Sunday Beautiful Day in the neighborhood

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Re: Sunday Beautiful Day in the neighborhood

Postby Lilac » Mon Oct 10, 2011 12:44 am

We just had 1/2 inch of rain but we are thankful for that.

I have been busy cleaning, doing laundry etc. for our trip. Call me anal, but when we leave on a trip I want the bills paid, house clean, yardwork done and laundry caught up. It is a good thing that we are just driving 6 hours to dm town on Tuesday, so we don't have to be out of here at the crack of dawn. I went to my online banking and couldn't get in. Since tomorrow is a holiday, I will have to wait until Tuesday to find out what the problem is.

Well dd2, dsonil and us have come to an agreement on the price of their house. Now we just have to make a final decision. Since we are leaving on this trip and can't get anything started until we get back anyway, dd2 told us to just think about it while we are gone so that we make the right decision for us. Today I told dh that I had thought of another reason we should buy it and before I said anything he said, "I know, your mom, I thought of that too." We have been together so long and can read each others thoughts, more often than not. This evening dm called and she told me that the other day, she had a weird episode with her good eye and it scared her because she doesn't know what she will do if she has trouble with it, like she has with her other one. Her sight in the bad eye, is minimal. I told her that we were seriously thinking of buy dd2 house, so that if she ever needed to, she could live with us. Of course, she doesn't want to be dependent on us, but if her health gets bad, she won't have a choice. Db and dsisilaw have their hands full with her parents. In the last 6 months her ddad health has deteriorated and her mom doesn't drive so dsisilaw goes in several times a week to help them out. Anyway, I think we will probably be buying the house. Today while I was mowing, I realized that it would be nice to live on a quieter street, so that when I was mowing or shoveling snow, that not everyone in town would see me. Also, the lawn is smaller and the yard is fenced. We have lived in this house for 15 years and have enjoyed the large, unfenced yard but as we get older, we need to downsize the yard. We live in an area where basements are the norm. Our house only has a partial basement, so that really cuts down on our square feet. Dd2 has a full basement plus a sunroom. It just really seems like the right decision.

Yikes, I just realized how late it is, so I better head to bed. The low is suppose to be 38 tonight. Brrrr, we shut the bedroom windows when dh went to bed.

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