely missing the outbreak season in Thailand, and if we stay in big cities in China, it's considered unnecessary (all info from CDC). I think we'll be in some small towns in the south of China as well as big cities, so we'll just have to be extremely vigilant about the mosquitoes then (next May).

-finish putting groceries away
-finish a.m. routine: kitchen attention and laundry

It is sunny and clear here today! My hygienist told me it is supposed to get up to 87 today!


Re: PWYC Finally Friday, Oct 5, 2007

Postby Indiana » Mon Oct 04, 2010 7:42 pm

Twins Mom wrote:

DD and I are heading out for her hair cut, finally. I had to skip my shower because she took so long; should have gotten in the shower earlier before she started stalling.

Still haven't CUOPed - I miss talking to you all when I have to run out like this.

Bw2, yes, dkids started fall break today - will be off all of next week also - and I'm not working today at payroll. Slept in until almost 10:30 a.m. - this after going to bed at 11 and getting up around 5:30 to say goodbye to dh, who is away for the weekend.


Re: PWYC Finally Friday, Oct 5, 2007

Postby Indiana » Mon Oct 04, 2010 7:43 pm

Indiana wrote:

Good morning.

Harriet yes it is a 3 x 5 recipe card. It isn't one of mine. It is from morgue file. They have great pictures of everything.

I can't decide which to use. The card or piglet.

Anyone like one better than the other?

I'm leaning toward the card.


Re: PWYC Finally Friday, Oct 5, 2007

Postby Indiana » Mon Oct 04, 2010 7:44 pm

Mystery wrote:

Gotta keep this short -- I'm working on the laptop with just the battery, and it'll die soon.

Was busy this morning -- library duty, then trip to wholesale club with dfriend to get juice for kindergarten. Prices there not really all that great, so I'll likely just go with getting the juice at the discount store.

Have gotten a little done around the house, but not nearly as much as needs to be done. Yesterday was a wash -- I was at great-aunt's funeral/luncheon with DM till it was about time to pick up girls; I had a headache from going back & forth from hot, bright sun and dark, airconditioned spots, so I napped till almost dinner, after which was the Indians game.

(((Peeper's dd and family)))

BBL, I hope!


Re: PWYC Finally Friday, Oct 5, 2007

Postby Indiana » Mon Oct 04, 2010 7:45 pm

Kathryn wrote:

Indiana: I think the card.

Dh came home and we walked around our neighbourhood. We left some money for the accordion player since we've loved hearing him every evening. He is actually very good and introduces lots of flourish into his music. We'd come out of the subway and dh and I would simultaneously say, "He's there" as soon as we'd hear the music.

Didn't find anything to buy. No tiles. There were some cool things in Pier Import, including a sink side liquid soap, pot scrubber holder and some lovely china from a Barcelona company but nothing else. I'll either buy an ornament at the airport or leave without anything. I hate to do that, but I won't buy junk either and it isn't worth a trip to the tourist area. That's one of the problems with staying in a residential area; no souvenirs.

I grabbed my dinner from Burger King and dh joined me with a sundae. He'll have Chinese when the place opens (an hour or more from now.)

I got the Madrid expenses entered but discovered a flaw in Open Office. If a date is ambiguous, it stored as month/day/year despite it being entered as year/month/day. So if I entered 07/08/05 (August 5/07) it stored it as August 7, 2005, while displaying in the cell 05/08/07. But if I entered 2007/08/05, it stored 05/08/2007 and displayed 07/08/05, because it was clear the first number was the year. When I only entered 07, it thought the first number was the day. Dh had marked the data entry for that field as yy/mm/dd, so I was only entering 2 digits for the year.

Anyway, it was rough trying to figure out what was happening because I was assuming it was merely changing the display from yy/mm/dd to dd/mm/yy, not realizing it was completely corrupting all the dates I've entered. Dh didn't ever come across the problem because he always entered 2007. He took offense at me saying that if the software required yyyy/mm/dd, he should have documented that for me. He felt I shouldn't have expected him to know that Open Office would make assumptions.

The upshot is that every date I've entered into the spreadsheets over the past year are stored wrong. But they look okay and we don't do sorts on the dates, nor do we use the info automatically so the fact that it is wrong isn't going to spread to other programs. So I'm just going to leave it and do it correctly from this point onwards.


Re: PWYC Finally Friday, Oct 5, 2007

Postby Indiana » Mon Oct 04, 2010 7:45 pm

SuzLew wrote:

I am getting late start on the house today! I have 100 bags of kettle corn in livingroom waiting to be picked us for a church fund raiser! Dh and I did vacumm cobwebs, scooba entryway floor and take Salvation army box our to car- will drop later! Rhomba vacummed livingroom floor yesterday and dh and I dusted- he high places and me lower!

I am still working room by room! So heading into kitchen to clear table, island and counters and to put some larger "stuff" in new cupboard in garage!

I already S/S and have my pedometer on but need to pour water in my 32 oz Tinkerbell cup!


Re: PWYC Finally Friday, Oct 5, 2007

Postby Indiana » Mon Oct 04, 2010 7:46 pm

Kathryn wrote:

I'm packing now. Nearly done. Taxi is due at 7:45 in the morning.

I need to reload my mp3 player with fresh content for the long day tomorrow. I'll be traveling for almost 24 hours. And no confirmed Exec Class seat as yet. We can't be added to the waiting list until we arrive in Frankfurt tomorrow.

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