Social Saturday

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Re: Social Saturday

Postby helia » Sat Dec 17, 2011 3:18 pm

OK, I'm FINALLY off to the postal place. *phew* I'm hoping I'm correct in thinking that it is open until 3 pm. . .

Good news - and disappointing news here. Ds did not get into the high flying east coast school he applied to. We're wondering what it was - his test scores are almost unreal, his GPA stellar, AP courses strong, etc. -- but we don't know whom he was competing against. BUT he did get into UM Engineering! :) So that is our safety net as he applies so some other high flying universities. :roll: My mommy heart likes the idea of him somewhat closer to home than the east coast next year. . . . . ;)

Off to get those packages out of my hair. Even if they don't go out until Monday, they will be out of my house!

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Re: Social Saturday

Postby sherinjoy » Sat Dec 17, 2011 3:44 pm

Congratulations to Helia's DS on college acceptance. Where is UM Engineering? I used to know all the Engineering college's locations because as the Human Resources Administrator, I recruited for my tech company"s college grad quota each year.

Social Saturday - yep, we have a Holiday open house to attend today between 2-5pm. Fortunately, it is a good friend that lives about 1 mile away, so easy and fun!
We used to have our Open house every year the first Sunday of December, so not to conflict with all the other holiday parties in the month. Always good attendance because people weren't stressed with the rush yet and a fun way to kick off the party season.

Waving hi to all in the village. Off to get ready for the party!

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Re: Social Saturday

Postby helia » Sat Dec 17, 2011 4:04 pm

UMEngineering - University of Michigan Engineering, right here where we live, Ann Arbor, MI. The same UM school where dh works.

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Re: Social Saturday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Dec 17, 2011 4:05 pm

Back from the shopping. Got dh one good thing and one ordinary thing. Was given a good idea where to go for something else so I'll head there on Tuesday after volunteering. Got two ordinary things for ds. Nothing for dd except the juice she wanted me to have on hand and that doesn't count since it won't be going in her stocking.

The stores weren't crowded at all in the Market town. Walmart had a smaller crowd than usual and my items went straight onto the belt. Same at the grocery store. Gas is also 20 cents a gallon cheaper than it has been for a while. Weird. I waited until Walmart to get milk which was a mistake since they had none. That's the second store in 3 days that I've gone to get milk from only to discover they had none. So I stopped in at the general store and picked up the mail and milk. Our mail box was full. It was empty yesterday at 2:30 because she couldn't get to it with all the parcels in the way.

I'm on a 15 minute break and then will start doing some baking.

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Re: Social Saturday

Postby Sunny » Sat Dec 17, 2011 4:35 pm

We are at the moment waiting for our Social Saturday to begin. Dfam#1 usually comes on Saturdays and Dfam#2 on Sundays. A few days ago ds#2 called to ask if we minded them coming on Sat. Well, of course not! The reason....ddil's ddad has a cardiac Dr. apt. on Monday and her dmom wants her to be there with them, so her dmom is coming on Sunday to take ddil and the girls back with her. They will be there until day after Christmas and wanted to see us before they left.

We haven't heard from either family yet, but they all should be here soon.

Congratulations to Helia's ds on the college acceptance!

Ddil#2 is bringing a pot of homemade bean soup for dinner. We made a trip to grocery store this morning to get some stuff for sandwiches to go with soup and we'll have cookies and ice cream for dessert; an easy meal for 12 people! Our grocery store wasn't all that crowded either; only one person ahead of us with just a few items. When we got home from the store I vacuumed the carpets and finished cleaning up the kitchen. All is ready --- bring on the dgkids!

Harmony, I'm glad you had such nice compliments on your dinner party last night. You are a wonderful hostess and work so hard getting things just right!!!!

Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their Saturday!
Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible. --- Francis of Assisi


Re: Social Saturday

Postby Indiana » Sat Dec 17, 2011 8:22 pm

I started to post this morning and kept saying I'll do this first. Finally I don't have any more I'll do this firsts.

Our snow this morning was pretty coming down. We got 1/2 inch - just enough to cover everything and just enough for the roads and sidewalks to clear without help. I take Jake out through the overhead garage door. There are retaining walls set back. The stone are huger limestone blocks. They have the natural splintered sides and tops and bottoms. The top and bottom are a little flatter because they stack. They have also stacked two stones along the driveway and pond. The flat sections are pretty with the snow.

My groceries were delivered. I got enough staples for about 8 - 12 weeks.

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Re: Social Saturday

Postby Nancy » Sat Dec 17, 2011 8:43 pm

Not really feeling very social so we are having a quiet evening at home. H. is better but still on the mend a bit. Granny duty was fun & went by fast. Dgd had a blast. Done by noon so I went on a long walk after lunch. Lovely 8-) 49* weather was a treat for me to walk in.

I have the tuna ready to go in the oven.
I've cleaned the sinks.
Spiffed the counters after cookie baking adventures this morning.

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Re: Social Saturday

Postby OKay » Sat Dec 17, 2011 10:05 pm

***Plopping into chair and putting feet up***

Today has been spent on the run going here and there. Delivered a meal to and had a good visit with DBro#1 and wife. They are doing as well as can be under the circumstances. Stopped by DParents and visited with them. I did some shopping for them and will take their items to them tomorrow (I ran out of time & energy today). The stores were PACKED!! I had my "buy list" organized so it only took me 22 minutes to fill my cart at Sams but then I stood in the loooonnnggg line for 21 minutes to pay for it. WM isles were so crowded that I kept having to back up and find another path to get to where I needed to go. After 1.5 hours of that nonsense I just paid for what I had found and called it quits. How anyone enjoys shopping is beyond my comprehension! ;)

This week DSon told me about 3 times daily how much he appreciated me helping them with the kids. Today he called me just to thank me again for helping them. WOW! He has really made me feel appreciated. :)

Time for LO bath & bed.

Sweet Dreams to all

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Re: Social Saturday

Postby Lynlee » Sun Dec 18, 2011 1:05 am

church this morning. looked in 2 stores. Bought nothing. Found out what is needed to order trampoline springs for dgks.... maybe later.
Just realised 2 extra guys at christmas I need find something simple. lol. It may be a pen or/and notebook .
just had a thought of something else.

coolish today. just 29c - 84f in here. Leaving 2 fans on 24/7 seems to help this year. And also the simple fact it just isn't as consistantly hot way over 100f.

Talked to dsil and dd.
dgd's arm is healing well. She hasn't been able to ride her new bike picked up early for christmas.
I decided to go down christmas eve. I'm not sure to stay one or two night. Depends on how I sleep etc when I leave. lol ... booked a firmer mattress. Just looked up mass times. Not sure if I get there. May do boxing day i/l at the cathedral in city. dd leaves early that day but I could still go to a service that day. Or there are other churches not far from her place if I can get away .... will see. Not sure about getting back from city after midnight mass though. another church has carols at 6.30 & mass at 7sat night. maybe. depends if it fits in w dd's family. Wrote down a heap of service times places anyway.
Just begin.
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Look for the good in all.

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