On the Run Monday

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On the Run Monday

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Oct 10, 2011 7:13 am

Every morning in Africa, a Gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning a Lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest Gazelle or it will starve to death. It doesn't matter whether you are a Lion or a Gazelle... when the sun comes up, you'd better be running........ See you at sunrise

Another Monday - let's get a strong running start to the week.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: On the Run Monday

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Oct 10, 2011 7:22 am

I am relieved that the HHD are over. Still have two more minor holidays to go but the major ones are past. I am hoping for some normalcy this week and that I can actually be at home to do some things.

Thinking back, I worked Mon-Thurs last week, then Friday was doc trip for dmom, four hour trip to p/u dd and evening services at temple. Saturday was at temple or preparing kugel except for the Yom Kippur afternoon nap. Yesterday was a meeting at temple and getting dd back to school, but I did get a few - a very few - things done here at home. I am craving being home some on Wednesday and Friday of this week. I am down to very little to do at work - probably will get assigned a nonprofit return that will be due Nov 15 soon.

It was hard to get to sleep last night. I had an "ear worm" - a song repeating in my head - one of the HHD melodies that we only hear once a year. Funny, I woke up with a completely different one going.

Need to stop at grocery this afternoon for coffee and some staples. Need to get my day organized!
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: On the Run Monday

Postby lucylee » Mon Oct 10, 2011 7:30 am

I kinda feel like the gazelle, I think... like maybe I can hear those lions roaring in the distance. I'm pretty sure I'm not the one roaring & scaring everybody. Yeah... I'm the gazelle... * sigh * I don't think I'm the fastest gazelle. The lions may catch me.

Worked on school stuff (& put sheets back on the bed!) between 11:00 p.m. & 1:00 a.m. Then I read in bed till about 1:30... so I am REALLY dragging this morning. However, I can foresee this being a day that I might just go to bed at 8:00 pm and stay there. Only this time, I'm going to get out of my school clothes and jewelry and be READY to stay there!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: On the Run Monday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Oct 10, 2011 7:46 am

Last night Lilac posted:

Lilac wrote:We just had 1/2 inch of rain but we are thankful for that.

I have been busy cleaning, doing laundry etc. for our trip. Call me anal, but when we leave on a trip I want the bills paid, house clean, yardwork done and laundry caught up.

If I didn't travel so much, nothing would get done at my place!!!

Twins: The high holidays seem to have fallen late this year and that was a topic of conversation at dinner last night since half the people there are Jewish. They were saying it was really rough to have Yom Kippur fall the day before Thanksgiving since it made for the break fast dinner last night and then a second big dinner the following day. The younger generation don't recall that happening before. (Our Thanksgiving in the earliest it can me this year, it was just that the HHD were late.)

I'm up after a decent night's sleep. My back is much better. Of course, I have the car ride today to wreck it again.

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Re: On the Run Monday

Postby OKay » Mon Oct 10, 2011 7:57 am

Good Morning!

Twins - good reminder of the urgency of getting going each day.

This time last year I was still working FT and celebrating this holiday because it was my last day paid without working. I love retirement because everyday is a holiday. :lol:

The bank is closed so my AM routine is shortened today. Since it rained the majority of the last 2 days, the MPB business has been minimum so doing those transactions and updates are not necessary either. SWEET! Today is even a holiday from those AM cards.

I think I will have a extra cup of coffee and work on menu plan. It has taken me over a month to develop this menu method, but it is working very well for us. Now that I have the basics going and have tested it for a few weeks, I am going back and making it "pretty" and organizing it better. My new menu method uses 8.5"x11" clear sheet protectors that lays over the top of a 8.5"x11" paper calendar. I use different color tabs of clear post-it stickies for the categories of food/meals. The clear stickies are easy to move around on the clear sheet protectors. I've searched online for a similar method without success (I didn't want to have to reinvent the wheel if someone had already did the work of setting it up). It took me FOREVER to find a menu method that works for us. If it wasn't so important, I would have given up on it long time ago! :D

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Re: On the Run Monday

Postby OKay » Mon Oct 10, 2011 8:02 am

Lilac - enjoy that upcoming trip! Glad you and DH have time to make your decision about moving and weighing the pro/cons carefully.

Kathryn - you are a constant amazement to me. They way you travel from place-to-place and switch environments so easily. You make it seem simple when my very little travel experience shows it to be anything but. YGG!

Happy Birthing Day to Helia and very Happy Birthday wishes to Helia DD!

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Re: On the Run Monday

Postby Emptynester » Mon Oct 10, 2011 8:47 am

Good Morning all.

I am up at Zero dark 30 as I couldn't sleep any more. My mind was buzzing.

Yesterday's drama was a stressor with the buyer of our truck showing up (or at least emailing that he was 30 minutes away) when we expected him on Nov 1. I'm glad our daughter was here as she kept things calm with her father. He was really stressed. All is well that ends well. We are working around the bank holiday today, the lost title, and our travel plans. They have gone on to Wickenburg and we will meet them there Tuesday to turn over the truck. They will wire transfer the $$ and we will mail title ASAP but will do with Bill of Sale and Seller's permit for now.

So today will be a bit of sightseeing with DD#2 and getting ready to travel tomorrow.

We had a wonderful time in the desert, camping with Dbro and friends. Meals went over well and we had wonderful rides in the desert. The great hunters even got some quail.

On Saturday we took off about 9 and got back at 3 and only went about 10 miles. But it was up and down and thru washes that served as roads. Some places we drove over rocks and the next minute we were in wash sand. Then we would go up over a hill and down into the next wash that was even more crooked.

When they would flush a covey of quail we would sit for from 15 minutes to an hour while they hunted on foot. Of course, they would then have to give a step by step recount of the hunt when they got back. Then off we would go again for 1/2 mile or so and do it all over again. But it was a lot of fun.
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Re: On the Run Monday

Postby helia » Mon Oct 10, 2011 9:48 am

Well, I'm only sort of running. I am currently in a motel in a small town in SW Kansas. My parents are staying with my uncle on the farm. I arrived around 5 pm yesterday and am leaving around 8 a.m. tomorrow. We spent yesterday evening together at duncle's home; I got reacquainted with my dmom's cousin and her dd - my 2nd cousin, I believe, who now live in Michigan, one about 20 minutes away, the other more like an hour away. I had forgotten that I had relatives near where I live! I'm hoping to get phone numbers and look into getting together in MI this fall.

The funeral is at 2 pm today. I suppose we will then all go to the cemetery and perhaps there will be some sort of food after that. I am planning on walking to the local library here in a minute to work on my teaching Thursday and my Hebrew homework.

Actually, my posting is an experiment. the motel has wifi; I could receive email but couldn't send it. I'm going to see if I can send this.

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Re: On the Run Monday

Postby Harriet » Mon Oct 10, 2011 9:56 am

I'm pretty sure I'm not the one roaring & scaring everybody.

No, lucylee. Those are the administrators. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ahem. :|

Emptynester, I can't believe you have quail there. Good for you. The coyotes introduced here by idiots have killed every quail. Dd has seen one in her lifetime and did not know what it was. This is the same reason we almost never see a rabbit.

Indiana and Jake are on my mind today.

Hi, helia! Who is having a birthday? Happy Birthday! Yep, your Mom's first cousin's child is your second cousin - nice you can renew acquaintances. I'll be joining you at library today I hope.

Today I will S2S as soon as I get help from someone - HRH may be home early and I can take advantage of that. Dd wants to go to the library as soon as she gets out of school, so again I will need to be sure I have help, or let her Daddy take her. I need to make our online vitamin order. Will follow Dove on a Round Robin around the house. Someday we ought to plan a Chore Bingo Day, but we do need to plan it so we'd have our numbers at the ready - and a limit to number of chores! Yikes.

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Re: On the Run Monday

Postby OKay » Mon Oct 10, 2011 10:11 am

Back home from doing MPB AM chores. Even though they were minimum today, they are several that still have to be done. Breakfast made/served (bacon/onion/peppers/multiple cheeses omelet). Just when we sat down to eat, the phone rang with a customer having problem at MPB. DH went to check it and as typical happens....it was an error by the customer. Some days it really makes me uneasy to KNOW there are people driving vehicles that really shouldn't be.

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