Friday Frolic

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Re: Friday Frolic

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Dec 16, 2011 3:30 pm

Dh and I cleaned the church. This week I used my electric broom on the traffic areas of the sanctuary and put up the hymn numbers. Dh stacked the tables and chairs in the basement and then vacuumed there while I vacuumed the kitchen, Sunday School rooms and back entry. He put up signs with the Christmas service times on the doors while I cleaned the bathrooms.

We still have to turn on the heat for Sunday and the 25th but after that, our turn as custodians is over. With any luck, there will be no snow for this week (none forecast) and we'll be happy to shovel for Christmas Day since it will mean dd gets a white Christmas.

We dropped off the Angel gifts and picked up the mail. Except there's no mail for us because the parcels are stacked up so high she can't sort the mail until the parcels are processed which will take many more hours. So we'll check again tomorrow. Not that we are expecting anything.

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Re: Friday Frolic

Postby Harriet » Fri Dec 16, 2011 4:05 pm

I'm getting resigned to the fact that even though I want to keep this table cleared off all the time, it just doesn't happen consistently.

Dove! Had you not posted that i wouldn't have remembered this song HRH made up for me last night when I was pouting over the state of the house.

To the Archie Campbell tune from Hee Haw , "Pfftt! You was gone."

Where, oh where are our tables tonight?
Why did they leave me here all alone?
I searched the house over and I found a flat surface.
But you wrapped some presents and Pfftt! It was gone.

I am at warp speed. So far so good for arrival at 10 (houseguests tonight) and take-off at 11:30 (to party tomorrow). Gift tower for children at party is geeeeorgeous - loving it. So many plates spinning. Smart things done outdoors before rain just in time.

Hope Ken in Canada is feeling chipper after breezing through hospital.

Encore, blessed, encore!

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Re: Friday Frolic

Postby Nancy » Fri Dec 16, 2011 4:54 pm

Sheets are back on the bed yea for progress.
I've made up the salmon dip h. took that crackers and a plate of cookies to the job site with him.
Dishes are done.
Food log has been updated.
Journal is underway.
Made up the dip and "~p-f-f-t~" it was gone just like that needless to say that recipe is one that won't keep I did write it down however!


Re: Friday Frolic

Postby Indiana » Fri Dec 16, 2011 5:22 pm

Thank you for the birthday greetings.

They warmed my heart.

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Re: Friday Frolic

Postby Elizabeth » Fri Dec 16, 2011 6:55 pm

I have made a long long list for today. I did get two gifts at Cracker Barrel last night, candles, not clever and original. The other person is a guy and there was not much there for him. I think I will get him the new Clancy novel. Don't know if he likes Clancy, but with a gift receipt, he can return it. Tonight I need to clean house, update checkbook, laundry. XDH and I had a major miscommunication on DD's weekend. Straightened out.

Harriet: My entire family is in Alabama, as is most of XDH's family.
Harmony: I am working in water color pencil in my art class. I am considering going to just plain colored pencil.

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Re: Friday Frolic

Postby Lilac » Fri Dec 16, 2011 8:07 pm

Yeah, they didn't turn off the cable. Should have internet until at least Monday am.

Dd2 picked up the boys after school and they came in. Dgs5 managed to throw a H ot W heels type car and dented the wall. Dh said he will fix is once we are done having carpet installed, appliances and furniture delivered while he is painting the stairway. She promptly left with them. Dgd2 has been so good each time they have came to the house. She looked like a doll today. Dd2 had taken the 2 little girls for pictures at S ears. They had on cute dresses, tights and black patent leather shoes.

I am doing bedding so I can go make the bed at the other house. Decided I might as well wash the 2 mattress covers and bedskirt while everything is off. I hope this weekend to get the kitchen moved, my clothes and the essentials. I will worry about the rest as soon as Christmas is over.

Our furniture looks really nice at the new house. It feels like home with our furniture there. They could not get the sofa out of the basement, no way, no how. I guess it will stay and if the new owners don't want it, dh will have to take a chainsaw to it.

We had a 16 yr old big screen TV that we wanted the movers to move to the garage. We weren't taking it. We offered it to one of the movers and he was really excited. I gave him new batteries for the remote and found the instructions.

I better start loading the car. I have a bunch of things to take over to get us through the night.

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Re: Friday Frolic

Postby Lynlee » Fri Dec 16, 2011 8:33 pm

Waving from Saturday.

washing is on the line. Borrowed some dolls from next door to get ideas for clothing for one in a box. lol. headache today. took antihistamine. As close as I get to anti imflamitory.

Woo hoo Lilac at things looking good in new house. yay for tv gone. lol about couch in basement.
I'd be making up rules and consequences for dgks damage. (re thowing things ... even if you institute naughty step or whatever.

OKaygreat pizza. could you cook a smaller base? It might not be exactly round if it doesn't fill the cooking tray. but save on temptation if thats an issue.

Harriet love the table song. I have an ever growing pile on the far end of mine with each hurried clear off. And sewing machine is suddenly on it. Wish me luck.

must keep my day going. I want to sew some doll clothes and borrowed 2 from neighbour( the mum) the daughter was out. Hope it causes no problems for them. Guessing taking a pattern would help for any future times.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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Re: Friday Frolic

Postby Dove » Fri Dec 16, 2011 8:42 pm

Back again with another cup of tea :) .

HAPPY (belated) BIRTHDAY to INDI! Hope you had a wonderful day.

Cute song, Harriet! :mrgreen:

Lilac, I've been thinking of you moving today. It was so nice of you to give the mover your TV.

Good morning, Lynlee :)

Enjoyed reading the discussions about china the other day. We bought an inexpensive set of Christmas china 15? 20? years ago & it looks nice on red chargers with the green tablecloth. Even if it is a pain to schlepp them up & down the attic stairs every year :P . Here's a link to them:

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Re: Friday Frolic

Postby Cowinkie » Fri Dec 16, 2011 10:14 pm

Waving to y'all
Getting ready to settle in. I get to sleep in tomorrow. Yippie!!! I can already smell the coffee.
Elisabeth... If I remember correctly you're from Mobile too. Harriet, I always loved that song. Your verse was snazzy. Thanks for the smile. Nitters ya'll
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Re: Friday Frolic

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Dec 16, 2011 10:42 pm

I had an amazing afternoon productivity wise. After getting the church cleaned I started in on the upstairs. It only takes 15 minutes when I'm firing on all cylinders but I also had to empty out the sea chest at the foot of my bed and vacuum inside and under it. While in the middle of that job, ds called to say he was up for a border run and would be at my place in about 45 minutes.

I finished up both those tasks, vacuumed the main floor and mopped the kitchen floor before he arrived. Dh helped by doing up the dishes and grabbing my passport and US money.

The border run was a success. The parcel was what I wanted and ds got his grocery shopping done plus picked up a parcel and bought a present for a party tomorrow. We had to line up to pay taxes re-entering Canada but that was only about a 10 minute delay.

I called ahead to dh saying we were leaving the US, then again when we had cleared the border completely.

On the highway home we saw cars off to the side twice. The second one was out of gas but he was being filled from a can. Since we had 5 gallons in a can in the back of the car, I asked ds whether he'd stop to help someone from his can of gas and he said he would. When he has time he slows down and rolls down the window to offer help when he sees someone at the side but has always been waved off. It was a passing bit of conversation between listening to new artists from his ipod.

We got to our highway exit at at the top was a car, dead center of the road with flashers on. We rolled beside it and offered help, thinking it was someone who was lost. Turns out the young man had run out of gas!

Ds and I were laughing and ds was trying to explain that we had lots of gas and could help. Then we told him our conversation along the way as ds put gas in the car, and we escorted him to the general store, after phoning ahead to make sure they were open still (it was almost 7.) He offered ds $20 for stopping to help (other cars had rolled past but no-one offered to help) but only had US cash and was apologized about that. Ds only took $10 since we didn't give him very much gas. The young guy was on his way home from college in the US and was so excited about getting home for Christmas (he was just 10 miles from home) that he hadn't noticed his gauge dropping too low.

Ds and I both got that wonderful feeling when you do something nice for someone else. Ds talked about how that felt even better than getting paid for helping all the way from the general store to home and then with his dad as we dished up dinner.

Dinner was wonderful and then we watched some you-tube videos and then worked some more on the car tire purchase. We'll be ordering them from the US and going down again to pick them up. His current tires are all-season and almost new so there is no rush to get the winter tires. They'll be in by the 22nd if we order them this weekend but he is switching to nights on Monday so it will be rough to go get them anytime before the beginning of January.

I have a load of laundry on now and another two baskets lined up for tomorrow.

I still have grocery shopping to do tomorrow but I'll head down to the Market town so there won't be huge crowds and everyone is really friendly. If I get going early enough in the morning, I should have all afternoon to bake and do Christmas cards.

So, aside from the fact that I don't have Christmas shopping done yet, things are going well.

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