On the Run Monday

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Re: On the Run Monday

Postby Indiana » Mon Oct 10, 2011 3:37 pm

I am getting better.

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Re: On the Run Monday

Postby Nancy » Mon Oct 10, 2011 3:58 pm

Indiana I'm so glad to read that you are doing better now! Thanks so much for checking in and taking the time to post.

51-64* is the temp range it's 48* outside here now and it's raining! I"m SO glad I did as much as I did with my walk this morning. I was limping b/c of my foot again today so that was enough the rest will have to be on the ex. bike.

dson just left we caught up on the news his oldest girl is doing really well B+ is her lowest grade the rest were all A's she got bumped up in math class to algerbra.

Lunch is done.
I've baked cookies.

Soup from a can for dinner will be a hit I think!

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Re: On the Run Monday

Postby DeeClutter » Mon Oct 10, 2011 4:15 pm

Tortoise mode? Nah, not me. Think I'm in SNAIL mode today! Still fighting some little bug and just can't completely feel 'good'. So have done about as little as possible today. Did dishes, made dh's lunch, typed up/printed minutes for tonight's church meeting, read and dozed. Supper's going to be easy-easy. No oomph in me today!

Glad you're better, Indiana -just keep heading in that direction.
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Re: On the Run Monday

Postby sherinjoy » Mon Oct 10, 2011 4:44 pm

Hello Monday crew! I'm working in the house today - raining outside. Doing a mixture of desk work and dusting, clearing surfaces, and laundry. CUOP - sounds like everyone is moving, just at different paces. A weird holiday with some stuff closed and some open, making phone calls frustrating. Think I'll just wait until tomorrow to try and do "business" work, when everyone will be back at work.

Off to the adventures!

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Re: On the Run Monday

Postby bittersweet » Mon Oct 10, 2011 4:54 pm

Whew! Glad to see you're also typing better, Indiana!! Yesterday's checkin was NOT your normal level of accuracy.

You don't want to go 'boom', Bookie? But it would save SO much time on Halloween decorating this year! :lol:

I've actually managed to get myself up to alligator speed...LOL Now I'm chugging around here taking bites out of this and that, and actually making a bit of progress. The last round is all done, except for actually washing the dishes (they're soaking), and tidying the living room. However..since I cleaned the upstairs litter boxes, gave the bathroom a good swiping, made the bed, set out new air fresheners, and put away a stack of clean folded cat bedding, I think it all evens out.

A new audio book has been started, so I'm going to work on DGD's blanket for 15 minutes, then do another round.

- wash dishes
- make 'honeydo' list for DS
- tidy living room
- label boxes and tubs put away downstairs
- whip up glaze for ham
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Re: On the Run Monday

Postby Lilac » Mon Oct 10, 2011 5:00 pm

Kathryn, I am so glad that you posted the traffic photo. I am such a nervous Nellie on busy highways, so I will keep that in mind while I am in heavy traffic and be glad it isn't that many lanes.

I had other comments to make and my mind is mush. Dgs5 had a stomach bug over the weekend. I stayed away from them but earlier today I felt like I was heading that way. I feel somewhat better, so I need to start packing..............

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Re: On the Run Monday

Postby OKay » Mon Oct 10, 2011 5:05 pm

DH just came and got LO to go with him to get some parts. This is my opportunity to switch focus and work on paperwork/spreadsheets.

:arrow: Water bottle & Coffee cup filled.
:arrow: Desk is neat, organized and ready for some serious focus
:arrow: Motivation high because of an recent compliment from DGS14 (he noticed how the paperwork stacks have been greatly reduced)
:arrow: time, resources available, energy level high and motivation to do my best.....all together at once. SWEEET!!
*POOF*ing to make some serious progress

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Re: On the Run Monday

Postby Harriet » Mon Oct 10, 2011 8:34 pm


I need more files, I think.


papers others really wanted me to have
papers that have no similar papers to stay with
papers that may make sense to me later
papers I believe my children should have saved
papers HRH doesn't realize he wants yet

All dd's linens washed and folded including various blankets. I just decided to get everything done on the same day for organization's sake. Round Robin not completely sidetracked, but could use another just that quick.

I did get out to the library with dd13. She is grateful to have found a paperback version of her next AR book, to reduce bookbag weight and size a little. Every morning it takes both of us to arrange that bookbag and wiggle everything into it, and the AR book must be in it.

Health teacher graded notebooks on a curve and dd got a 90 for having half the requirements. She's relieved, but if I were the parent of a child who had kept everything together, I would be frustrated.

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Re: On the Run Monday

Postby Dove » Mon Oct 10, 2011 11:29 pm

Meant to stop by here earlier but the day got away from me.

Glad you are feeling better, ((Indi)).

Sweet dreams, everyone.

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Re: On the Run Monday

Postby lucylee » Mon Oct 10, 2011 11:39 pm

I think I stayed a few steps ahead of the lions today. But oh my goodness, I am tired.

IKWYM, Harriet, re: grading on a curve and the pros/cons. I've been on both sides of that issue -- well, all three sides, I guess -- the mother of child who deserved better, the mother of (same child) who probably deserved less sometimes, and the teacher who was just at her wit's end b/c so many children could NOT keep it all together, so you think, "What do I do? Fail them all?" And in this case, w/your dd, I would strongly suspect that teacher knows dd to be a responsible, conscientious, and well-behaved student, and teacher just hates to drop her grade over something that obviously was a problem for a lot of students. Sometimes, a few really good students having a problem with an assignment can REALLY help out those lazy, do-nothing students by causing the teacher to grade on the curve or scale grades.

Oh well... it was another mad dash through W*lmart today, especially "mad" (as in insane) b/c I had to make THREE phone calls to others, while pointing out certain items to dh, answering his questions, etc. Talked to dfriend at school about minor crisis in the making there... talked to ds coordinating his plans w/dh for tomorrow... talked to dmom for the second time re: her need for groceries.
Thankfully, she did NOT need groceries delivered TONIGHT, however, so that will be an errand for tomorrow. (I got the items today, will just take them to her tomorrow.)

School... just sooo hectic. I am constantly feeling overwhelmed w/time constraints at school. I am pretty much my own boss re: syllabus and time table for covering material, and if I don't cover the entire textbook, no one is likely to be too upset -- we definitely have a schoolwide attitude that it is better to cover a FEW topics well than to cover a million topics poorly -- BUT... OTOH... I do have certain goals in my head for what I want my students to do before the year is over... and boy -- it seems that we have less time every year.
This also translates to having less time in a planning period every year, too... and it is REALLY making me crazy.

Filing... papers... still considering having a big bonfire and burning all my old journals...
vs the idea that ds would really enjoy looking back at the ups and downs of his high school sports "career" and the beginnings of his musical career -- especially if it really takes off someday, you know...
AND considering how in the world I will ever clean out files at school. * sheesh *
Retirement IS gradually becoming more of a reasonable thought for next year. I am really tired.

Things to be thankful for:
I do not have 2000+ rats running around this house. Did anyone watch Hoarders tonight??? Eeeek! They were "pets" -- but still -- they WERE rats. :shock:

Very glad to see Indiana feeling better!

WTG to dgd, Nancy!

BookSaver, I can definitely understand your reasoning on the appliances. Boom = no good at all.

Waving to all... but my brain is just about fried. On the plus side, all grades are in computer... attendance records are double-checked... almost all papers are graded... and tomorrow, I should have an easy day as librarian will be in charge of my classes. * HOORAY FOR THAT! * I will have to accompany them to the library and help supervise, but she will be in charge.
Tomorrow is another day.

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