Chore Bingo Saturday!

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Chore Bingo Saturday!

Postby Harriet » Sat Nov 05, 2011 8:54 am

Remember this "board" game from our past? :D

Important rule: since players only have to have 5 numbers to win big in regular BINGO, even if you only have a few chores, you can still play.

Participate whether you have your own chores or just want the fun of telling other people what to do!! ;)

Give us only numbers in your post at first but privately have your own chores already assigned to those numbers (Shhhhh). It can be the chores that will take you through a few hours, or enough that you plan to spend the whole day. There can even be... ... (dun, dun, DUN...) procrastinated tasks.

And then each person who comes in can suggest their choice of number for you to complete. (No, let's not say, "everyone complete number three" - everyone's list is obviously sending out different vibes!!! :lol: )

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Re: Chore Bingo Saturday!

Postby Harriet » Sat Nov 05, 2011 9:01 am

I've got a 5x5 that I made last night, and then I've added 1 more chore this a.m., so


Is my Bingo card for today. How mysterious.

We definitely need some attention to chores around here. I feel like things are falling through the cracks. HRH is home with us today to pitch in, plus he has an agenda of his own around here. Dd13 is going to groan when I give her an ultimatum about her room, too. She is not to toxic waste stage, but maybe landfill. She doesn't understand that if I can't tell the dirty clothes from the clean, I can't help!!!

Well, I hear my ddad getting up so I'll be back later to see what you all have planned for me.

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Re: Chore Bingo Saturday!

Postby DeeClutter » Sat Nov 05, 2011 9:17 am

Good morning. Preparing to leave in very dense fog. Hope Twins doesn't have the same. Praying for safe travel for us both. Hope to ci tonight. DH is loading the car.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Chore Bingo Saturday!

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Nov 05, 2011 9:23 am

One of my friends was praising how great a help her daughter (adult but still at home) is with helping around the house. We were on the phone and my friend was going through a pile of laundry on the floor in front of the dryer. Apparently, 'helping' is dumping the clothes from the dryer on the floor and putting her own wash into the dryer. I mentioned that having a basket there would help. Oh, there is a basket, on top of the dryer. The kid is too lazy to either lift down the basket to put in the clean clothes or lift the clothes up to the basket. Given that the pile of dirty laundry in on the floor in front of the washer and the two appliances are side by side, I don't see this kind of 'help' something to brag about.

It is like my friend I was having coffee with this week. She was on the phone to her teenage son who was still at home having slept in. She told him when she'd pick him up to take him to school, told him to make breakfast and a lunch for himself. She called later to make sure he was on task and finally when we were about to leave to get him. In each call, she reminded him to grab a mac&cheese from the freezer for his lunch.

He gets into the van, she asks if he has his lunch, "no, can I borrow $2?" and she says no. I say, "are you kidding me, I heard your mom tell you 1) she doesn't have any money to bring you breakfast and 2) to bring a lunch, which she said 3 times and you have the nerve to ask for money after getting her to interrupt her day to drive you to school? If you were my kid you'd be out on the sidewalk now, walking to school, with me driving the van behind you to make sure you actually went to school."

And I would have, if it was my kid. Actually, I would have made him walk to school in the first place when he woke up and met him there with a lunch at class break (because that way I'd know for sure he went.) The school is just over a mile away and it was a gorgeous day so there was no excuse for the ride.

Sorry, I'll get off my soap box now. Harriet, keep those standards up. Teens can sink to unbelievable depths of laziness so it is important to set your limits and enforce them.

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Re: Chore Bingo Saturday!

Postby BookSaver » Sat Nov 05, 2011 9:39 am

Good morning, villagers.

It's been 4 days since I was here last, Harriet, so howzabout #4?

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Re: Chore Bingo Saturday!

Postby OKay » Sat Nov 05, 2011 9:53 am

Good Morning!

Love the chore Bingo game to add an extra bit of FUN to the day. :) I'll join in.


These 5 are procrastination things that I have been avoiding for couple days. Things I must do.....but i donawanna

38= completed cards today (so far)

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Re: Chore Bingo Saturday!

Postby BookSaver » Sat Nov 05, 2011 10:08 am

Okay ~ I need to be in The Big City at 5:15 today, so that makes it #5 for you.

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Re: Chore Bingo Saturday!

Postby Lynlee » Sat Nov 05, 2011 10:25 am

waving back to Lilac and Dove. Dove - the hole I fell in yesterday was an emotional one. Anyway - after hours - it seemed of head play on baggage this morning I finally told it all to get out of my bedroom. Breathe - became my new mantra - and I managed some sleep that refreshed before I got on with my day.

picked up for neighbours boy to mow.*he just whippersnipped today) Went to farmers market, healthfood store down the coast. Bought easy eating lunch (yoghurt, banana, water) to eat at the river spot I took Kathryn and Ken. Blue sky and blue river too. then sat on a beach dune to watch the waves for a spell. No dog anxious to be on his way. lol.
Out tonight so I'll be late for bed. just here winding down.

Enjoy bingo with Harriet.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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Re: Chore Bingo Saturday!

Postby BookSaver » Sat Nov 05, 2011 10:45 am

No ch'bingo for me this morning because I forced myself to do essential chores before I allowed myself to post the first time. I knew if I didn't get busy as soon as I got out of bed, I probably wouldn't get the chance later.

Monday & Tuesday were concentrated on work for the sewing group. I worked 2 full days at the library Wednesday & yesterday, and both shifts just dragged on forever.

Although it did make me happy to be there during the toddler story time yesterday morning -- cutest little kids ever!

Luckily I had Thursday off between the long days. Instead of running out to do normal errands, I stayed home and concentrated on desk work and tried to declutter various types of paper into the recycle bin.

Tonight I'm helping at a concert to raise funds for medical bills for a friend who's been battling prostate cancer. This afternoon ... not sure, depends on how DH feels when he gets up. I would like to get the lean-to behind the garage cleared out so the outdoors cats have better shelter this winter. However, my back has been twinging all week and I don't want to make it worse before tonight. I can probably talk DH into going out with me today to look at it and make a plan, so we can start the real work tomorrow.

Did a quick cuop from the past few days. Lots of good stuff happening in the village.

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Re: Chore Bingo Saturday!

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Nov 05, 2011 10:58 am

How fun!!! I have been lacking a little fun in my housework (lol as it hasnt been happening) so fun!

it is always a joy to be here with you!

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