New Month November

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New Month November

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Nov 01, 2011 7:02 am

New month, another chance to start over and redefine the rest of 2011. What will you make of it?
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: New Month November

Postby lucylee » Tue Nov 01, 2011 7:28 am

Just checking in FAST. I really need to wash my hair this morning. I am sooo sleepy! I didn't really turn out the lights until around 1:00 a.m., and then I fell asleep w/the tv on, so awoke again @ 3:00 -- with a slight upset stomach, from too much Halloween candy, I suspect -- so... yes... I'll probably be dragging a bit today.

Sending lots of good wishes to Mr. Sunny -- hope y'all get good results back soon, too!

November. Well -- hope springs eternal, doesn't it?
I'd like to get my exercise habit back in place...
and maybe learn to go to bed before midnight...
and get organized for Christmas.

Good morning, Twins, and all to come! Have a great November 1!!!

PS -- I've seen the paper, I do NOT sound like an idiot (at least IMHO), and the reporter also talked to our school counselor, who got the bulk of the ink -- thank goodness!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: New Month November

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Nov 01, 2011 7:35 am

I'm about to get into the shower, having procrastinated long enough already. I'm working today - nothing tonight but have a l*st going of things that should get done today along with work stuff.

I'm trying to get back in the habit of using RTM for lists....
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: New Month November

Postby helia » Tue Nov 01, 2011 7:44 am

Good morning Twins and lucylee. I am going to try not to be here today b/c I get so distracted. I got minimal studying done yesterday b/c I was playing on this machine so much, and I HAVE to get a lot done today.

Wow, November already.

I drank a cup of regular tea last night and didn't get to sleep until after midnight, and then dd16 woke me up at 4 with some irrational worries. . .I also didn't sleep well while I was in bed so I'm going to be dragging today with lucylee. If test prep goes well, I might take a nap this afternoon.

-studying for midterm
-a.m. routine
-dd13's oboe lesson at 4:45
-supper is leftovers
-dh returns after midnight; hopefully, I'll be well studied and asleep by then

I have made my bed, emptied the dw, made my first mug of tea. I'll be taking dd13 to school here pretty soon.

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Re: New Month November

Postby bittersweet » Tue Nov 01, 2011 7:48 am

I have done something this month that I didn't think I'd do. Some of you may remember Kathryn talking about NaNoWriMo ...I joined up for it this year! :shock: Quite where I think I'm going to get the time to write 50,000 words is beyond me...but I'm sure going to try. Between that, and adjusting to starting work over an hour earlier, and all the new kittens, it's going to be an interesting month for sure :lol: Oh...and let's not forget the whole gotta get ready for Christmas thing! has been out (one is still snoozing with DH), cats are fed, and now I'm going to take out the trash/recycling on my way to the nearest Timmie's for an extra-large coffee and a couple of raisin tea biscuits. When I come back, I'm going to make a l*st of some things that need doing today, and then get started!
"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day of the year." Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Re: New Month November

Postby Lilac » Tue Nov 01, 2011 8:04 am

Bittersweet, I am with you on the whole gotta get ready for Christmas situation. I just keep telling myself that Dec. 25 will come and go, one way or the other. So I will work on moving 2 households and do the best I can. As far as gifts, as long as I can get the 4 little ones their gifts and something for the others, the rest of their gift will be $.

My dm is coming out Sat. Nov. 12 and will then be here until Tuesday or Wednesday. She is coming to take care of the 2 little ones while we finish moving dd2 and unpacking. I can already see what a blessing and help that will be. I am hoping by the time she leaves, we will have dd2 unpacked, because I will then need to concentrate on my own packing and cleaning her house that we are buying. Dd2 keeps saying she will help me but the best thing she can do is let me do it myself, without the help of dgd2!

Guess I better get started.................

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Re: New Month November

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Nov 01, 2011 8:20 am

Bittersweet: Congrats on signing up for NaNoWriMo! I'm sure you'll have a blast. Try and got to a couple of the group writing sessions if you can because they really help you stay focused and remember to have fun. Which is counter-intuitive - writing surrounding by others should be distracting, but it isn't. I guess it is because you are surrounded by your 'own kind' i.e. other crazies.

I've decided to focus on reading for this month and have 6 books to read, 4 to write a few paragraphs on.

November is off to a slightly behind start to me. I meant to cancel volunteering today but forgot so I'll go in and leave really early. Almost not worth the drive into the city but I will. I need to be back here for noon to turn the heat on in the church for choir at 1.

I should be in the car, driving now, but instead I still have to have my breakfast and dry my hair. Will check in later this afternoon.

At least I got my exercises done and am doing my light therapy.

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Re: New Month November

Postby Emptynester » Tue Nov 01, 2011 8:21 am

Today is M - 1 or Moving day minus 1. We move tomorrow!!!

I'm so glad I put our moving day to Wednesday as we are doing it in a relaxed way. Today I will get some of the unbreakable things out of the shed to put in the neighbor's pickup. We will also have at least 2 neighbors come help load some heavy stuff - picnic table, tool boxes and a fridge. Yes!! we are taking our big fridge with the ice maker with us (the one from the shed).

So first up this morning will be to empty and clean the fridge before loading. Next I will make a pile for the pick up and one for the MH.

Lilac - will you have movers to move you and DD or will you do it yourself? I've never moved with movers - we have always done it ourselves.

Of course, this is only the 2nd house we have ever had. For the other one we moved up the block 3 houses and across the street from the house we rented. Since they were tract houses we could even swap the drawers of the cupboards from one house to the other. :roll:

It is only 5:20 here and still dark but I was wide awake so decided to get up. I'm sure I will need a nap this afternoon.

BBL with CI.
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― C.S. Lewis

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Re: New Month November

Postby OKay » Tue Nov 01, 2011 8:23 am

Good Morning!

***Cheering in encouragement for the new goals set and the challenges being tackled***

I am off schedule this morning but not beating myself up. Still have cold symptoms so my energy level is affected by those. I am hopeful the symptoms will disappear at any moment and my energy level will zoom back to normal.

** Dining room focus cleaning
** prep/serve 3 meals = omelets, Italian casserole, hot links are on the menu plan for today
** prepare/print misc documents requested for tomorrow meeting
** print witness list and give to DH for review
** finish organizing intergatory, admissions and productions into individual tasks/sub-task. Then get started on them
** DParents cmde. *sigh* DMom doesn't want to call a plumber (even if we pay for it), but her bathrm needs work done. So DH and I will tackle pulling the cmde and doing any repairs needed. DH will do the majority of the work (bless his kind heart), but will need a go-fer (me). Keeping things quiet and calm around DDad is the major goal, so LO will need to remain by our side and be the special helper. :)

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Re: New Month November

Postby Harriet » Tue Nov 01, 2011 8:27 am

November opportunities abound for challenges and encouragement in our monthly threads!!!

Cardfile Central is standing by to help you organize your thoughts in an important "it's almost the holidays!" month.

"Rake a Wide Path November" is open in The Decluttered Home! Do YOU need a rake for clutter, or do you have a better idea to share?

In October, the Health and Fitness thread had more posts than EVER in any month. :shock: Better check in to see what's going on.

The pace of creative fun in Art, Craft and Needlework thread is picking up speed in The Creative Home forum.

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