Health and Fitness, March, 2011

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Re: Health and Fitness, March, 2011

Postby Harmony » Mon Mar 07, 2011 9:53 pm

I've been medicating my frustrations with food. Blek. Almost a solid week with no time to cook. Missed many meals and then snacked. OK I confessed. That's supposed to help, right? Need to get back on track.

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Re: Health and Fitness, March, 2011

Postby Nancy » Tue Mar 08, 2011 11:21 am

Got the rose planted and part of the garden area worked up yesterday.
Plus I pruned back the roses in the back yard and burned the trimmings in the fire pit.
Counting that for my exercise.
~sigh ~
not sure what today's exercise will be it's snowing out side now.
Weather shaped up in the afternoon warm enough to walk a bit with dgd in the stroller.
Did the loop about a half mi. or two blocks.
Better than none.
Looking forward to longer days with nice evenings.
Last edited by Nancy on Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Health and Fitness, March, 2011

Postby bittersweet » Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:16 am

Still no garden work in sight here *sigh*. There will be "periods of snow" today, then 2 - 4" tomorrow, then a 60% chance of flurries on Friday. After that, the forecast shows it will warm up to above freezing, and stay that way until closer to the end of the month. Hopefully I'll be able to report some exercise in the garden (other than shoveling the driveway!) before July or August.

I haven't had any luck getting near the Wii, either! The menfolk have been too busy watching movies on Netflix. I got home last night at almost 9pm to find them both parked on the couch - living room a mess, dishes not done, etc etc ...and they were both home all day, either playing on their computers or watching movies! And they wonder why I get annoyed?

I'm going to turn it on now and try some yoga!

Edited to add: Maybe I won't try the Wii right now - it seems the batteries in the balance board are dead, and I don't have any more in that size. I'll have to pick some up after work *sigh*
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Re: Health and Fitness, March, 2011

Postby Harriet » Fri Mar 11, 2011 9:14 pm

You were all very supportive and interested when I obsessed over HRH's foray into attempting to pull back from "pre-diabetes" diagnosis, whatever that word means. He had gone on the Nutri System "D" (my gift, so I was out on a limb) and lost 16 pounds and has kept it off by just sticking with that type of eating.

So I thought I would come in and report that he has gotten his full blood panel done for the first time since then, (since the last full one it has been 10 months). His triglycerides have lowered from 193 to 122 and that's no longer considered high. His LDL (bad) cholesterol has lowered from 122 to 113. His HDL (good) cholesterol has gone up from 38 to 43 (still needs improvement but getting there.) His fasting blood glucose was actually low - not a problem. So even with A1C of 6.3, the doctor says (in writing :) ) that his blood sugar is normal. He asked the doctor, "Is that normal for anybody or normal for me?" and doctor said "normal for anybody".

So this is a victory. The one threatening cloud :( is that his Vitamin D level has "diminished" again, even though he takes 2000 IU daily and has since the doctor allowed him to come off the prescription. (It's bad - from 42 to 19.) This is really concerning and remains a mystery. He is back on the prescription dose and also has a "prescription" for outdoor time in the summer months, as soon as people in our part of the earth can access Vitamin D through sun's rays to the skin. A bright spot is that the B-12 sublingual (under tongue) is improving his levels with just bi-monthly injections now, 415 to 531. Yay, my experiment succeeded there!

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Re: Health and Fitness, March, 2011

Postby Nancy » Sat Mar 12, 2011 12:29 pm

It's good to read that good report Harriet!
Way to go to you both.

I walked yesterday afternoon to get b.s. down plus my meds. that was successful.
Hormones were doing a number on it. Got a bit of gardening done also so I'm counting that
for some of my exercise too.

Doing laundry yesterday I twisted my back and working out some sort of a kink not fun. Walking helped to work that kink out so today will be trying that again.

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Re: Health and Fitness, March, 2011

Postby Nancy » Sun Mar 13, 2011 11:06 am

Walking a bit yesterday in the yard to the corner and while we shopped was my exercise for yesterday nothing too strenuous bc my back was out. It seems a bit better today yea!

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Re: Health and Fitness, March, 2011

Postby Nancy » Mon Mar 14, 2011 11:58 am

For my exercise. I walked apx. a mile yesterday around the loop and around the block plus some shopping. Seemed to help my lower back. It's better today yea!

Dropped a couple of pounds that I'd put on last week water retention I think.


Re: Health and Fitness, March, 2011

Postby Indiana » Mon Mar 14, 2011 12:37 pm

I'm so glad to see those numbers Harriet. Except for the vitamin D. That one is strange. Tell HRH congratulations on a job well done. 6.3 is always a good number to hear for an A1C.

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Re: Health and Fitness, March, 2011

Postby Harriet » Wed Mar 16, 2011 11:34 am

Thanks for the way-to-go, Nancy!!

I will tell him, Indiana!

Today Dr. Oz said it is HUGELY IMPORTANT for a woman's HDL to be kept higher than a man's and he'd like to see it over 50, while it is okay for a man to just be over 40. Hmmm ... ... I did not know that. I will have to look mine up but I am sure it is not over 50. Sigh. So it is even more important for me to eat those BEANS along with OKay! 8-)

Also, as I read more about natural increase of HDL specifically, I see that I need to

eat more fish, or take more fish oil (easy)
eliminate trans fats (easy)
eliminate junk food (hard)
greatly reduce corn and wheat (kinda hard)
have high cocoa (70%) chocolate square daily (easy)
keep my Vitamin D high (it was, last blood work)
exercise (kinda easy)

They say BREWED green tea is good, but I'm pretty sure I won't drink it/go to the trouble. Might think about it. HRH recently heard from his ear dr chatting about sinus trouble to stop the caffiene because interestingly since it can cause acid reflux :evil: that can swell the irritated sinus/throat tissues. (This can be called "silent acid reflux", since it is not associated with heartburn, and people don't know it's from reflux.) And sometimes you do want a hot drink... Maybe with the Truvia sweetener we could stand green tea. Do you put cream into green tea? :?: Or does that not make sense?

I stand corrected on a couple things. First, green tea would have caffiene, too, so rethink that. The one thing I'm sure of is that any cola brought into the house, for dd or friends or medicinal purposes ;) , can just be caffiene-free from now on, since both adults in the house have good reason to avoid caffeine.

Second, after looking up my info, my HDL is 54. So Dr Oz would have put his stamp of approval on me this morning. So how come my own bloodwork paper says the range should be greater than 60, and lists my HDL as "low" with an asterisk? Huh. It was that "low" notation that I was thinking of when I listened to Dr. Oz this morning. (And also my dr's suggestion of cholesterol meds.)

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Re: Health and Fitness, March, 2011

Postby Nancy » Wed Mar 16, 2011 4:25 pm

Harriet I would ask is that the good chol. #?

Speaking of numbers bs went from 229 when I got up to 99 after meds. and a walk today so yea for me.

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