Health and Fitness October, 2011

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Re: Health and Fitness October, 2011

Postby Harriet » Sun Oct 30, 2011 9:53 am

Yesterday, with the grilled cheese sandwich on white bread and various snacks with family, was due to be a "fluctuation" ;) and it was, but only a half-pound, so I am delighted with that and knowing that I have today and tomorrow to shed myself of that and end the month with my 3.5 loss intact.

I also don't drink water as exclusively or stay away from sweets as well with lots of family here. And now for 2 nights, the house has been overflowing during my usual exercise time, so none of that, either. After we have to see them all leave today, (snif) I'll have an almost 2-hour round trip drive which won't be so great, but at least I'll be able to exercise tonight and I'll be more in charge of my eating.

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Re: Health and Fitness October, 2011

Postby lucylee » Sun Oct 30, 2011 1:41 pm

October has been pretty much NOTHING as far as health & fitness in the lucylee household... but I'm trying to finish strong.
Yesterday of course, was ballgame, and I got my two miles in (one mile before game, one mile after), and since my weight has been hanging pretty steady around 161-162 all month, I thought maybe I could try to give a little extra push and get that down to the 150-something without too much trouble -- IF I would get serious about exercise.
So I just went out and walked 3 miles.

It is a BEAUTIFUL day here. A little chilly, but after the first little bit of walking, I was quite comfortable in a t-shirt & jeans.

I figure I need to get myself healthy and increase my stamina and energy a little more. I'm going to need it...
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Health and Fitness October, 2011

Postby OKay » Mon Oct 31, 2011 8:05 am

Final CI for October = 8.2 lbs lost

That leaves me with 8.8 lbs to reach my goal weight.......between now and tomorrow I'll need to decide whether to set that as my goal for November or divide it over the next 2 months.

Hum.....In order to have a chance at losing the 8.8 lbs in a month.....I would have to be
** very observant on water intake each day
** stay active
** make sure good food choices are available at every meal

I think I can do it. But I will wait until tomorrow to make the final decision on November goals

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Re: Health and Fitness October, 2011

Postby Harriet » Mon Oct 31, 2011 2:11 pm

Irregular heartbeat, etc - HRH says he was listening to radio and CBS had a report about too much black licorice causing a drop in potassium that could lead to the heart beating irregularly (temporarily) and other concerns, so I promised to mention that here. He knows Kathryn and I and others have chatting about enjoying licorice so much. And it is used by many, many people for heartburn, does great for that, and I used to have a little each day because it helped. I think it is a sweetener that is usually in the licorice, so I'm interested to learn how candy companies will respond - perhaps they can just change that. or perhaps every brand is not the same? I remember reading that more women like licorice than men.

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Re: Health and Fitness October, 2011

Postby Nancy » Mon Oct 31, 2011 4:42 pm

Today I'm counting mowing and vacuuming for my exercise today.
I've been snacking on plain lettuce and carrots in the evening with peanuts.

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