FINAL FRIDAY (of 2011!)

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FINAL FRIDAY (of 2011!)

Postby DeeClutter » Fri Dec 30, 2011 9:45 am

How did we get to this point so fast????

Know -I've been MIA. Was having trouble with the internet and THEN my laptop battery died. Finally have a new one and the problems I was having with my computer being so slow seem to have gone away. So, probably the battery has been a problem for a while.

Have to go pick up dd in town in a few minutes so only have time for a quick post. Missed wishing all of you a Merry Christmas and/or Happy Hannukah so here I am -LATE, but the wishes are the same!

Hope to get back here later and cuop and begin posting again!
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Re: FINAL FRIDAY (of 2011!)

Postby Lilac » Fri Dec 30, 2011 10:05 am

Dee, I was so glad to see you open. I had been missing you and was hoping nothing was wrong.

Last night I messed with money matters all evening. My checkbook reconciled to the penny. I keep a list of numerous "funds" as I call them. I add my cash and checking account figures together. Then if all is well, the funds add up to the same amount. Last night I kept coming up long, which is better than short but I want them to match. I finally went to bed. Between bedtime and the time I woke up, I already knew of one error. I fixed it and found 2 more. With those figures, I then came up $10.00 short. I subtracted that amount from a fund and made a note of it. Then if I come up long the next time, I know where to adjust it. This crazy system works for me but no one but me could understand it. Dh always asks what he is supposed to do if something happens to me. The answer is pay the utilities and credit card bills as they come in. Now that we have a house payment again, it will automatically be taken from the checking acct. As for the "funds" when I am no longer here, the money is his to do with as he sees fit.

I need to buy groceries today and run errands. The rest of the day will be spent moving. If I don't have everything moved by Sunday, I plan to pack everything that is left up and then move it and stack it up in an extra bedroom. I noticed yesterday that the other house is starting to smell like an empty house. I put some deodorizers out to tone that musty smell. I am leaving all the things on the wall until it sells. Otherwise it will look totally blah.

Yikes, just noticed the time. I need to eat, do meds, shower, make list, get in gear and and and and..........

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Re: FINAL FRIDAY (of 2011!)

Postby DeeClutter » Fri Dec 30, 2011 10:07 am

I should have called someone on my 'SHE' list and told them I was having puter trouble, Lilac. Time just simply got away from me. :oops: :oops:
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Re: FINAL FRIDAY (of 2011!)

Postby DeeClutter » Fri Dec 30, 2011 10:12 am

DD, DGD13 and I went to Disney about 7:30pm on Wednesday. I bit the bullet and bought an Annual Pass (ouch). But will probably use it several times with dd this season and through next December. We had a wonderful evening -it was nippy but we were dressed warmly. Stayed about 4 hours and came back home -that part is nice. Didn't have to wait for any attraction we wanted to see. Guess they had closed the park earlier (meaning they wouldn't let any more people in because they were at capacity. By the time we went though, 1000's had left or were leaving.) Parking for Disney is now at $14, but free with an annual pass. They're only 40 minutes from dd's house so quite doable!

Off I go to pick up dd and take her to choir practice. BBL
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Re: FINAL FRIDAY (of 2011!)

Postby cathyy » Fri Dec 30, 2011 10:26 am

Is it Conga Friday yet? Because I can't conga until I've had a couple more cups of coffee.

I was up very early for me, and don't have too busy a day planned. Smooth sailing expected here! Today is change the bedding day, and I ought to dust. And work on getting my computer the way I like it - installing apps and stuff, transferring data, etc.

I may bake some wheat free (safe for celiac sufferers) buckwheat apple coconut cookies. I'll use 1/2 tsp xanthan gum instead of the gluten the recipe calls for. I adapted it from a recipe that used xanthan gum in the first place, so I know it will work.


Re: FINAL FRIDAY (of 2011!)

Postby Indiana » Fri Dec 30, 2011 11:13 am

Good morning.

I'm glad you checked in Dee. You were the next person to check on.

The year has just disappeared.

My suite was cleaned yesterday and anything that needed to be done for the next few days. Now I can sit with my legs up so the swelling will go down. My pulmonologist didn't read my chart. He prescribed two once a day inhalers for my asthma. Asthma isn't why i went to ER. I haven't had a problem with asthma for years. He prescribed something I didn't need that each have a sided effect for retainer fluids. It finally caught up with me once the levels got to a certain point in my body. My legs from my toes to my waist blew up within 2 days,

Because it was so much and so fast my legs cracked and I have cellulitis in both legs. So I immediately stopped the new meds and I'm changing pulmonologists.

I feel good except for my legs.

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Re: FINAL FRIDAY (of 2011!)

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Dec 30, 2011 11:32 am

Sorry your legs are acting up, Indiana.

I'm up and moving but my brain is still a fog.

I've s2s, had my breakfast, tidied my room, cleaned up the dish drainer (but there's a load of dishes to wash from breakfast), picked up dd at the car rental place, and picked up some of the groceries we need (forgot my list for a second day do didn't get everthing.)

Groceries are stuffed into the fridge.

Dh is slow moving today, just having breakfast now. He was out of bed at 7:15 but took forever with his exercises and shower.

I'm having dd start the laundry today instead of tonight (she got home too late last night to do it) because we might be out at a movie tonight.

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Re: FINAL FRIDAY (of 2011!)

Postby bittersweet » Fri Dec 30, 2011 11:34 am

I'd be changing pulmonologists, too, Indiana!!

Must......get......moving!!!!!!! I didn't sleep well last night, and can't have a nap till at least later this morning, as I have to take DD to the doctor's. Since I need to leave here in about an hour to pick her up, I want to get a few things done around here first.

- meds for kittens and me (Jiggs is now on FOUR different meds twice a day :shock: )
- downstairs litter boxes
- start a load of laundry
- bring up clean laundry
- upstairs litter boxes
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Re: FINAL FRIDAY (of 2011!)

Postby Harmony » Fri Dec 30, 2011 12:07 pm

Morning everyone!
Dee, I'm glad you checked in, I was wondering. Disney has gotten really really expensive. My DD2 can no longer take her kids to any of the theme parks. It was nice for a while she worked for one of the hotels part time at night and used to get free tickets, but no longer.

Kathyy, good luck with your computer.
Indiana, so sorry you're having troubles with your legs, and yes a new pulmonologist is in order, but I would tell his office why in case that would cause him to be more careful in the future.
Kathryn, hope the brain fog clears up, like real fog does during the day!
bittersweet, will Jiggs be ok?

I am working on a file again. I have sent a fax and have emailed a company, all things our subcontractor should have done himself. I got tired of waiting for them.

It doesn't appear anybody is working today. DH discovered a couple things to do before getting them out on the job. I may work on payroll today. I'm nervous cause I have to change my tax paying account online. This switching banks is kinda complicated.

And thinking about banks, Lilac, my one account sounds just like yours. I have checking and 2 savings account merged into one account, and like you I add up all the totals to see what the grand total is and hold my breath it reconciles. I don't know how you do it, but I made an excel spreadsheet to use as my register, I have checking on one side and savings on the other. I'm concerned if I just put it all together I will get the feeling there is a lot of money to spend and expenses will creep up.

Soon I will be adding another bank to this account and will try to keep the rental house separated also. I'm debating how to expand the register to accommodate that. DH is confused about it all. I'm sure if I'm no longer here, he'll just throw it all together and maybe it will dwindle away...

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Re: FINAL FRIDAY (of 2011!)

Postby atlanticflyer » Fri Dec 30, 2011 12:17 pm

harmony i have neverr taken my kids to a theme park, too pricey

dee you are fortunate to live close to disney!

bitter sweet is Dd okay?

kathryn the menfolk in my family take three times as long to get ready in the morning then I do

Indiana i am on pulmocourt to heal my lungs but it doesn't seem to be working, my breathing is actually getting worse

cathyy i find myself looking mor and more at gluten free recipes, I have friends who are gluten free.

lilac that is a complicated system, with me, money comes in, money goes out.

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