Jan. Cards 2012

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Re: Jan. Cards 2012

Postby Nancy » Tue Jan 17, 2012 12:47 pm

Tues. Trash Day Card is up here; h. took the trash after I dumped some of it, and last night he tossed the rest getting another bag in as well this morning and it's out to the curb now.
Vacuum Down Stairs card is up today.
Laundry also and that's a down stairs activity.
I have a main meal plan. Yea! for soup in cold weather.

I need to prep. a very large squash for the freezer that's seen it's better days.
No granny duty this morning dgd has pre-school.
I need to clear a room so I can take up carpeting before defrosting the deep freezer.

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Re: Jan. Cards 2012

Postby Harriet » Wed Jan 18, 2012 3:43 pm

lucylee, I think of Weeklies as the things I need to do regularly and Focus as getting to the things I seldom can. (Also a couple of the Weeklies are responsibilities instead of spaces.) So Focus and Weeklies don't overlap as much as you'd think. Still, it has occurred to me that on a room's Focus week, maybe it wouldn't need as much time from the Weeklies schedule. I'm still thinking about that. When it's bathrooms Focus, I wouldn't want to waste Focus time cleaning the toilets, for instance, because that has to be done more often than I'll get to it on the Focus schedule. I would "Focus" on the things that haven't been done in a long time, like washing the shower curtains and vacuuming into the rear of the vanity cabinets.

You see, I have a really good handle on this intellectually. So there's a lot of frustration for me that I don't really have a physical handle on it yet. Interruptions are getting to the point they are just not funny anymore. And because I have to be quiet so much of the day, or sometimes make myself scarce, there's also some frustration about the front part of the house. I also seem to have a problem with "settling" back into routine after upset/putting out fires. I tend to get the mindset that I deserve a break then, or comfort food, or time to lick my wounds or something!

Anyway, this is what I posted about schedules in PWYC recently. Take it with a grain of salt.

So, thinking day by day - Dailies total 2 hours. Declutter must be 15 minutes minimum daily. Focus is always a mystery, but I certainly want to give the 15 daily to it, too (totaling only an hour and 45 of Focus for each area, each round - that may be a low estimate, but I'll go with it for now). If the 1.5 hours could be my average for Weeklies, then that's 4 hours a day, and the remaining can be for "people things". (Errand Day, even if I can swing one, will not fit this time limit - it's a wild card. And work with dstepdil on the other house isn't even a part of the brainstorming yet.)

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Re: Jan. Cards 2012

Postby Nancy » Wed Jan 18, 2012 4:40 pm

Snow day! This card is up again, roads are closed, schools are closed or leaving early with near record snow fall that's what we are doing and the focus of the day here is staying warm and safe. I'm grateful for soup in the cupboard.

Did the weekly stuff for the most part yesterday.
Laundry is current as well yea!

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Re: Jan. Cards 2012

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Jan 19, 2012 4:40 pm

hi ladies. I like it dharriet.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Jan. Cards 2012

Postby Nancy » Thu Jan 19, 2012 5:45 pm

Feelin' puny today not much done here.
Shoveled snow 20 min. ex. card done!
Nap fighting the sniffles must have needed the extra rest.
I did manage to get to the make the bed card and fixed lunch.

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Re: Jan. Cards 2012

Postby lucylee » Fri Jan 20, 2012 12:55 am

Good points, Harriet. I am enjoying watching your planning and thinking how I need to follow suit and get my act together.
Still... so hard, even though we do not have in-home elder care issues.

Recently, for example, this has been the PODA (not counting the M-F 7:30-3:30+ time at school):
Saturday -- college basketball
Sunday -- church, 2-hour afternoon church meeting
Monday -- Wmart, drug store (twice, b/c doctor had not called in rx)
Tuesday -- went to nursing home while ds & friends entertained
Wednesday -- went out to eat w/dh, ds, ddil
Thursday -- drug store, bank, supper @ dinlaws
Friday -- fund-raiser supper
Saturday -- college basketball
Sunday -- church, probably out of town church w/ds & ddil
Monday -- Wmart
Tuesday -- haircut

Now honestly. After spending an hour or so at the bare minimum on these happenings, plus an hour or so on school work, there is just not much time left in my evening to worry about a few dust bunnies or spots on the bathroom floor. I don't like it, I wish my house was perfect all the time, I feel bad that I'm not doing more... but our house looks neat & tidy, generally speaking, all the time. I apparently am the only one who even cares if there are dust bunnies or the toilets need cleaning. So... I will continue to HAVE a plan... but I think I need to try to be a little easier on myself until I retire.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Jan. Cards 2012

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Jan 20, 2012 10:59 am

sorry you a feeling a little sick dnancy please feel better.

boy I wish I could join the daily pwyc too. I just never know when I will be back.

today: goal day for weeklies. my week has definitely been up in the air - school lol homework

I have my weeklies pulled and I will see what I CAN get done. always positive!!! even one thing is a blessing!
tons of homework
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Jan. Cards 2012

Postby helia » Fri Jan 20, 2012 1:23 pm

I've been perusing flylady and thinking about redoing my P&P cards, trying to figure out what would work best to get me back on track with regular housecleaning, considering the erratic and sometimes spontaneous nature of my schedule. I have a lot of different irons in the fire, with family responsibilities, keeping up with the activities of 3 kids (it is very helpful that ds can drive himself as he has the most activities in his schedule! But I still go to his performances, etc.), my Hebrew class, my church involvement, my church leadership responsibilities (mainly the moms group and keeping 2 small groups on track, occasionally leading and/or hosting for both small groups), our social life - we host 2 standing dinner dates at our home every week. Actually, I like the variety in my life a lot! I just want to do better with keeping up with housekeeping things. I feel I have a lull in my schedule for the next couple months. I'm not teaching at moms group again until March, and I am far enough ahead in our Hebrew translation that I need to stop forging ahead and review what I've already done, so I want to use this time to get some good habits going before my schedule ramps up again, as it will in March and April.

Anyhow, this thread might be more helpful to me. I can get distracted and off topic in PWYC. But, how does this thread work? Do we share which cards we're doing each day? I like the focus thread too. Kids' bathroom needs some help.

It would be nice to get to some weeklies today, but first I need to finish the basics: exercise, devo. time and the groc. store (a bi-weekly card for me).

I agree, blessed, I often tell myself that any weekly that gets done is movement in the right direction! Progress not perfection!! :)

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Re: Jan. Cards 2012

Postby Nancy » Fri Jan 20, 2012 2:01 pm

Another sick day here for me I have the sniffles.

When my mom worked at the school she had set Sat. mornings for cleaning B.W.P. stuff.

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Re: Jan. Cards 2012

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Jan 20, 2012 6:23 pm

hi dear helia. I love the pwyc. I am not sure how well this thread works for me but I enjoy all the ladies so much on pwyc and I want to respond to everyone. I feel so rude not chatting. My schedule is crazy and I just need to post what I am doing and I can't alway get back. I know that sounds terrible but life is so busy. (also I can get soooo distracted)

so lovely to see you.

My weeklies done: appliance fronts, counters behind too, toss refrigerator run, laundry mine 1, other 1 done, home work list done, microwave clean, straighten in dining room. we have a small wall in basement that is painted in chalkboard paint we used to use for kids and I list my focus of the week which I am trying to stick too and all my homework due for the week and future things for homework I need to think of.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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