Oct. Card File

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Re: Oct. Card File

Postby Harriet » Fri Oct 17, 2008 1:07 pm

Nancy are your eyes pretty much back to normal now? I know that would really make you feel like you are truly on the path to getting a true handle on all this health-stuff, which I know takes time and energy just dealing with the thoughts and plans, much less the actual puny feelings. Happy baby thoughts.

blessed, I would have been awfully worried about you with that hospital visit if you hadn't right away talked about feeling so much better after eating - thank goodness. But I know it worries you not to feel 100 percent. When you make those posts in which you get so much done, item by item, I am inspired. Sweet dd13.

I am not very proud of me lately. I had foolishly hurt my back, with 17 days of muscle relaxants and pain pills needed - the worst I've ever let myself get (or maybe I'm just older than some other, worse injuries, so longer recuperation), and totally avoidable if I had just taken care of myself the way I know to do. But there were other "kicks in the gut", like a hard-drive crash that made me feel foolish, and issues with my parents, pressure of some extended family stuff, sad feelings about dd and her babies so far away. So I am battling back from a "funk" in which my cards are a lifeline... .. but... ... I am recognizing that I am needing a lot of sleep and wasting time dragging while I don't admit I just need to lie down and have a fresh start later. Dh says this will take time to get the drugs out of my system and my body needing to rest up after hard healing work.

You know, summer can be draining as a season and autumn refreshing so that you feel more energy. That is one thing that occurred to me thinking of blessed needing a change. Kathryn also mentioned that going ahead and exercising in the morning helped her to feel focused the rest of the morning. That is something that has been missing for me - feeling focused instead of draggy and fuzzy. So maybe I will try it. I can get back to exercising soon.
If you don't believe in miracles, you're not being realistic.

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Re: Oct. Card File

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Oct 17, 2008 3:24 pm

I understand 100% about not feeling well, being in a funk because of not feeling well. I think dkathryn is right about the exercise even a little bit to make you feel better. When I work out at ymca (really slow) I feel better. I know you didn't mean to hurt your back...It would have happened some other way. there is not much you could do about it just take your time and heal. I just hope you feel better fast. I think we can feel defeated too when we know we have others depending on us especially dear parents and you can't do it. the cards do help get back on track even if you can't do them all. I feel like you do and have a hard time admitting I need the rest. I slept all day yesterday after doctor appointment with a migraine,geesh. I think the only heal slowly, and we have to remember it won't be forever but it is so frustrating. I think being away from your dd is and dgrndbabies is really hard! Can they make video's for you and visa versa so you exchange every couple weeks, they see grandma and grandpa and uncle and little aunt and you get to see them. It's not the same but seeing them you will feel like your getting more of them then just calling or pictures. You are one wonderful woman dHarriet and I admire you and your spirit. I think its so easy to feel frustrated and down when we can't do what we normally can do. Today is temporary and soon your back will feel better. (((sending warm thoughts and healing thoughts for your back and hugs for your heart!)))

dkids going back to school made me sad, funny how that works even though they are here. dd13 is going through that cranky but not nasty faze of being a young teen. She is not my happy go lucky girl right now and it shows. dd19 says I need a hobby while I am not feeling well. mmm force me to do some hand work :D , I am going to join you on exercise again (slowly), I have to admit I don't feel like I have enough time for me to get things done, and health right now is an issue and definetly joining you on lack of focus. I am just getting my dailies and some weeklies done and a bit of focus jobs. I did print out my christmas journal again and have been writing down ideas as I hear them. so at least that feels better. I am trying to appreciate the little accomplishments that I do to make me feel better.

YOu are a keeper, as we say in our house, dear Harriet and dear Nancy!

I am going through the doctor appointments to find out what is wrong, cancer runs deep in my family and I can't seem to get that I waited too long feeling out of my mind. My doctor was downtown and it's just so far and I put it off. I have lost 15 lbs in the last 2 weeks because I have to eat healthy. can't see it though eek!

my cards so far, dishes and some put away
errands grocery store, return items to michaels, target a couple other errands done. and gas too down finally to 3.30 a gallon which is great for here. it had gone up to 4.25 a gallon.
my dmom has so so so much energy and is a small little French ball of energy has painted dd13's room, cleaned everything and it is \beautiful! she can get more done in an hour then I can in one day.

finished making meatballs for dinner
and a canelli bean, tomato, italian sausage soup I found in cooks country magazine for lunch tomorrow.
need to wash mess up now by pulling cards for kitchen again. :?
pick up dd13 and then going to movies with dd19 and dd13

tomorrow wish list: go to haunted house (I only like cute halloween not gorey but promised kids we would go tomorrow night), in day time we are headed out to the corn maze either saturday or sunday depending on homework.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Sat Oct 18, 2008 7:40 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Oct. Card File

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Oct 18, 2008 7:32 am

good morning.

dh did something wonderful yesterday, he finished the dishes and swept up (from dog#2 finds any piece of paper tennis ball anything to tear apart, my fault as she needs exercise) all the stuff that was torn to shreds.

we went to see the secret life of bees, loved the book, loved the movie.

tonight is the haunted mansion for dkids (well dd13 is not sure if she wants to go to a haunted house, actually I am not that upset by it. 8-), a little disappointed we can't go to the corn maze as dd13 has so much homework and we are going to dmom in laws at 3 tomorrow. so we will hope for nice weather next weekend.
blue jeans for dd13 didn't find any today, turns they are all straight tight legs so far which I am happy she doesn't like
ymca will force myself to go first thing this morning. I know it's just getting back into the swing of things.
today on my cards are my dailies
the bathrooms
laundry as a family
pull weeds in one section and cut down sunflowers of dd13 as they are deader then a doornail
do something for me creatively to boost me along
pray I feel as good as I do this second to get the work done.

I also am doing something sounds foolish. I noticed I tend to waste lots of time, my mom never, she is always working until she sits at night to rest. I waste tons of time in the morning, hours actually :? "waking up". I used to get up because I had little ones and babysat to try to get things accomplished before everyone woke up. now I have my coffee and dream of what I can do during the day. So I am going to really see where my time goes. interesting it will be :lol:

watched cooks country's first show here... I love america's test kitchen show and cooks country magazine as it does all the trials for the recipe. tremendously impressed with recipe consistency and raves from families.
dinner cooking nothing great
card made for dsis in law
washed the refridgerator and a whole jar of jelly fell behind. so it took a long time. trying to get ready for Christmas by working on this weeks goal.
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Re: Oct. Card File

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Oct 19, 2008 9:30 am

October 19

today is planning day, dd13 needs help cutting out project, and we go to dmom in law where I need to bring a meal for me, and cash for girls because everyone is getting pizza.

still hurting inside but hey I am here! :D

My week: ymca after dropping dd13 off at school
pulled round robin cards for kitchen
pulled garden cards (which is one big weed, neighbors not happy but I can only physically do so much)
work on Christmas dmom and family gift

Sunday: beauty, planning, ready for week, if no church some bible studay, depends on dd13's homework, laundry, dmominlaws dinner
M: 20 put away, karate, breakfast type dinner
T: 21 bible study mini cards day, pilates
W: 22errands, donation day, karate
Tr: 23heavy work day, pilates
F: 24dd13 goes with girls for fright night, not comfortable with that. It's a birthday party, its at night and dd13 freaks out if she gets lost from a group. only one of the girls is a friend from school (birthday girl) and is very sweet. So will send cell phone with just in case. I know I have to let go.

dishes washing themselves, and put away last load. dh last night when I was sleeping (he stays up late, swept under the family room couch and left it in the kitchen :? every shoe, dog toy or dog ddog #2 tear up stuff. so that is next

october 20th, 2008 Monday:
had a great time last night with dsis in laws
had to help dd13 during the day by gluing on all the family tree people on her board (both sides) she had to type the name, where they were born and relationship and if they emigrated and when in French. She also had her book report due.

today is a room by room put away and do some laundry as I go. Exercise is at 10 am. one of the room by rooms is doing a 15 min weeding done.

looked online for dd19's present, bought Hopefully online dd13's jacket for dmom to give her.
goal this week: get Christmas stocking stuffers for our family .
9:10 get to work at toth and room by room
12:16 frustrated things I want to do are taking too long. next kitchen straighten up and one chore for the holidays: cleaning out one cabinet and wash the front
1:21 kitchen work is still being done but at least most of the dailies are done in this room.
9:16 no wonder I am tired.
dishes are washing themselves again, dinner was simple
cabinet had been done
swept kitchen floor
family room is okay not super as it should be
really tired
pulled what I need for new recipe for tomorrow: chicken wild rice soup,

Nancy glad your eye is better and glad you are getting exercise in good for you!
Last edited by blessedw2 on Mon Oct 20, 2008 10:18 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Oct. Card File

Postby Nancy » Sun Oct 19, 2008 1:53 pm

Checking in:
Harriet thanks for asking yes my eyes are back to normal now! Yea!

I've had a sinus ear thing going on
it took me a couple of days of higher bs readings
before I figured out I needed to adjust my insulin dosage with my meals.
Duh! I'm so new at this still learning.

I agree exercise helps!
I've been using the total gym in the morning when I got up
with bs [blood sugar] reading that was up
I felt so much better after that work out.

I've been home not on the p/c as much these days.
I have been trying to plug away at the house
and the back of the house is getting better.
Got the creativity room dug out
and taking that stuff to the basement
is going to count for some of my exercises today.

I've sorted three trays of ads. papers etc. and moved
the cart on wheels out of the dining room in to my creativity room.
This is helping me to get out of a funk and in to better spirits.
Got yarn sorted and some is to go to a dresser for grand kids to use
for craft projects.

Wedding shower this afternoon hoping to be well enough
to go to that.
H. got the lawn seeded at the job site
on Fri. today he's cleaning it before an open house.

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Re: Oct. Card File

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Oct 21, 2008 9:18 am

hi nancy Super Job on getting you creative room worked on and limiting your time on pc to get things done!!! way to go!!!
hope you had fun at wedding shower.

today: bible study, I missed 2 weeks as dd19 was sick one day and I wasn't well last week. :roll:
don't feel like getting dressed nice but I will dress casual even though everyone looks so nice.
rethinking getting dd19's xmas present today. I do have to go to the store.

weekly cards pulled
exercise card pulled
daily cards pulled
laundry card a must
on Xmas list to do: clean under sink. if time allows paint it.

1:34 pm bible study was very nice
went to grocery store
unloaded groceries and put away
cooking base for chicken wild rice soup.
feeling a bit tired and may take a small break. I need to find the counted thread material in my junk no I mean craft room for my mothers project.

cut finger so holding it up.
soup is almost done for dkids.
notice I rest alot after picking up dd13. she has pilates at 6:30
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Re: Oct. Card File

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Oct 22, 2008 9:16 am

my goal: laundry
and a cabinet
my dailies
and 2 weeklies: clean outside of toaster and phone and maybe inside/outside of microwave
weed 10 minutes tops.
what's for dinner: potato's scalloped with leek, green beans, maybe a meatloaf.
good morning!
8:14 am. to 9:03 all laundry grabbed and separated. wow where did all those cloths come from. now all over dining room floor waiting to be washed.
:D laundry load one washing it self. :D
5:02 laundry has been washing all day so making some progress
dinner is simple fajitas
swept kitchen floor but needs a quick rinse and will vacuum laundry room... it looks gross.
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Re: Oct. Card File

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Oct 23, 2008 8:50 am

oct 23 thursday today dd13 and I are going to woodfield mall to get dd19's christmas present and just make a day of it as she has a day off.
tonight is bill night. trying not to avoid it. (didn't do :? )

todays cards: put away all the laundry I washed
weekly cards pulled for kitchen clean a drawer
monthly or as need card for kitchen clean hanging light over table
wipe front of appliances
pull 5 weeds
daily cards pulled
put away dishes
refill as needed and turn on
clean table
clean top of stove
sweep family and kitchen room floor
make beds
bring laundry downstairs (didn't do)
bring down any garbage

yesterday I did not get to cabinet but all laundry is done (so far ;) :lol: )
also ended up making fajitas instead of scalloped potatoes etc. because I didn't have cream. fajitas were frozen so I will go and refill that by going to butcher shop.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Fri Oct 24, 2008 10:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Oct. Card File

Postby Nancy » Thu Oct 23, 2008 4:21 pm

Yesterday I got the downstairs basement vacuumed
tried to post but got bumped off line.
Way to go on your progress Blessed.
I need to do laundry this evening after the baby shower.
It's a nice day today but cool in the 60's here.

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Re: Oct. Card File

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Oct 23, 2008 8:43 pm

great job Nancy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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