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Postby Harmony » Fri Oct 14, 2011 1:46 pm

Hello villagers.

Dee, we get real maple syrup at Sam 's C b. It is expensive, but I've found it spikes my blood sugar to low less than the other kind. I only use a few drops of it anyway.

I am having an apron day. DH is at work so I have the house to myself. Except for the trip out this morning with supplies I am focusing on stuff left in the house.

Whites laundry done and hanging. Always a chore, I must presoak in HOT water & bleach and then wring out and wash in machine, as for some reason they are not getting clean. All the throw rugs are up and shook. One load of bathroom mats washed and are out drying. Much pickup and cleaning done in kitchen including inside of micro. 2 LOL folded and put away. Next up floors.

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Postby OKay » Fri Oct 14, 2011 2:29 pm

~~~~~~waving Hi to all~~~~~~

This have been an emotional day for me, but I've kept busy and it helps. Rough times happen to everyone some time or another. I've learned much from watching some of you graciously & gracefully go through some very difficult times.

Alrighty! The basics need to be taken care of - hair washing, teeth brushing, meal prep, etc etc etc. Enough to keep me out of trouble and using time productively.

Time to pull out the cards and Just Do the Next thing!

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Oct 14, 2011 3:22 pm


Ds is back with an air filter ($22 instead of $37.50) and boneless, skinless, chicken breasts (exactly 1/2 the sale price this week at stores here.) Plus my potato chips (which aren't cheap but we can't get baked ruffles here in Canada so I'm willing to pay for them.)

We had a big hail storm (small bits of hail) blow through for about 30 minutes before ds arrived back. As he pulled in, the sun started to shine again.

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Postby Harriet » Fri Oct 14, 2011 3:52 pm

We've just gotten home from ddad's urologist appt and everything is fine - he wants to see him every 6 months simply because of enlargement. He says we can just drop having the PSA bloodtest done at all. I refrained from mentioning that I'd been reading in recent news reports that PSA testing has not helped in the past the way they thought it would. Really, it points to the Gen Prac not being up to date, IMO. Several times I began or continued conversation with "My husband says" (practical daily life details). And as we left dr said to tell my husband he was a urologist in training because he was spot-on with information a urologist needed to know. I smiled and did NOT say, "well, when you've had to have kidney stone surgery... ..." A very nice doctor, very idiotic nurse, who countered every point I made and was absolutely wrong every time. I said dr would want previous bloodwork and I was disappointed Gen Prac had not forwarded; she said certainly not, the only thing that matters is the current. Dr came out in the hallway and requested previous bloodwork.

HRH was starving and left us at the dr's and grabbed a bite to eat without us. That worked out perfectly for me, since I want to eat within a specific range today and also want my ddad to eat the right things. Saved me the decision-making when faced with a drive-through or whatever.


Hurray for organization, Cowinkie.

Elizabeth, that's tough about lonely evenings. It's funny, when someone has a lot of hustle-bustle around them all the time they crave solitude. But when you have it when you didn't need it, it's not so great. I know that I would probably be glancing at the tv schedule and planning some comedy.

Dee, I guess you are free to plan activities until about 3:57, but at 3:58, you'd better get inside because things may happen fast.

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Postby Emptynester » Fri Oct 14, 2011 5:22 pm

It is now 2:17 and I have been online with Tech Support since 8:07. That's right over 5 hours!!! - and they still didn't fix the problem - I found the solution.

I dis-abled the touch pad on DH's computer as it drove him nuts by making the cursor go where he didn't want it to go while typing. All was well until Sunday when we found out none of the USB ports for the mouse were working. After reloading, rebooting, restoring multiple things and times today with tech services. I found out if I start it in safe mode with networking - he can get to the web, email, quicken and solitaire. What more can he want???

I'm going to go take a nap.

Hugs to all - I just can't respond right now - my brain is mush.
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Postby DeeClutter » Fri Oct 14, 2011 5:58 pm

Wow!, MT!! Hopefully it'll stay 'fixed'.

DH just came in to get his shower duds. It's raining and 53 out. Just plain yukky.

DH says, "Now we know", Kathryn. Thanks for the explanation -kept thinking I was missing something. Makes perfect sense now. :idea:

We're LOL :lol: at your time scenario, Harriet. When I went to the farm market it did start blowing just about the time I got out of the car -but it was only 3:43 -go figure. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: n

DH had offered to take me out for a fish fry but I'm happy staying inside -hate driving after dark and especially in the rain anyway! Besides I have some of that delicious stew heating in the microwave.

We just got back a short time ago from DS-A's. DH picked up one his trucks to take some aluminum, etc into a recycler's tomorrow. DDIL asked if our DGS12 could hang out with us tomorrow afternoon if they don't go racing. Love having him -he's absolute delight! And the way the weather is sounding -people won't be doing much this weekend.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Postby Emptynester » Fri Oct 14, 2011 6:09 pm

I just got the big closet and one set of drawers packed. It is 99 here and I had to quit. Smaller closet and another set of drawers to go.

Then I have to attack what is on the bottom of the closets. Financial records and files, boxes of books and linens on the shelves. The linens will go in a bag like the clothes. But I will have to find something for the financial files that is a closed box. I have a file cabinet when we get to the new house. But I need hanging folders rather than portfolios.

At least I started dinner in the crock pot this am before I started on the computer stuff.

Going to take a hour and relax and read in the AC of the MH. Maybe I can get some more done tonight after it cools off.
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Postby DeeClutter » Fri Oct 14, 2011 6:21 pm

Ok, I know I've missed some things along the way as far as your 'plan', MT. Are you keeping your lot? How far from your lot is your new house? Are you keeping both your MH and 5th Wheel? Think you said you'd be using the 5th wheel for company? Do you still plan to travel 'north' summers? Not sure which one you're packing up. (Inquiring minds want to know -details. :) )

Did get the maple syrup at the farm market. I'm sure I paid more than I might have somewhere else -but I also didn't want to go looking for it. Didn't realize Sam's has it, Harriet. Have to look and see how much it is so I may know better 'next time'.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Postby Emptynester » Fri Oct 14, 2011 7:07 pm

OK - details. Sometimes I forget who I have told what.

New house is at our RV Club Park near Congress, AZ. About 60 miles from our lot near Vicksburg. There are around 250 lots there - most of them with houses or at least park models on them. About 1/3 of the people live there year round. The rest travel part time and spend the winter there.

The new house is 11 miles from church, shopping, Dr., Hospital, lots of restaurants, and a museum. At our lot it is 60 miles from shopping, Dr., Hospital and we only have 2 restaurants around here. There are none of the others here.

For right now we are keeping the lot. There are too many lots for sale in this park (about 1/2) and none of them are moving. We are trying to sell the 5th wheel as we won't use it any more. Now we will have the house for us and the MH as a guest house.

So we are cleaning out the 5th wheel to sell it and also to move that stuff to the house. I have duplicate dishes, utensils and staples in the 5th wheel that I will use in the house. We are living in the MH now, as we did all summer until we get to the house. In fact, we might live in it at the house, too, until we get some furniture.

Next summer we will travel in the MH to MI and maybe OH and back. We need to see DGD's and Dkids as we only saw DD#2 this year.

We also have some rallies to attend in MI in June.

I hope this makes things clearer. Sometimes I've told the story to so many people (kids, sister, etc) that I assume you know what I am talking about.
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Postby Harmony » Fri Oct 14, 2011 7:14 pm

Oh, Dee, that was me who suggested Sam's for the syrup. I believe it is about $13.00 there, or was last time we got some. Who knows now..has anybody else noticed how much food $ have been going up lately?

Much work done around here. My rubber gloves are leaky so not much help. My hands are very dry and damaged from all the work today.

All floors vacuumed and mopped. Area rugs vacuumed. Today's laundry in and folded except tablecloth which is still hanging. I moved all the family room furniture out and cleaned underneath everything, then resprayed for bugs. No dust bunnies in that room, or the bedroom either, I paid particular attention to hidden spots in there too.

Couple more scatter rugs washed, hung outside, also table skirt & topper done. Three bathrooms scrubbed.

Everything looked ok till I did all this and looked again, such a difference! Heavy cleaning for next time or Thanksgiving will go quicker now that all this is done.

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