June, 2012 Declutter Strategists

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June, 2012 Declutter Strategists

Postby Harriet » Thu May 31, 2012 11:33 pm

Here's a STRATEGY brain teaser! :idea:

On the first day of June, 2012, a bright and helpful professional organizer mistakes your house for her new client's while you are away. Believing she is invited, she tours your home and makes all her notes on a clipboard before you get back to inform her ... ... she's at the wrong place! :oops: Embarrassed, she insists you take her gift of the clipboard, with its advice and order of priorities made just for you, then rushes off in search of the right house.

Now, envision that you hold in your hand the impressions and strategy of this helpful person as she took a good look at your home. Go ahead - take a peek. What changes did she advise? What did she want to work on with you? In what order did she want to start working?

While you mentally flip through the pages on that clipboard, if you're surprised to find you have a pretty good idea what's there... ...here's something to remember. You are the true expert on your home, and on that subject there is really no one as knowledgeable as you are! Here's a new month ahead with plenty of opportunity for creating order. How will you use the month of June to clear and organize your surroundings?

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Re: June, 2012 Declutter Strategists

Postby Nancy » Fri Jun 01, 2012 10:12 am

I see piles around the house starting to grow.
One in the room where this p/c is.
I put away my winter p.j. bottoms with snow flakes so that's progress.
Mags. went out the door yea for progress.
Carport is looking clutter-y so it needs attn. as I'm using stuff need to remember to put it away.
Did the book shelf and it looks better now yea!

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Re: June, 2012 Declutter Strategists

Postby Harmony » Fri Jun 01, 2012 3:48 pm

Matching top and skirt is in donation bag in the car. I've kept that thing for probably 7 or 8 years because I was attached to the idea of the "giver" who went to the trouble to find it for me. Very outside the norm, and meant a lot. However, it is a pencil slinky skirt and top in very wrong size, I'll never ever fit into it though I surely tried...and mad about something else I was able to give it up. This one was a biggey for me.

Magazine subscription card came and I wrote a cancellation on it and sent it back. I'd been paying for mine and DD1's together for years, then I told her I was going to quit mine and they sent to her and she started paying for it. Currently there is a stack of unread magazines here. I don't think I'll miss them. I told them to do hers singularly and take mine off.

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Re: June, 2012 Declutter Strategists

Postby Harriet » Thu Jun 07, 2012 9:31 am

I'm a little dismayed at myself that it is taking so much time to prepare the area of the bedroom for the new tv, which is still in the box, and space for exercise facing it. :oops: The things that are there, on the dresser and along that wall that will face the tv, have really already been gone through and pared down several times. Nothing is to be thrown away, but nothing has a clear place. While HRH is away today I'm going to buckle down and really try to make a difference.

Note to self - all homes without garages need easy access to attic storage, or walk-in closets for every room! :roll:

Thinking of the organizer's clipboard, I know she would say my kitchen needs a declutter of all the cabinets again so that counters are clearer. The same for the master bathroom. If she attempted entry into dd13's room now at the end of the school year, she would have an entire page of notes. :roll: But let's assume that's seasonal! :)

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Re: June, 2012 Declutter Strategists

Postby Harriet » Sun Jun 10, 2012 9:39 pm

HRH took over the project in our bedroom and things are stored, tv is in place with a DVD player repurposed from his upstairs area, an upholstered chair/ottoman from upstairs is now in the corner of the bedroom still leaving enough room for exercise right in front of the tv. The remaining problem is that the Emerson tv came with a Magnovox remote packaged inside and it doesn't work, of course. HRH called and it turns out an entire day's shipment went out that way - the same factory produces both brand names. So we will be waiting a couple days for the correct remote to arrive.

Decluttered a large closet at my parents' home. 2 tall kitchen trash bags to the garbage and one to donation. Very little saved, but 2 sweaters which were recent gifts will be perfect to go with some of dd's dresses for church - she wore one today. Am letting go of the down pillows in ticking my grandmother made. My mother never could do it, but they no longer make sense. They are not fine sewing, neither does anyone want to dissect them to reminisce about how farm fowl's down used to be saved to finally have enough for pillows.

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Re: June, 2012 Declutter Strategists

Postby Harriet » Sun Jun 24, 2012 7:48 pm

Kitchen counter and recipe book cart decluttered. Dd13 said, "Oh, I'm so glad you cleared this off." when she carried in the groceries. Found a $2.00 coupon for my ddad's Ensure that I can certainly use.

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Re: June, 2012 Declutter Strategists

Postby Nancy » Mon Jun 25, 2012 11:38 am

I had some videos in the car to donate so dropped them off last night when we were out and about down town. Trash to the curb with a bag in it no longer cluttering the carport yea for progress that's gone now yippie!
Last edited by Nancy on Tue Jun 26, 2012 2:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: June, 2012 Declutter Strategists

Postby ellyphant » Tue Jun 26, 2012 2:08 pm

Dropped off a load of cardboard for recycling here. Glad to get that out of the car trunk. Also dropped large box of "miscellaneous" left by our sellers at Goodwill. Had discovered this box over the weekend in basement. Love throwing things out...DH says he may end up at the curb one day. :roll:
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